The one aspect of Taylor I don't think I've adequately showcased in her books yet is her intelligence. There's sparks of it in book 3 and more as I'm writing book 4, but I am trying to find more opportunities to show, rather than tell that she is a brilliant gal. She picked up music quickly from her brother, Max, and picked up her thirst for more knowledge and research from her other brother, Steven. In book 3, although under duress, she swiftly adapts to a new culture, learns enough of the language to be crudely good for simple conversations and absorbs a lot of history and cultural mannerisms in a short amount of time (literal days). She also picks up how to fight from Natalia and be tech-savvy from Liam on a wide variety of technological gadgets and tools. Taylor is simply a sponge that takes in all the knowledge thrown at her and runs with it and learns on the fly. Ahya is also pretty quick to pick up on things as well. This is a facet of their characters I hope to have shine the further we get into the series. She is more than just a pretty face and body, she's got the smarts too!