Came up with the idea for this late one night. Was just free drawing and liked the shape of the head. Rest of the body followed from there. ^^ As always with new aliens you get a Codex entry and inf n the individual.
The Chirell are reptilian species native to the planet Chirollia. Chirolia has only 50% ocean coverage with the land mass of the planet congested into a mega-continent called Pankleea. Most of the continent is a desert with oasis dotting the land there and there. The Southernmost part of the continent does however give way to fertile grassland and tropical jungle. The continent has very little in the way of surface water and the Therka mountain range prevents much moisture from flowing past them. However there are vast networks of subterranean rivers and lakes which flow beneath the desert's surface. The Chirell themselves originated in the mountains to the far north. They are skilled mountain climbers and supremely adapted to survive the harsh conditions of the desert itself. In their prehistory they migrated from oasis to oasis across the desert. Intelligence is keenly valued among the Chirell as an attribute which allowed their ancestors to survive in a harsh land against the elements and predators. Their ingenuity eventually saw massive stone cities rise in the desert lands over major underground rivers which they tapped or near Oasis. Today these cities are gleaming structures of metallic alloy and photovoltaic glass. The barren lands of their world have yielded them vast mineral resources which have gone into constructing some of the finest ships in the galaxy. Culturally they place a great value on intelligence the community. They are open to new things among themselves but value some of their traditions. For example. While today with modern technology conventional toilet facilities could be maintained the Chirell still opt for an absorbent undergarment which would waste less water. Modern day Chirell undergarments for example will easily biodegrade. Their dress code is also quite lax. Typically Chirell clothing is very open and flowing to allow air to pass. Chirell also however have an air of superiority over other species. Seeing themselves the superiors for not only surviving their hostile world but thriving whee others would surely die.
Razz is a young male Chirell living in on of his people's oldest cities. Delnat. The city is a mix of modern buildings stone structures some of which date back to the city's founding. Razz often walks the paths in the park admiring the ancient statues dotting the place here and there. Today sees him walking about face buried in his multi-tool. He was a bright lad who'd be off to university in a few years. He had a keen mind for AI technology and robotics. Razz was dressed like many boys his age on a day like today. With the temperature soaring he wore only a diaper beneath a fashionable diaper cover. Eventually he looked up from his tool and back as he seeing a classmate who'd called his name. He smiled and waved as his friend caught up with him. The two boys continued walking down the path and talking. It was just another day for Razz.
Well hope you guys liked the pic and the lil story. ^^
12 years, 5 months ago
24 Sep 2012 01:01 CEST
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