Current hypothesis: Snowflake is Kindling, but after changing out a lot of things over the years Lots happened in the Snowflake to Kindling line just like Puppy i feel. There's a lot of things going on with Kindling, and the rare chances I got to ask him some things I got really really strange answers that led me down the trail of Snowflake. Mostly Hypothesis, but lines up the most. Especially since Kindling "took" the character design he is now.
Snowflake is the second "very strange character" I had made a year after Blizzard. They were a very Supportive and Shy type of role (Lining up closely to Kindling). Interacted most with Blizzard and Bones. I don't have the old art of Snowflake, because a lot of their art was on school papers. Who on earth keeps their tests and spelling homework? I just have to rely on what I can remember for Snowflake.
So far I only know of the five of us, including myself. It seeeems like it's just the five. It's really hard to tell because one in particular is what one would call an absolute trickster. And I am sort of unsure about Blizzard or if he's not there anymore. I haven't found anyone like blizzard yet and "the pokemon test" I made for myself to locate the current ones came back with nothing so far i think....? I'm pretty sure Some are def not here anymore.
My pokemon test is a per-gen Fav Pokemon List HERE, and the ones I found answered them without me doing or Thinking anything. Some before I saw the pokemon myself even. But, it wouldn't work for one who's "sleeping" (Kindling does this a lot) or Hiding (Kindling also does this, too). I have to think Blizzards not here unless proven otherwise by them themself.
So far I only know of the five of us, including myself. It seeeems like it's just the five. It's re
XD Yeah. I have to play 20 questions with him because he changes his voice until I figure it out. He's the reason I found out they all actually existed because he pretended to be me for roughly an hour in the middle of the day. a Whole hour I don't remember that my brother told me all the things that Happened and i was just @o@ wtf. It was about a cruel April Fools plan being thought up. My Therapist had me journaling the last 6 months and I had a gap that day at the time all this happened. The last two months have been interesting since.
he thinks its Hilarious
XD Yeah. I have to play 20 questions with him because he changes his voice until I figure it out. H
I IS hilarious in a way ^^ But maybe not helpful for sure XD Still hope you are having fun in the process. That sound like a nice trip to discover yourself, literally ^^
I IS hilarious in a way ^^ But maybe not helpful for sure XD Still hope you are having fu