I felt it was time to draw a new picture of tannim. I like how it came out. There is a wingless version too that I like but I'll only post the winged version for now. You're free to request the wingless if you really want it I suppose.
This was before I started doing real story descriptions so it only has a story stub rather than an actual story description.
Tannim squatted on his new perch. It seemed weird, but it was a fun position to read in, he'd discovered. His legs got a good workout holding his position and his tail and wings helped keep his balance. That left his arms and eyes free to read.
'So many books, so little time' He thought to himself while flipping the page. His small glasses stayed on easily despite the lack of any visible means of support. He was proud of that fact. The only problem was the occasional crick in his neck... but by the time that happened, he figured he was done reading anyway for a while.
14 years, 3 months ago
28 Nov 2010 09:07 CET
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