Name - Darcey Lulamoon Quillstar (Pronounced exactly how it looks).
Species - Fennec.
Toon? - Yes (In keeping with the them of my original Fursona).
Timeline of Origin (If Any) - Unlimited Frontier Timeline (New name for AniVerse since it's expanded so much beyond just Anime style stories and/or characters, Same timeline the TF short stories were set in).
Occupation - United Federation Paranormal Investigation and Response Organization Agent, Investigation Team Cygnus Member (Current).
Weight - 86.18kg/~190 lbs.
Height - 185.928cm/~6'1".
Personality - Sarcastic, Goofy, Stubborn, Loud, Crazy, Hot Blooded.
Relationship Status - Single and currently looking, though many men are driven away by her job due to its rather...unusual nature.
Magic Capability (If Any) - Moderate Offensive Magic (Can use magic for basic attacks by generating it around parts of her body and/or performing attacks completely based off of it).
Charisma - 4.3/10.
Intelligence - 5.2/10.
Courage - 10/10.
Strength - 9.9/10
Agility - 9.6/10.
Endurance - 8/10.
Abilities (If Any):
Burning Kick - Darcey generates a concentrated green, flame-like aura of magic around her right foot before performing a kick towards an enemy.
Ultra Burning Kick - Darcey leaps about 25 feet into the air before generating a green, flame-like aura similar to the one used in Normal Burnin Kick. Just after she manifests this aura, however, Darcey's right boot then expands rapidly until it is more than 3 times its original size, with the normally checker patterned Top Strap beginning to glow a bright gold upon it doing so. Once this happens, Darcey then lets out a small burst of magic, accelerating her towards her target.
Burning Punch Hurricane - Darcey slams her fists together, causing green flames to erupt out of both of them, the flames glowing bright enough as to be visible from up to 200 feet away. This is then followed by her gloves turning into large, purple mittens with pink bows on them, the mittens themselves seeming to be the exact same color as her diaper. Once her mittens have finished transforming, Darcey then unleashes a flurry of punches at the target, with her being capable of lauching up to 1600 punches within one five minute interval.
Magisaw Cutter - Darcey concentrates her magic into her sword, the W, causing a series of green, clowing chainsaw-like blades to form on it, with them running all the way down the length of the sword save for the handle. Only 5 seconds after appearing, the blades then begin to spin in a manner similar to those on a chainsaw, quickly accelerating to maximum speed until they appear to be nothing more than a glowing green blur around the outside of the sword's blade. Upon the blades having accelerated to maximum speed, Darcey then positions the sword right above her head, using both of her hands to strike down towards the target with maximum force.
Double Shot Cyclone - Darcey charges her Crazysylez Plasma Pistols with magic, causing the normally blue highlights and barrel to begin glowing a bright green upon doing so, before beginning to spin at high speeds, using the pistols to fire a barage of green magical balls as she does so.
Raging Infinity Burst (not to be confused with the Full Burst ability that I give demon characters) - A ring of magical gold flames erupts around Darcey, the flames themselves stopping just below her waist. Her eyes begin to glow the same shade of gold as the flames themselves, this change being followed by a ball of pure magic forming only a few feet right in front of her. Once the burst has been fully charged, Darcey then fires a gold beam of energy at the target, the beam resulting in a massive explosion upon making contact. Though it's only her second most strongest ability, Raging Infinity Burst is still incredibly powerful, with a single blast being capable of destroying tagets as large as a small Corvette. It still uses up an incredibly large amount of magic to perform it, however, with the sheer strain from doing so often leading to her uncontrollably using her diaper more often than not.
Ultra WildHeart Finale - Her single most powerful ability, Darcey holds the Glamstar Carver out in front of her before sending a massive surge of magic through it, resulting in the blade nearly trippling in size until it's about 9 feet long. Green arcs of lightning are often seen traveling up and down her arms due to her using a powrful Strength Enhancement spell just to hold it without falling over in the first place. She then positions the blade horizontally to the target before using a massive burst of magic to launch her self at them, using her sword to sweep them up before positioning it above herself where she performs a powerful Tornado Blade Spin attack on them. After about 2 minutes of continuous slashing, Darcey launches the target about 300 feet into the air before positioning the Glamstar Carver so that its blade is pointing right at them, firing a massive gold beam powerful enough to destroy them in their entirety with a single blast, this one being far bigger than the beam involved in Raging Infinity Burst. This is also the attack that darcey uses the least often due to the fact that it requires almost all of her mana to perform, often resulting in her nearly collapsing from exhaustion each time she finishes performing it.
Although she is quite skilled at melee combat, Darcey has very poor performance when it comes to ranged combat, putting her at a disadvantage whenever she's fighting against enemies who regularly use long range weapons and attacks. Her incontinence makes her particularly vulnerable to diaper based magic, and thus can easily be taken out by anyone skilled in such magic including Nanny Monsters and other such entities. In addition to her lack of long ranged combat and incontinence, Darcey also seems to generally get uneasy around anything that resembles moths, spiders, and Raggedy Ann Dolls, as well as anyone wearing red armor and/or full body suits of any kind, though this general unease is more than likely related to the dimension she was first discovered in.
Background Information:
During an expedition into Backrooms Level 38 a small team from the United Federation Marama Research Facility personnel were sent to the abandoned B.N.T.G outpost on the level to search for any strange artifacts that coul have been left behind during its evacuation. Despite the team's best efforts, however, the search turned up nothing more than just a few left over water bottles and food items, as well as a few weapons and their respective ammunition. Having found nothing of any real scientific value, the Expedition Team began to make the journey back to the portal, with them already having decided to just give up on their efforts altogether, having found nothing of value in the entirety of their investigation. But just as they were about to leave the outpost, one of the soldiers suddenly noticed something that all of the others had missed until then - A heavy locked door with large scratch marks on it. Already assuming they have discovered something important, the team immediately began trying to unseal the door, one of the soldiers managing to shoot the door handle right on the lock, causing the door to unlock entirely as they did so. They were in for quite a shock, however, for just as they had opened the door, the team immediately saw something that nothing could have prepared them for.
Laying against the far wall, a large gash visible on her stomach, was a bright pink Toon Fennec Fox with black and red hair. She appeared to be wearing a white "Half-top"...or rather tanktop that had its entire lower half torn off by whatever had attacked well as a pair of red shorts that, though being a dark shade of red, still showed traces of blood running down them, confirming the expedition team' suspicions that, indeed, someone, or rather something, had attacked her. Right next to the girl, still somewhat held in her right hand, was a small, black pistol with what appears to be bright pink jewels on its handle. Though the presence of the mysterious pistol, as well as the fact that the girl seemed to be still clinging to life, were strange enough on their own, they were far from the things that the team thought were the most unusual. Rather, the most unusual thing about this girl, at least to the soldiers anyway, was the presence of a thick, light pink Disposable Diaper wrapped around her waist, the shorts barely even attempting to cover it for the most part. Regardless of how strange this girl appeared or how she seemed to be barely clinging to life for the most part, seeing as though they finally had a chance to make contact with an actual wanderer for the first time, the research team immediately decided to take her back to the Research Facility, hoping not only to treat the girl's injuries, but also to somehow get information from her regarding the Backrooms as a whole.
As the main sword user of the Paranormal Investigation and Response Organization's Cygnus Team, Darcey Quillstar has unparalleled capabilities when it comes to melee combat, with a single slash from her sword, the Glamstar Carver, being capable of taking out up to 8 targets at once. Tanks, armored suits, even entire airships at times, you name it, she can probably cut right through it, no matter how well armored and/or durable it may be. She's also incredibly agile, with her being able to easily dodge most attacks, even seeming like she almost predicted them before they happened at times in a simila manner to a Newtype. Despite many such reports, however, there appears to be no proof that this is actually the case, with these being instead attributed to her apparent years of combat experience she seemed to have before discovery, as well as her incredibly sharp instincts. While she is very skilled when it comes to direct hand-to-hand confrontations, Darcey struggles greatly when it comes to range based combat, with her only using her Crazystylez Plasma Pistols whenever it's absolutely necessary, mostly for when she's dealing with groups of enemies too large for her to handle with her sword alone and/or enemies that are too dangerous for her to safely get close to.
When it comes to magic, Darcey is known for having decently powerful Offensive Magic Capabilities, especially considering how melee focused she is, with her capable of manifesting green magical flames around most parts of her body including her hands, ears, and yes, even her tail. Due to the fact that she's usually holding her sword, however, she most commonly manifests this around her feet to perform her Burning Kick attack, wich she often uses to complement her normal sword based attacks. In fact, Darcey's Glamstar Carver, being specially developed for her by the United Federation's Tazlan Institute, was designed to take advantage of her magical abilities, with her being able to alter the sword's features in various ways through using her magic, from changing the blade's shape and/or size, all the way to completely reconfigure the sword to a beam saber like form or even a double bladed sword if need be, even going as far as channeling special attacks into the sword itself, the most notable case of this being when she manifests chainsaw like blades running all the way down it when she uses MagiSaw Cutter. Aside from her flame manifestation capabilities, as well as her ability to change the Glamstar Carver almost as if on command, Darcey is also capable of firing a golden beam of magical energy that, depending on the technique it's used with, can range anywhere from being capable of severely damaging a large tank (Raging Infinity Burst) all the way to flat-out destroying an entire Corvette in a single blast (Ultra WildHeart Finale). Firing these uses a substantial amount of magic though, more often than not leading to her either collapsing from exhaustion and/or experiencing a rather..."embarrassing accident" as a result.
A confident and hot blooded sword master, Darcey is far from one to back down from a fight, with her going out of her way to face an opponent even if there's very little chance of her winning a fight in the first place, with her often being considered the bravest of any of the current Cygnus Team members. Though she is far from the smartest team member, with her being barely smart enough to know how to even begin to hack a computer at this rate, her strength more than makes up for it, with her more than capable of lifting an entire dumpster with her bare hands, let alone hold swing the Glamstar Carver with its blade fully extended at 9 feet long. Aside from her goofy antics, Darcey is also known for her extreme sarcasm, as well as her dark sense of humor which appears to have been influenced by the events that took place leading up to her discovery on the expedition to Level 38, a subject she's still greatly dislikes bringing up with her only giving Federation researchers sparce details as to what truly happened leading up to that day. Luckily, none of her superiors at the Paranormal Investigation and Response Organization ask too much about it, though they do this more out of the classified nature of her past rather than genuine respect for her privacy with only, the United Federation Military being allowed to access such information. Darcey is generally very stubborn, and as such, she often ignores warning from others not to engage certain enemies, with her having nearly died multiple times in the past due to this behavior. To help with this these stubborn tendencies, her superior, Clarvanne Mooniebreaker, now requires her to wear special MagiLock Diapers, a type special type of cloth diaper that uses glowing magical locks instead of pins with it only being removable by the caretaker, that way she could decide whether or not to give Darcey a change depending on how well she does on a mission, giving her a very good reason to listen to her.
* Though it's not shown here, the dress that Darcey is wearing under her jacket is heavily based on Wolfychu's original white and blue dress.
* Her uniform was infused with a small amount of Animation Magic, allowing it to make the pacifier appear and disappear depending on when it's needed. The pacifier itself can also produce milk through magical means, as well as a multitude of other drinks including several different types of soda.
* Darcey's transformable sword, the Glamstar Carver, is heavily inspired by the Sanshiki Zankantou Liquid Metal Sword from Super Robot Wars.
Gift Art - More than welcome (just be sure to credit me as the OC's owner).
Fanart - More than welcome (just be sure to credit me as the OC's owner).
Wolfy belongs to Wolfychu Animations.
MagiLock Diapers belong to Me.
Super Robot Wars belongs to Bandai-Namco Entertainment.
Darcey Quillstar, Clarvanne Mooniebreaker, LT-26, and the Drawing Itself belong to Me.
reference sheet
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20 Jan 2023 08:58 CET
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