I swore I would find you. 7 years ago to this day is when I swore to you I would do what it took to reach you. I destroyed my life for this endeavor, and I shall not forget that effort's failed legacy. Long distance relationships... If I ever had the chance. If I ever met someone even more perfect than the boyfriend I have now. If I were to be alone again and he still stood there, like a star in the night sky... I no longer hold the will to build the rocket ship to find him... So all I can do, is watch him from my telescope...
This commission was over 6 years in the making. Conceived upon the realization that my life had fallen apart because I tried so hard, too hard, to get to the relationship I had over a thousand miles away. I have finally attained it with my eternal gratitude to Kurowos over on Twitter
As the stars shine light from years in the past, this experience shall do the same in my mind. It has shaped my present and will continue to influence my future. It is but one star in my head shining light from the past, as there is an entire sky of past lights shining into my future. Just one star... oh how much you have done both for and to me. ...I wish myself to be that star. To have full and unbridled control of my life and future. Perhaps someday, that I shall.