From the original Miraheze file page: "This is the first image on this wiki uploaded through this contributor's brand-new Dell Inspiron 3511."
From the FTA in question itself: "[She] looks charming, cute, and adorable as ever!"
I've said it once before, and I'll say it again today: Subreddit after subreddit is going private during June 12-14 (or hopefully a while longer) in protest of the outlet's new API restrictions, which means you may not be seeing me that much there until everything subsides. In contrast, everything on the Constant Noble site is free to use and share in perpetuity--at no cost--subject to a few rights restrictions (especially concerning highlights from the OED) and content disclaimers in some spots. (Runs on MediaWiki, whose API--and search engine [barebones or not]--has always been free since development.)
And everyone else wonders why Troadal--a DRM-free movie/TV/online-clip/music streamer (and socially enhanced wiki farm) in the Rogatia/Sevton mythos--is leading the way by leaps and bounds...
If you want to see more of Sam and Alfred's girlfriend, you won't find them outside FA and IB--and for good reason. Things are about to get kinkier and kinkier to the point where our first pool, "Feechie", has to suffice--and you'll know why once we get there.
Originally submitted via GDrive on November 28, 2022 (12:36 p.m. EST).
This work is dedicated to the Public Domain (by kind permission of the original artist). Also CC0 and Kopimi. (This also extends to any comments received below unless otherwise noted.)
As this site has no CC licence chooser whatsoever (there's a reason why Miraheze already has the advantage in that regard), please take the above rights declaration for granted. Please attribute authorship to the original artist, though.