His people are descended from the flying dogs that live along the Nile
They wing it in the sky far above the river's crocodile
How far they must have come to reach this distant isle.
He desires to protect all of that which lives
He feeds upon fruit and what the flower gives
He holds in high regard every being that is alive
Sometimes he forgets other species need meat to survive
He battles to save creatures from control of the cyborg hive
For freedom of all sapient life is his major drive
He guides himself with clicking and a keen sense of hearing
His natural skills make this a quest he is capable of clearing
Even in the darkest caves he has little issue steering
Still he is just a pup yet already a master at flight
Flapping in the daylight though more comfortable at night
For such a small bat he comes at his foes fast
Fueled by the hope for a better world and to make it last
Following traditions of liberty rooted in his people's past
For he is the one that they call Blast.