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Disturbing how old evils come back, repackaged as new virtues. It has been awful to watch the concept of the individual person be eroded, where your character, your personality, has taken a back seat to which categories of person you are to be placed in. Nothing can ever change the fact that individuals is precisely what we are, so the impulse to think of people as a demographic, beyond being useful for a basic description of trends in a population, will always be at odds with reality.

New genders are one such evil along this line of thought. First you define male and female in terms of expected personality traits, pretend they are absolute, then when people inevitably do not fit an average description, say they must belong to a different category. No. Men and women have never been a rigid personality category (they are a biological one), because human beings are not rigid categories. No wonder our generation is suffering from a terrible identity crisis. It really is no wonder.

Please try to remember that 'individual person' is something our species worked out long ago, and if you want to destroy that, you are a fool. Reject this abject, soulless wickedness.


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Published: 2 years, 1 month ago
Rating: General

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2 years, 1 month ago
this is a message I can very much get behind!

it sickens me how we have completely ignored the lessons we learned just a few short decades ago to embrace the same foolish reductionist bullshit that we all recognize as evil under it's originally packaging
2 years, 1 month ago
Ah yeah every now and then I see Philosophers on the internet throw  tantrums over the individual vs communal ethos
...While ignoring Normal people just use them as a mean to attract and aggregate as it helps with Socialization and that they can just pick both. But I feel for you if people casual messaging on the internet has got the best of your reality feelings.

anyways if for some reason you forgot and can't find your identity, Like dunno you got stoned or something, just look at your room or home, as over time it grows to resemble you. laik Physics always say that information is very correlated in a system as it get entangly and stuff. So its important to define the system that contains when doing the identity meme
2 years, 1 month ago
If you're quite done huffing your own farts, individualism and collectivism aren't about social institutions, clubs, various ways people congregate. It's to do with how society values individual people, with collectivism considering people in terms of their utility to the overall society, individualism places the individual as having intrinsic protections from the tyrannies of numbers and power. The madness this submission addresses is the fact that people are subsuming their individuality to such an extent that they need to seek out and create an ever-increasing set of new labels they feel must define who they are. What is worse, this pointless impulse is so insecure that these labels require immense protection, in law and by mob justice.

I didn't think it needed to be mentioned that people can consider themselves part of a group, of many groups, since that is patently obvious. There is a considerable difference between doing that and considering that these group identity labels ARE the essence of who one is.
2 years, 1 month ago
Ah well that because instead of looking for their boring government-like ethos definition, I just took those ethos  and cross multiplied them with that and saw they matched what you were talking about xD. Vector cross products is a fun shortcut you can do with dimension and labels

about the sub-missing individualism part, Relax It just how the universe tends to entropy, it will be fine, reality laws has to emerge from somewhere
Now You really value individuality tho, Maybe others just don't care or just see it and deem it as sub-important. There is a lot of perspectives one alone ain't good enough to model a relative universe or maybe you just don't like complexity some people just find it fun and keep building upon it.  

I really haven't observed the insecurity part, let let alone from internet, I would have to, at the very least, commune with their rooms, But in any case its just some silly mind state things kids go throw then suddenly they don't

I think those, labels and group identity, are just the same at least mathematically there is also luck and random at play, but people usually don't consider them, OH Its cause you aren't cross multiplying them as vectors,when you do, you can start calling them Fields and suddenly you got into a sociology model inspired from Faradays Physics
 ...unless you now come with some spooky thing like souls identity, I mean at least you already brought "Essence", next maybe you might bring Arche or Mana. the thing philosophers can come up with
2 years, 1 month ago
Human psychology isn't mathematics.
2 years, 1 month ago
You mean like, Mathematics is something you only do with a calculator rather than your mind?
 the brain has an underlying mathematics system, Its what people call intuition. And an statistic system  for decision making and risk calculations, people call that experience. It just doesn't use the same symbols than written math does. like it feels stuff logarithmic that is why most Volume controls feel janky as nerds program them linearly

There is also the innate Random Walking; the styles AI-pirates try to get when they steal people artworks. Psychology just like to call all that's the subconscious mind.

My favourite is how the eye uses quick motions to parallax trigonometry and gauge distances the same way than astronomers  do. Its something you only start feeling when you know it exist.
2 years, 1 month ago
No, it isn't a mathematics system, that's you projecting mathematics onto human behaviour XP. Mathematics is a way of thinking, a system of logic, it isn't thought itself.
2 years, 1 month ago
Well you could say exactly the same for thoughts. This is because mathematics itself doesn't really exist same with thoughts, and despite that they can be observed from  people actions all the time, If you wanna walk by that, then you could not even say with exactitude that other people even Think, thats really stupid. the only real difference is that math is strong enough to predict behaviour

 The thing is both are virtual thingies and emerge from any mind that perceives it.

2 years, 1 month ago
There is no way of claiming thoughts do not exist without diving into metaphysical claptrap. The claim isn't mathematics not existing either, it is rather that mathematics and thought are not the same thing. It may comfort you to pretend that mathematics is fundamental to understanding everything, but it is merely pretend, a security blanket wherein all is predictable and logically explicable. The human psyche is far beyond anything mathematics can map out or even describe, so when you confidently blather about human behaviour as though algorithms can explain it or some similar shite, it's no different than someone claiming chakras and "energy" explains anything. It isn't useful or insightful.
2 years, 1 month ago
Whoops, I didn't meant they were virtual things like as with computers and algorithms, but rather as thing that arises from seemingly nothingness like illusions of order and stuff, To me both are the same as they arise from the same mind, I just have no use to make a distinction, they are isomorphic, along with the mind soundboard too  because the brain can also think music too

What is fun of them is that they can reshape themselves after reality with as much precision as you give them.
 I don't really wanna get into the Facebook-Physical either,so don't take what I say too seriously either
2 years, 1 month ago
i'm just gonna be honest with u here dude - that multiple-gender phenomenon doesn't really bother me at all

i know there could be some collectivism at work - and collectivism (ie group before individual) is always evil because it ultimately holds individuals as worthless

but if there is no collectivism then i have no problem with it. i just look at it as people coming together and forming various new 'tribes' centered on androgyny where biological sex is completely irrelevant

from the moment you're born society tries to lock you into some 'gender' box. and some people just come to hate the box they have been locked into and they break free

and maybe you're right, maybe they are just locking themselves into yet another box. but i guess choosing your box is better than having somebody else choose it for you
2 years, 1 month ago
If it doesn't bother you then you've no problem with lying, or forcing lies on to others as this gender shit is being forced into every institution, into education etc. You are threatened if you don't accept it. This is fine with you? I can't take you seriously as an ethical person, in that case.
2 years, 1 month ago
well if you didn't get what i said the first time round then there's no point in me repeating myself
2 years, 1 month ago
No, what you said was simple, and simply wrong. The idea western societies force gender roles onto people and dictate what men and women, boys and girls should be like is bollocks. You have sided with evil people who actually do want to force others to think and say and support something, because it is easier for you to avoid standing up for basic truth, to avoid conflict. Believe it or not, simply being supportive and nonconfrontational doesn't automatically make you a good person, nice isn't the same thing as good.
2 years, 1 month ago
you got it all wrong pal - i didn't just pick this shit up from some internet troll. and i certainly didn't nod away in submission just to make someone else like me. gender roles have disgusted me for as long as i've been aware of them. it was only years later that i realized there were other people who felt the same way

and i don't care *why* gender roles exist either. the purpose may vary but the outcome is the same - they are a form of collectivism that groups and categorizes individuals from the moment they are born based on what they look like between the legs. gender roles prioritize the group before the individual - so the individual doesn't matter

gender roles attempt to deprive individuals of choice. gender roles ridicule boys for playing with dolls instead of guns. gender roles have forced women into domestic work - barring them from pursuing their own goals. gender roles have punished men for having sex with other men, simply because they are men. stay in your box, bow to authority, recognize your worthlessness and be grateful for your misery

if it's evil to rebel against this cholera-infested Wahhabi bullshit then so be it. it's better than following society's rules just to please someone who thinks they're better than you
2 years, 1 month ago
Gender roles are not things rigidly enforced in western culture, they haven't been for a few generations. Gender roles are expectations based on how men and women behave on average, they are not some prison-like law in society. They also don't define men and women. This recent gender bullshit, of being neither male or female, is an infantile contrivance, based on nothing but a rebellion against something they enforce to begin with. How can you rebel against gender if you don't rigidly define what men and women are? The answer is you cannot. As I said in the fucking description to this submission. The concept that each individual person has their own personality traits, likes and dislikes, attitudes and beliefs, is the truth of our existence, a truth our societies had already worked out.

It is the people claiming to be non-binary who ENFORCE THE GENDER ROLES, so they can claim they don't belong to them. You have granted their lying nonsense as true and you see yourself as a decent person for going along with it, when instead what you are sympathetic to is nothing but destructive. It teaches nobody anything about themselves, nothing about what it is to be a man or a woman. It denies the complexity and depth of men and women, which includes everyone who has ever lived, in order to create meaningless new labels, new boxes, in which to place people. And this ideology comes with force, with the claim any dissenters are evil by definition. If you question it you will lose your reputation, you will be painted as scum, and you face the possibility of legal penalties. And this isn't a problem to you.

You're fucking deluded. Thanks for siding with evil, in the same cowardly appeasing way people always do.
2 years, 1 month ago
those non-binary folks don't create gender roles. they don't need to - because society has has already been done for them. all they need is a basic knowledge of society's gender roles to know what they are going to rebel against

it all comes from a realization that you're an individual and not a gender. it's true that society doesn't owe the individual anything. but the individual does not owe society anything either. conservatives will emphasize the former while libertarians will emphasize the latter

so if indeed it offends you to see a man disowning the gender roles society applies to him and going his own way, maybe you should re-evaluate your stance on individualism. perhaps it's not individualism at all, but just a watered-down version of collectivism
2 years, 1 month ago
It isn't about disowning gender roles, it's about claiming gender is a social construct, that you can just warp reality with language. In order to define yourself as neither male or female you must define what those things are and believe that most people fall into them. It is a rebellion based in lies. And again, they're the ones making demands on society, telling others they must accept this new bullshit or else. Hundreds of thousands of years our species has existed and you think NOW these fucking infantile little dipshits have discovered something new about the human psyche? What laughable nonsense. Western civilisation does not force men and women to be anything, we are more free than we ever have been. If this gender shit was not based on nothing but air there would be no need to hysterically protect it from all questioning. Pretending this is a bunch of heroes fighting against societal oppression is a revolting characterisation. It is nothing more than an attack on society, on identity itself and nothing is learned. The examination of the self is as old as humanity is and you get nowhere, gain nothing, by merely creating new fucking labels to pin on people. People already have their own labels, their names.
2 years, 1 month ago
It has never offended me for people to be themselves, I've always done my own thing and I expect others to do so. This isn't people being themselves it's a fucking institutional enforcement of an ideology on all of society. Leftists aren't the rebels, they're the ones in charge you absolute dumbass.
2 years, 1 month ago
if men and women are strictly a biological category (like you said in the description) then everything non-biological must be a social construct. i actually don't see how this is at odds with what you have said yourself

i've never liked the regressive side of the left that wants to censor everything they don't like. it's exactly what the left used to fight against back in the day. if they want censorship then maybe their problem is they are not left enough

but i no longer believe (as i used to) that the right are libertarian and the left are authoritarian. after seeing the behavior of the right across the world last year, something is seriously fucked up. if it was up to the likes of them we'd all be living in the dark ages

now i'm not asking you to agree with any of this. i certainly didn't come to your page to pick a fight with you. all i'm doing is telling you what i think and why i think it - and i'm not changing my mind

so feel free to tell me i'm wrong, insult me, hate me, block me or whatever. i've said all i have to say on the matter so you get the last word. i'm not going to bother you again
2 years, 1 month ago
Social construct does not mean it is acceptable to create fantasies and pretend they are realities, completely at odds with our observable nature. Not all social conventions are equal, the left wants to convince the world they are, it suits their purposes to be so relativistic. That means any bollocks pulled out of their arses whole cloth has exactly the same worthiness and validity as anything else, like established traditions. This is utterly preposterous and dangerous, any who do not see this is a fool. It's as simple as that.
2 years, 1 month ago
Yep.  Identity politics has been cancerous since it took form, but you can't say so, otherwise you get attacked by the mob...  Outside of the gender stuff, just look at the racial stuff.  As someone who studied MLK a ton in school, the crap going on today is the OPPOSITE of his dream, and it's worse when the people claiming his name go so against his views...  It's all a divisive political tool to lump people into categories and turn it into an "us vs them" mentality among these categorical lines.  Divide and conquer, a strategy practiced for centuries.  I hope one day people catch on as a whole, but it's good to see some people on an individual level seeing it clearly.  Keep fighting the good fight.
2 years, 1 month ago
Can't we just be individual people and live our lives? not with how they want things.
2 years, 1 month ago
Indeed XP.
2 years, 1 month ago
You wouldn't intentionally mispronounce a friend's name would you Roary? What if it was a made up name that they gave themselves and asked you to repeat? Sure it's childish and you have every right to not honor their request but since they are your friend and it makes them feel better I think you would do it wouldn't you?

Of course what you dislike is the idea that they would use the state's power to force you, at the threat of arrest or legal/social prosecution or being fired from your job or called a bigot, to use that silly name they gave themselves. This is where we agree.

But would you do it if it was just a request that you could fulfill voluntarily? Would you catch yourself saying it wrong and correct yourself for their sake?

If they start chewing you out for an making an honest mistake perhaps you wouldn't but what if they don't complain, don't demand and don't get angry with you for slipping up? Would you try your best to do as they requested? I think you would.
2 years, 1 month ago
No, I won't be made to say something I know to be a lie, I don't consider it polite to go along with peoples' delusions either, I consider it a moral failure if I were to do so. Someone having a nickname or whatever is not the equivalent of claiming you're an invented gender, it just isn't. If someone chewed me out for such a thing I'd tell them to fuck themselves, since I'm not interested in being polite to people who are so arrogant as to make petty demands of others. Nice does not mean good, nice is not a virtue. Many an evil is done in being nice and polite, avoiding conflict, to satisfy shit people. It's one reason I don't have any friends who behave as you describe.
2 years, 1 month ago
People are just different Roarey. But fair enough. Just ckecking. :)
2 years, 1 month ago
Asinine statement.
2 years, 1 month ago
:/ kay
2 years, 1 month ago
Seriously, "all people are different"? Yes, that is the point this submission actually makes, since it is an obvious fact. But that doesn't mean people can't be full of shit, can't be deluded, pathetic etc. If someone creates their own reality in their head and expects others to validate it, sing its praises, then they are not only deluded but consider it the responsibility of others to protect that delusion on their behalf. That shit is not friendship material. No shit people are different, but this gender ideology is a cult, it is a group delusion and it has no individual substance at all, only the superficial claim of it. This is why it manifests mostly in appearances, clothing, hairstyle, makeup etc. Shallower than a puddle.
2 years, 1 month ago
I appreciate your response and I understand why you might feel that gender ideology/identity is a cult. I can understand how the concept of gender identity might be perceived as a threat to traditional norms and power structures, particularly for someone who places a high value on truth and authenticity, like yourself. Since you believe these individuals are "diluted," it is clear to me why you don't like them. But just because you believe that people who identify with a different gender than the one assigned at birth are not being truthful or authentic and just because you can not PERSONALLY relate to something like gender dysphoria, does not make it any less legitimate of medical issue. It is, however, your opinion and no one should send any angry twitter mobs after you for simply having a different opinion.

Another way I can understand this perspective is by acknowledging that some individuals may use their gender identity as a means of seeking attention or validation in an unhealthy way. In fact, some even allow their children to go through with gender re-assignment procedures while you and I may argue that it is not a decision that a child is capable of making. This is partially because these procedures are not risk free, are not perfect and could arguably make things worse for the individual. Some truly disgusting parents might even do this for the attention of the cameras/ social media rather than legitimately for the sake of their kid. This is pretty terrible when considering how impressionable children are and how easily they are coerced into making decisions that they may regret later. Still, the topic of gender identity as a whole can not be reduced to several shallow stereotypes.

The assertion that people who identify with a gender that is different from the one assigned at birth or who do not conform to traditional binary gender norms are "diluted" or "pathetic" is itself diluted (but not pathetic) since it fails to acknowledge that gender identity is a deeply personal and intrinsic aspect of a human being's sense of self and should not, by any truth seeking person, be reduced to superficial markers like clothing, make up, and hairstyle.

To suggest that gender identity is "shallow" is to misunderstand the role that gender plays in people's lives. It is a fundamental aspect of self, self-worth and also affects how one perceives the world around them. We must not give into arrogance and self affirming fallacies when talking about such a complex and multifaceted topic. After all, the universe does not owe us an explanation of its phenomena, and human society has been known to go on for centuries believing something erroneous while murdering and burning everyone that does not agree.

Furthermore, the overwhelming majority of experts in the fields of medicine and psychology agree that gender dysphoria is a real and valid condition and that the best way to help people who are afflicted is to affirm and support that individual's gender identity regardless of what you and I might think of the efficacy of gender re-assignment procedures. Of course you don't owe them this either but this is just what you do if you actually wanted to help (or at least -- not hurt) someone suffering from this.

To suggest that acknowledging someone's preferred pronouns is equivalent to lying or going along with their "delusions" is not only scientifically incorrect but is also deeply dehumanizing to people who experience gender dysphoria. You wouldn't like it to be called a "she," Roarey, since you affirm that you are a "he." (oh yea? prove it! ;3 jk jk)

It is important to note that acknowledging the validity of gender identity as a medical concern does not excuse individuals from acting in disrespectful and entitled ways towards those with different opinions, particularly on social media platforms.

Please feel free to reach back out in a PM if you have questions or if you see an issue with my arguments.
2 years, 1 month ago
No, it isn't perceived as a threat, it is offered as a direct one, hence the legislation and mobbing of any dissenting people. Gender dysphoria isn't the same thing as the claim to be non-binary, it is a condition referring to feeling one is the opposite gender to their biological sex. Pronoun usage is something completely invented from nothing, which is why there is no evidence for it and care offered by so-called professionals must be "gender affirming", in other words, clinicians are instructed to agree (affirm) that which their patient claims. I will not abide by this delusional nonsense, nor will I trust anyone who does. By acquiescing to this enforced vandalism of language, a person makes of themselves an enemy of their own culture. All of this is but one avenue via which postmodern marxists assail western culture. The claim that any of this is scientific is a lie.
2 years, 1 month ago
Gender dysphoria is a recognized medical condition defined as "a marked incongruence between an individual's experienced/expressed gender and assigned gender" according to the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. It is also recognized by the World Health Organization, the American Psychiatric Association and the Endocrine Society. It is not just a feeling that one is the opposite gender to their biological sex.

Regarding non-binary gender, it is a legitimate identity recognized by some cultures and societies. Non-binary people may identify as both a man and a woman, neither, or as something else entirely. In ancient Egypt, people believed in a third gender known as the "akhet" which was a separate category for individuals who were considered to be neither male nor female. In some Native American cultures, there are specific roles and responsibilities for individuals who identify as two-spirit, which is a term used to describe individuals who identify as having both a male and a female spirit. In Samoa, the fa'afafine community, which is made up of individuals who identify as neither male nor female, is an integral part of society and plays a significant role in the community, including participating in cultural ceremonies and taking care of children. In India, the hijra community, which is made up of individuals who identify as neither male nor female, has been recognized for centuries. They are considered to be sacred and are often called upon to bless new babies and newlyweds.

The use of pronouns is not something "completely invented from nothing." Pronoun usage is a fundamental aspect of language and communication, and the use of different pronouns is a way for individuals to be recognized and respected for their ACTUAL identity rather than something that they chose.

Gender-affirming care, which is the approach recommended by medical and mental health organizations, is based on the principle of providing care that is respectful of an individual's identity. This care is not based on "agreeing" with a patient's claim, but rather on providing appropriate medical and psychological care that also happens to align with the patient's gender identity.

Your final statement is.. I honestly don't know how to respond to that other than to say that your claim that the discussion about gender identity is "but one avenue via which postmodern Marxists assail western culture" and that they use a "forced vandalism of language" as a device for their nefarious ends is not rooted in any scientific evidence or even in literature! It is an entirely baseless claim.
2 years, 1 month ago
Gender dysphoria has nothing to do with non-binary bullshit. Nothing. There is no evidence for non-binary genders beyond people claiming they are something that does not exist. It is not for clinicians to affirm anything, especially patient delusions. It is a perversion of the purpose of therapy to ask people what they feel they are and then agreeing with whatever they say. That is fucking outrageous and constitutes severe malpractice. Less essays please, I don't have the time for it.
2 years, 1 month ago
Also it is not baseless to note the FACT that all this leftist shit comes from university settings, in Marxist controlled humanities departments. Where do you think it comes from? Instead of gaslighting, look into it.
2 years, 1 month ago
Fair enough Roarey. It was nice discussing things with you and learning about your beliefs. Have a nice night.
2 years, 1 month ago
Tolerance is a two-edged sword sometimes huh? :D
2 years, 1 month ago
Yes! Yes, it certainly is :)
2 years, 1 month ago
Yes! Yes, it certainly is. Tolerance can indeed be a negative thing, if this is what you mean :)
2 years, 1 month ago
Disagree... If you're unable to see more than 2 genders it is only bc of your upbringing... If you're unable to see more or less than 3, 5 or 6 it is because and only because of your upbringing, culture, heritage, etc...

Objectively speaking, gender as a social construct and as an internal reality has been shown to be an alienable (though often coinciding) phenomenon to the biological notion of human sexual dimorphism...

The first describes all cultural ties to the roles of reproduction, responsibilities in and beyond them, place in a hierarchical structure, etc within a given group of humans as well as how the individual perceives, processes, internalises, identifies with them and then acts out in accordance with or against these social precepts...

Biological sex on the other hand describes the specific expression of a given human specimen within the double bell curve spectrum of human sexual dimorphism (as well as the entire spectrum itself). This taking into account all different variables of said dimorphism spectrum along all areas: hetero or homogametic composition, primary and secondary sex characteristics, hetero or homogonadic expression, hormonal levels in the blood as well as receptivity to it by different tissues, (maybe most important of all) gamete production, among other factors.

If you want to be simplistic, don't be absolutist. Denouncing specificity as useless or, even worse, non-existent is a grave mistake. You can stick to your cultural perception of gender, nobody can tell you it's not correct. But you can't tell all cultures and people who disagree with you that they are incorrect too.
2 years, 1 month ago
There are objectively two genders, and within that are all the individual personalities. Personality isn't gender. It is astounding to me, fucking INCREDIBLE, how many people are sold on the validity of literally fabricated genders that emerged on Tumblr and were pulled out of thin air at the whim of desperately dull people who wanted a shortcut to being interesting. How anyone can give this steaming shite legitimacy is an embarrassment for our species.
2 years, 1 month ago
There are multiple cultures around the globe and accross history who have had the concept of more than 2 genders. Hijras in india, muxes in mexico... The bugis tribe of SE asia perceives 5 genders, israeli tribes perceive 6, the land I'm standing on, the tribes here have perceived 4 different genders before there was "a new world"

Objectively speaking, the concept of social gender has been shown time and time again to be alienable to biological sex (which itself is also a spectrum)
2 years, 1 month ago
The only reason you perceive 2 and only 2 is because of your upbringing. You were taught how they looked like, you were taught how they act, you were taught what to call them and what was "disrespectful" to them
2 years, 1 month ago
No it's because that is reality XP. I'm not in a cult like you, so the real world of tangible things matters to me.
2 years, 1 month ago
So you're just a bigot (?) a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction. Especially in the face of evidence pointing towards the contrary...

Didn't know you were this unreasonable  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  
2 years, 1 month ago
Multiple cultures, accross history and the world have independently and spontaneously created the concept of more than 2 genders as well as changed drastically in concept about what makes each gender what they are and you still choose to believe they're all in a cult (?)

I like ur art, you're good at it 👍🏻👍🏻
2 years, 1 month ago
Nah, your appeal to ancient cultures is nonsense, and obscure. Just because some ancient people were full of shit doesn't mean people today aren't, when they assert this drivel. There are no hormones, organs, body types, brains, biological roles outside of the binary, that is empirical reality (there are features only males have, features only females have, there are no features only NB people have). Bigotry is hatred of people for particular beliefs, which is something everybody does, so calling me a bigot is meaningless. I despise collectivism, whether it be far right theocracy or far left socialism, it is demonstrably harmful and produces inferior societies to those that have an individualist philosophy.

You affirm the existence of something that has no evidence for it, none, beyond a mere claim, and you are fine with this claim having government power and social coercion behind it, to crush dissent. You calling me unreasonable is an absolute comedy.
2 years, 1 month ago
If I believe in it is bc it's been the scientific consensus for decades... Your brain is not made to perceive reality as anything other than what it thinks reality should be. You're not the exception, you're never the exception. You're always biased without the aid of intellectual tools, theoretical frameworks and frames of reference. Statistical analyses, actual proof behind the ideas you're sharing. Without it you're just muttering your ideas to yourself. You're doing nothing more than eating your own barf. Convincing yourself that you're correct. Obsessing over the idea that you're being controlled and the food given to you is poisoned.

The bugis tribe still exist to this day, muxes, hijras, third spirit native Americans still exist today... ask any archeologist, any sociologist, any anthropologist. They'll all tell you the same bc that's the truth, that's their findings, not bc they're all trying to deceive you. If you're so eager and interested in contradicting all that evidence, then study sociology for 6 or 7 years. Make your words weight more with actual research behind it.

Also, biologically, human sexual dimorphism is on a spectrum, as I said. A double bell curve spectrum that takes into account at least a dozen variables... You're not a biologist. You don't know this. Your high school science teacher didn't teach you this bc it's irrelevant unless you're going to study biology or medicine.

I think irrational rejection of ideas merely because of their popularity is sickness. The validity of an idea is not measured by how many people believe in it or how popular the concept is or how it is misinterpreted by the public.

The definition I gave you of bigotry is directly comming from the dictionary...

I don't care if you feel oppressed or tortured or coherced or victimized by people and their regulations, everyone does, you're not the exception... I care about truth, how to find it and how to discern if I'm not looking at it. So far "it's what I've been taught since school" is only an argument made from ignorance. Science evolves and grows and changes. Decade to decade. Year by year. Even day to day.

If you're being oppressed, protest against the oppressive behaviour and systems. Scientific theories aren't changed with protests, but by better, more accurate ideas.

Yours are obsolete because evidence has been found to describe reality objectively and accurately which overrides these previous ideas about gender and biological sex being inseparable concepts. It's not how humans behave, ao it's not an accurate description of human behaviour.
2 years, 1 month ago
Scientific concensus? Roflmao. Good lord you've no notion of it, have you?
2 years, 1 month ago
Oh and you do, of course... You and your state of the art analysis of human behaviour...

Sure, they're against you and if we don't do anything society will collapse.
2 years, 1 month ago
You fucking twats are causing the collapse.
2 years, 1 month ago
It was sarcastic, Einstein.
2 years, 1 month ago
Yeah and I wasn't being sarcastic, you people are a plague.
2 years, 1 month ago
I figured that much 😂😂
2 years, 1 month ago
You thinking there is a scientific consensus on the existence of multiple genders is the observation that there are tribes and peoples who have believed that. All that means is there is consensus on the fact that people believe it, not that it exists. Otherwise consensus on the knowledge that the ancient greeks believed in a pantheon of gods would equate to there being a scientific consensus on the existence of those gods. Fucking pillock.
2 years, 1 month ago
And does the belief in the value of a $50 bill means that it isn't worth $50?
Does the belief in mondays mean that you won't get fired off of work bc you didn't go to work? It's just a belief, it doesn't mean mondays exist... Tell that to your employer see if they care...

Third and forth genders are as real as the value of money and mondays...

A physicist can tell you the composition of a $50 bill... As well as what it would turn to under specific conditions
A biologist can tell you the specific sexual expression of a given human specimen within the spectrum as well as describe the spectrum itself and the probability of each hypothetical situation expression...

If the physicist is chinese, he probably won't be able to tell you what value the $50 bill has, what you can do with it or Which country it's comming from...

If the biologist is Indonesian, he probably won't be able to tell you what that specific sex expression means for the people of their society, what clothes they use, what they do in their free time, etc ...

Social constructions are an objective description of human behaviour
2 years, 1 month ago
Social constructions are not all made equal, there is a hierarchy involved based on what is actually conducive to our continued existence and to what extent. You can also tangibly use money, everything else you described directly impacts your life in an empirical way. Claiming you are something that only exists in your own head is not a valid social construction, it is a delusion. Or are people claiming to be the reincarnation of Christ to be taken seriously, as though their claims are true? You really haven't thought this through, have you?

And again, you've lost, accept it. No scientific consensus exists for this shit, only the consensus regarding the knowledge that people believe it, not that it is real. There is nothing real that extra genders even correlate to, there is no expression of them that is tangible, related to a thing that exists. It is fashion choices people decide based on their own whims and preferences.

You support this being forced on society, you support delusions being pushed on everybody, and for that you are scum, straight up.
2 years, 1 month ago
Okay, I'll give you a bit more.

So, this is long established is it? Then why is it so new to us? That's you talking shit, #1. Talking shit #2: If sex is on a spectrum then why aren't there other sexes that participate in reproduction? The very definition of sex is pertaining to members of a species required to reproduce. Only males and females are required for reproduction, therefore only male and female sexes exist. Genetic aberrations are not a viable separate sex you absolute fuckdonk clown, haha. God it's incredible seeing leftists like you pretend to be intellectuals. Fuck your tribes and ancient cultures, don't care, we're talking about invented genders that dullards pull out their ass on tiktok, and you think they're part of a historical thread dating back thousands of years, because you're a total muppet. Grappling with who we are is a neverending project and if you steer it out of what we are, how humanity actually exists, then you pervert and distort everything there is to learn. That people choose to believe that how they feel in terms of masculinity and femininity constitutes an extra gender has no bearing on the reality of our existence, it is simply people trying to understand their nature and fucking it up because people fucking things up is very much normal.

You are uninterested in the truth, you are interested in the ideology you have attached yourself to, to the point you see observable reality as obsolete. You are welcome to your postmodern gods but you sure as fuck won't push them on me, you electrifyingly stupid pissant.
2 years, 1 month ago
1. Why is it so new?
When was the last sociology class you took? When was the last anthropology class you took? Human behaviour? Human history? Psychology?

2. If you're talking about the sex of every living thing. Then you're wrong. There are thousands of specimens, who reproduce with way more than 2 sexes. if you're talking about the animal kingdom then you're wrong, there are thousands of specimens whose sexes do not confine to a closed binary. If you're specifically talking about humans, then I beg you to look for the definition of "double bell curve spectrum" and how it applies to homo sapiens sexual dimorphism.
God, you really don't know what the fvck you're talking about, do you?

Also, as much as you say to hate collectivism, you seem completely unable to separate an argument from the perceived group it's coming from. Which is fallacious to say the least.

Masculinity and femininity are not only subjective phenomena but are also separate from gender and sex... Again, you don't know what you're talking about... And so is sexual attraction a separate phenomenon, and gender expression and romantic attraction... I won't say this is old news, bc I haven't studied gender studies. At least know what these things mean and reference before you chose to hate on them...

But sure, you have your own version of reality ig... It's not accurate nor objective... But if you find it resonates with you, then it should be fine for a pre-modern philosophy
2 years, 1 month ago
Stick sociology up your arse mate, this is new to our society, not classrooms full of claptrap, and it's a fashion trend among mainly kids and young adults. There's no prestige to it, there's no historical connections, it's people dressing like clowns and giving themselves special little labels.

And no, I'm talking about the sex of humans, because we're talking about humans, so fuck off with moving the goalposts, you shite.

I don't have my own vision of reality, I have the vision OF humanity, because it is based in observable fact, not shit people conjure up in their own heads and then try to FORCE other people to accept. Get thee hence you lying twat.
2 years, 1 month ago
A true objective observer 😂😂😂 bet you're in the record books
2 years, 1 month ago
Record books? Nah, being sensible regarding basic reality is precisely the thing that needs no recognition, because it's so simply true.
1 year, 9 months ago
LOL They gave such a lousy and risible argument that I'm actually siding with YOU on this despite being your sociopolitical adversary.
2 years, 1 month ago
Here's my addition to the debate: ancient societies had aspects that people would find unacceptable today.  Such as brothers and sisters getting married and having children.  Or human sacrifices.  Or slavery.  Or bodily mutilation such as foot binding.  In India, there was the practice of throwing widows alive onto the funeral pyres of their dead husbands.  The British abolished the practice, and presumably it hasn't come back.
2 years ago
Culture and the human condition is very complicated because we can cherry pick the bad or the good from the past but most shit we think or do today has been effected by years and years of history. The super bureaucratic idea of a christian marriage is still super accepted and considered wrong to go against in a lot of western countries, or the mere concept of democracy. There are cases where things of the past are bad and things are good. No one is arguing that Christianity is bad because one of it's ideals was stoning women who were unfaithful.

So much of what people are today have been built of of things that are far more ancient than you'd think. Saying people who are poly are bad would've been influenced from both a society and culture that came from a religion that said it was bad, even if you do not follow or believe it at all. If we are to say genders outside of the binary is bad then we have to rethink a LOT more than gender because ancient people came up with a lot more than that.
1 year, 9 months ago
Your addition to the debate is irrelevant to the matter at hand and meandering.

Also, BTW, I believe the British governor or whoever banned it, but his successor at least partially overturned it. I'm pretty sure it's still a thing at least in the worst shitholes of that shithole country.
1 year, 9 months ago
LOL at everyone expending substantial amounts of effort composing lengthy arguments to dissuade Roarey from his views. He's an incendiary blowhard rightist and has been for years, and people who saw fit to challenge him in a logical debate obviously weren't very familiar with Roarey and his writings to begin with. You might as well have come to me and tried to convince me commissioning pictures of Mamoru-kun getting fucked and milked is sinful and that I'm close to molesting real kids now (no, RL kids are ugly and big-dicked Mamoru-kun is 1,000x hotter than your mediocre spawn ever could be).
1 year, 9 months ago
Roarey isn't even remotely a rightist, smart guy, he's a disillusioned leftist, which is definitely different.  There is nothing right wing about not believing in 5000 genders or saying that men who put on dresses aren't women but still are men.  Even radical feminists agree with that, if you bothered to look them up.

Roarey loves to argue, it's his nature.  But silly views are just silly views.  Why do you even post here if you dislike him so much?
1 year ago
I agree. I am not blame for my ancestors' eerrors
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