A week on, another thirteenth birthday - this time for thekzx's twins, Izzy and Tay McIntosh. So, now these two have hit their teenage years, what next I wonder?
I did start another pic for this one, but it would have ended up much darker than this one - it was a similar theme, but in a completely different location and with different overtones... maybe I might still scribble it down at some point, but not on such a celebratory occasion!
Artist's notes: Yes, I know Izzy's arm isn't right. Yes, I know that Tay's paws aren't either. I couldn't quite get her arm to work in the pose, really need to work on that sort of thing. And I still can't draw paws/hands properly, no matter how much I do work on that sort of thing.
And it's not a lazy coincidence that Izzy's badge is the same as Ellie's. It was a proper deliberate artistic decision.