Chapter IV
It's Our Party
(Later In The Night, In Warfang’s City Hall.)
It was nighttime for the city of Warfang, the darkened skies were clear of clouds as the stars above shined brightly all over the sky tonight. Down below in the city most building lights inside and outside were all off as most citizens were either sleeping in their beds or talking quietly amongst themselves in the kitchens or living rooms, but in the center of the city though was a slightly different story. There standing in the center of the city was Warfang’s city hall all lite up like a Christmas tree on Christmas day as you could hear music and the talking from within the building. The hall was your traditional building, the shape of it was built in the style of a square, it had Warfang’s tacky gold coloring, there were crystal windows around the building, it had a dome shaped roof with greyish colors, and had four entrances. One in the front, the back, the left side, and finally the right side of the hall, but inside the hall was a party going on and one that the Guardians were loving right now.
Inside the hall right now, many Guardian dragons were partying with each other on the dance floor, some were sitting off to sides and sitting down and talking with friends and families or other Guardians who they haven’t seen in many years, others were at the food tables that were provided by the moles and taking the with them to their tables, while others were standing in line or talking off to the sides at the bar that was giving out alcohol to the Guardians tonight.
However, for Terrador and Volteer tonight though, they were standing side by side by the main entrance of the hall and were watching the party going on tonight and the other Guardians within the hall. Their tails swayed behind them as their large wings twitched here and there, but for the electricity dragon he was holding a dragon sized glass in his left paw that was filled with alcohol in it. Volteer brought the glass to his muzzle and took a small sip of his drink as the alcohol ran down his throat and deep into his warm belly as the liquor sent a warm throughout the yellow drake’s body and throat as he brought his drink down to his chest area and then looked around the hall once more making sure nobody, or anyone was causing trouble tonight. Terrador looked at his mate and saw him watching the other Guardians doing their own thing tonight, Volteer felt eyes watching him and he turned his right and saw his mate Terrador looking at him and was smiling at him which caused the electricity dragon to give his mate a odd look.
“What are you smiling about, Terry?” Volteer asked rather oddly.
Terrador chuckled, “Oh nothing, Volts. I’m just surprised your drinking your liquor rather slowly tonight.”
Volteer shook his head and huffed at his mate’s words, “That’s because Cyril made it loud and clear tonight, that I and you are to watch and host this party for the other Guardians tonight. He also said I could have a couple of drinks tonight, but no more.”
Terrador nodded, “And that drink in your left paw is you’re what… second drink? Yes.”
Volteer shook his head once more as he gave his mate an annoyed glare of the eyes, “It’s still my first drink, smartass.”
“Oh, is it thunder butt. Then I’ll take my words back than.”
Volteer nodded back rather smugly this time, “You’d better, dumbass.”
The two dragons looked back at the party scene once more and found that every Guardian was still doing okay and weren’t doing anything bad other then just partying, talking, dancing, eating, and just getting plain drunk right now. Volteer broke the silence between them which caused the earth dragon to look back at his mate this time.
“Speaking of Cyril. Where are Cyril and Ignitus anyway? I haven’t seen them since the end of the meeting.”
“Oh, Cyril told me that he and Ignitus were going out for some supper together in the city and then after that they were going to turn in early after such a busy and tiringly day. Can’t say I blame them, they themselves were helping out the Guardians with the scrolls and what not.” Terrador said honestly to his mate.
Volteer nodded, “So, that’s why they left us to watch and host this party tonight. I thought they’d be doing something else differently tonight.”
“Pretty much, Volts. Why? Your thinking Cyril and Ignitus are doing something else in entirely in bed.” Terrador said and asked towards the end.
Volteer shook his head, “I-I… I wasn’t implying anything of that sort at all.”
Terrador grinned, “But you were thinking it though right, Volts?”
Volteer gave his mate an annoyed glare as a growl escaped from his throat, “Why are you being such an asshole tonight, Terry.”
Terrador grinned even more, “Because it’s part of my charm, thunder butt.”
Volteer huffed, “Charming no, being an asshole. Yes.”
Volteer went to take a drink from his glass as Terrador continued talking, “Judging from your voice tonight, something tells me you saw Cyril and Ignitus doing something, right Volts?”
Volteer had finished his small drink before sending his mate a glare of the eyes for a quick second before turning to look at the other Guardians in the party, “I’d rather not talk about it if it’s all the same to you, Terrador.”
Terrador chuckled, “So, you did see something, but I won’t push you for any more info on the matter. Speaking of mates, where are Spyro and Cynder any way?”
Volteer nodded to the right side of the hall walls, “Their over there by the right side of the dance floor and wall right now being surround by our fellow Guardians asking them questions and among other things I’d imagine.”
Terrador looked over to the right and spotted the very heroes who saved the world and defeated Malefor being surrounded by Guardians who were asking the young dragons question after question. Spyro and Cynder’s scales were all polished and very clean tonight and they very much looked rather noble and stunning in the halls light. They seemed to be rather comfortable right now with the Guardians surrounding them and asking them question after question and trying their very best to answer the questions correctly and good, but Sparxs who was flying above the two young hero’s heads right now seemed to be rather annoyed but kept quiet and let Spyro and Cynder have their moment of glory tonight. Terrador chuckled at the sight of them together.
“You think we should save our poor fellow friends out.”
Volteer shook his head, “No chance.”
Terrador laughed, “Aww Volteer, their only young dragons?”
Volteer chuckled, “I don’t care. When it comes to the other Guardians its every dragon for themselves.”
Terrador laughed at his mate’s words as the electricity dragon himself did the same as well. They continued laughing together as the party went on around them, but their laughter died down though as the two dragons spotted a familiar and distrust black dragon walking up to them with a frown on his face and his tail moving behind rather wildly. Both Volteer and Terrador looks turned serious and calm as Sebastian was finally standing right in front of them now and stopped his walking as he didn’t look happy neither, which made Volteer and Terrador sigh.
“Hello Sebastian, is there something you need from us or not?” Volteer asked straight to the point.
Sebastian growled out, “There is, Volteer! Where is Ignitus tonight? I haven’t seen him since the meeting earlier today.”
Volteer and Terrador gave Sebastian an odd and curious look now as Volteer spoke out, “He’s not here tonight, Sebastian. He and Cyril either went to bed to sleep or their somewhere off doing something together in Warfang.”
Sebastian didn’t like that answer one bit as he growled some more, “In bed or out somewhere in Warfang! Cyril’s the Leader of the Guardians and Ignitus is a fellow Guardian and they’re not here tonight for the party they should be hosting together!”
Terrador nodded, “Yes, Cyril and Ignitus are not here tonight Sebastian. Why do you care if Ignitus isn’t here or not? Cyril made it abundantly clear to you, Sebastian. That you are not to talk, look, flirt, or be any where near Ignitus this weekend to which you gave your word to Cyril by the way.”
Sebastian smirked as he chuckled, “It’s not any of your business or concern, Terrador. Of why I need to know where Ignitus is or not?”
Terrador gave a warning growl of his own, “It is my concern and business, Sebastian. After all, Ignitus is a close friend and fellow Guardian, and it is my job to know why you’re wanting to know where Ignitus is? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say your still up to your old tricks again, Sebastian.”
Sebastian merely huffed this time, “Ha, as I’ve said before, Terrador. It’s none of your bloody concern.”
“Well, it is now Sebastian. If you’re planning on what I think your planning to do tonight to break up Ignitus and Cyril’s relationship, then I won’t stand for it, and neither will Volteer! So, let me make this loud and clear for you and get it through that idiotic fucking head of yours, Sebastian! Cyril and Ignitus are either laying in bed a sleep or out somewhere in Warfang doing something together as Volteer previous mentioned before.” Terrador said angrily.
Sebastian only growled with annoyance now as his tail swayed behind him, “And is that your final word on the matter then, Terrador?”
Terrador nodded as Volteer added in his own words and did it rather cockily, “It is, Sebastian. So, why don’t you do the world a favor and shut the fuck up and go enjoy the party to your hearts content and leave the rest of us to party in peace and fun tonight.”
Sebastian growled in anger his time and turned around and then walked off as he spoke out one last time, “This isn’t over, Volteer and Terrador.” He finished his talking for the night and disappeared into the crowed of Guardians on the left and was gone from the sight of Terrador and Volteer.
Volteer softly sighed to himself, “It’s never over with, Sebastian. Is it?”
Terrador nodded, “I’m afraid not, Volt’s. Knowing him like we do, it’s never over.”
The two elder drakes looked back at the party scene once more, as the electricity dragon took a sip of his drink of liquor all the while Terrador merely softly sigh and rub his neck scales with his left paw.
“I hope to the Ancestor’s above tonight, that nothing bad happens. I can only hope though.” Terrador whispered softly to himself.
Back at the city temple and laying on their bed together fast asleep was Cyril and Ignitus, they had their tails wrapped snuggly around each other, Cyril’s left wing was laid over the red dragon’s body, Cyril left paw was wrapped tightly around the red drakes scaley chest, and Ignitus’s scaled back pushed against the blue dragon’s purple scaley chest and underbelly. The two dragons were fast sleep and looked to be enjoying their lovey sleep together.