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King Kangaroo Saves California
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OZ and the Damaged Car

Qantas Autos
Keywords kangaroo 15737, spanking 9848, car 7569, roo 3168, parents 826, upset 672, male. 427, damaged 173, pay 87, oz 45, back. 3, belt. 2
OZ and the Damaged Car
King Kangaroo
Friday, September, 25 8:30 MT Oceania, AZ. OZ was still in bed sleeping away the morning. He didn’t notice that the front door to his up-stairs room was slowly opening. He sleepily turned his head toward the door then turned it face down in the blue pillow he was sleeping on. His mom, who was wearing on a dark red T-shirt and blue jean shorts with a large silver oval belt buckle with the letter “W” engraved on it, walked in. She was holding a long slender black belt in her right paw. She looked at her gold Rolen watch which read 8:35 MT. She was not in a good mood this morning at all. She slowly unrolled the belt to full length and let it hang. She then stood there for the next five minutes breathing quietly and calmly waiting. Five minutes later, she looked again at her watch. It read 8:40 MT.
She made her move. She quickly lunged for the bed sheet and ripped it off OZ, who was still sleeping away the morning ignoring his mom’s presents over him. She then raised the belt high over her head and slammed it down on OZ’s backside with brute force.
“Wake up OZ!!!” She said as she slammed the belt on his backside again only harder. The shock of the belt striking his fur made him jump out of bed and land on his feet. His mom was right in front of him still holding the belt in her right paw.
“Good Morning, Mom.” OZ said still feeling tired from last night’s deep sleep. His mother just stood there looking at him in complete disgust and anger.
“Good Morning OZ!!,” she said in a harsh tone of voice to him as he stood there staring up at her wondering why she wouldn’t move out of his way. She then pushed him back on the bed.
“OZ Kangaroo!!,” she said harshly,
“Don’t you ever, ever let me come up here again and see you sleeping past 8:30 MT anymore!! Do you understand me!!!” she finished loudly.
“Yes mom I do.” OZ said while sitting on the bed.
“If I ever, ever come up here again and find you in bed at 8:31 MT or later, I will drag you out of bed and beat the crap out of you for it. I will make sure that you can’t sit down for a full five minutes. Do you understand me OZ Kangaroo!!!?” she finally finished. Her anger soon melted into calmness.
“Yes, mom I do. I’ll set my watch’s alarm to wake me up at 8:00 MT tomorrow morning.” He said as he grabbed a black digital sport watch with a green background glow and set the alarm for 8:00 MT. He showed his mom the alarm setting and she smiled.
“Go downstairs and get your shower.” She told him pointing to the open doorway. OZ went downstairs and past his father, who was in the den. His father was wearing on a black and red checkered short sleeve shirt and long tan pants. Around his right wrist was a bright yellow sport watch with a red glowing background. In his left paw was a large orange and white vertical striped mug filled with rich dark coffee fresh from the coffee maker. He was reclining in his favorite arm chair, which was solid bright red, while reading a news paper.
“Good Morning, Dad.” OZ said as he walked by. His father glanced at his watch, which now read 8:57 MT. He then glanced up at OZ who was heading into the bathroom to get a shower.
“OZ!!” He said trying to get his attention. OZ stopped and turned around. He headed toward his father. When he was beside the chair, he answered.
“Yes, Dad?” He asked.
“OZ, I’m very disappointed in you for waking up so late in the morning.” He said as he folded up the newspaper and put it down on a table standing beside the chair on the left side. He took off his brass rimmed reading glasses and put them in his pocket on his shirt.
“When you get done with your shower and get dressed, breakfast is on the dinning room table for you.” He said as he picked up his mug and began sipping from it.
OZ took his shower and then went upstairs to his room and got dressed. He put on a red baseball cap and an olive green T-shirt that had a collar on it. He then grabbed his black wallet and the key fob to his red 6-Speed manual transmission 2002 Nullabor Razor RS Coupe. He then hopped downstairs to the kitchen and sat down at a beautifully decorated solid oak table that had seating for six furries.
“Let’s see what I have to eat this morning.” He said as he pulled the plain white napkin off of his plate to reveal his breakfast.
“Oh now this looks tasty, 4 flap jacks, scrambled eggs, 3 pieces of bacon, 2 pieces of toasted and heavily buttered pieces of bread, 2 sausage links, grits with strawberry and blueberry jam mixed in, and to top it all off, a large 56 pixel glass of orange juice. Now this is a nice big breakfast.” He said before he quickly began eating away at it. As he was eating, his mom came in and sat down in the chair directly across from him.
“Well, OZ,” She started.
“I overhead you commenting on the breakfast and I wanted to come down here and say that I am happy that you are enjoying the food that your dad and I prepared for you this morning. My only problem is that you woke up so late.” She finished. She sighed when she noticed how much faster his eating had become, probably due to the black belt still in her right paw which was now resting on the table. Fifteen minutes later, OZ was working on the last few pixels of his drink. He then picked up his glass, fork, spoon, and knife and went to the sink and began washing his dishes clean. His mother was still sitting at the table, watching him with a stone faced, unmoving, facial expression.
Even though he could only see her from the corner of his left eye, OZ knew that something about his mom was wrong this morning. He knew this because she was normally bright, happy, and outgoing. This morning, however, she was upset, mad, angry, teed-off, and just in a bad mood. He knew he wanted to do something to cheer her up today, but he didn’t know what just yet. He dried his paws off in a red and blue striped dish drying towel. He then glanced back at the spot at the table he had eaten his breakfast and noticed a small brown piece of paper with some writing on it. He hopped over to the table and picked up the paper and began to read it out loud.
“This is the list of chores to be done for today. 1. Shopping, 2. Clean out garage of junk and sweep garage floor, 3. Clean ALL bathrooms, 4. Clean YOUR room (and we mean CLEAN), 5. Clean the drive way and all motor cars parked on it. 6. Clean out all rain drains.” OZ sighed when he realized how much work he had to get done before sunset. He then went upstairs to his room and grabbed his bright yellow Sonic air phone and car charger. He turned the phone on and set it to his favorite ring tone. He checked his wallet to see how much money he had with him already. He sighed when he counted only 25 Angkor. He knew that this was far short of the amount of money he would need to go shopping with. He rushed downstairs to ask his father for some more money. His father gave him 200 Angkor extra. He then sent OZ on his way.
He walked up to his Bright Red 2002 Nullabor Razor RS Coupe. OZ reached into the left pocket of his shirt and pulled out a small slender silver key fob. He pointed it at the car and pushed the symbol that looked like an open lock. The car’s lights flashed as the driver side door unlocked itself. OZ got in from the right side of the vehicle and sat down. He closed the door and strapped on his seat belt. He pushed the orange engine start button. He then reached over to his far left and pushed a green button on top of a silver shifter knob. He then pulled the gear selector down into the “R” position. He then reached for the red knob on the right and quickly pulled that knob back toward himself. The vehicle quickly began rolling backwards. He felt the vehicle was moving at a slant and needed to be corrected. He quickly turned the steering wheel to the left and then quickly back over to the right. As he was backing beside his father’s Sunflower Yellow 2004 Azure Ozar GT Coupe, he heard and felt his front bumper slam into the rear bumper of his father’s car. As he was pulling away, he saw the extent of damage that he left. The rear bumper had a very large and noticeable dent and several deep scratch marks in it. The rear tail light and turn signal covers were cracked.
OZ ignored the damage done and continued on his way to fulfill the shopping portion of the list. Back inside the house, OZ’s father heard the bang, but he ignored it for a few moments thinking it was in the neighbor’s yard or across the street. He got up and walked outside to the drive way to begin looking around the source of the bang. He looked across the street at the shops and stores and determined that nothing happened over there. He looked in both his neighbor’s front yards and saw nothing unusual. He was puzzled is to where the bang had come from. He rubbed his chin for a few seconds before walked around the vehicles in the driveway. He walked around his wife’s vehicle, a large Olive Green 2005 Bangor Toyo GXT SAV. He looked at the bumpers, headlights, and tail lights. No damage was found. Next, he looked at his vehicle, a Sunflower Yellow 2004 Azure Ozar GT Coupe. He first looked at the front bumper and headlights. There, he saw no damage. When he looked at the rear bumper and tail lights, he almost fainted. What greeted him was the damage that OZ’s front bumper put on his car.
He felt anger building inside him. He balled his paw into a fist and shook it violently as his face was turning tomato red. He suddenly felt his anger melt into calmness as he got an idea. He decided to wait until OZ got home before confronting him about the damage done to his car. He didn’t have long to wait. 55 minutes later, OZ pulled up and parked his car where he had it before he left. The damage done to his car was minimal, a medium size dent in the fender and a cracked headlight cover. OZ came out of the car and started making his way toward the large red decorated front door of the large two-story house he lived in. He pulled out of his right shirt pocket a red home key. He used the key to open the door and walk in. He went into the kitchen and toward the counter top and began placing the shopping bags down on it. As soon as he placed the last bag down, he heard his father calling him from the living room near the front door.
“OZ!!!” He yelled,
“Get over here right now!!!” He said with anger in his voice.
“Coming, I am coming!!” He said as he quickly hopped over to his dad who was waiting for him at the front door.
“OZ, come here, I have something I want to show you.” He said with a calm and cool tone in his voice. He led him to the back of his car and showed him the damage. His facial expression then changed from calm and coolness to anger and rage. He then grabbed the back of OZ’s head and shoved it up close to the damage so OZ could see it more clearly.
“What the heck is this that you did to my car!!!” He yelled at him. OZ didn’t answer him at all. He was still staring at the damage in disbelief. Hearing no response, his father yelled at him again.
“Do you realize how much money I am now going to have to pay our auto insurance company and the auto repair shop for them to fix this damage!!!?” He yelled loudly at him. OZ began sobbing softly. He finally responded.
“I am so sorry for what I have done.” He said still sobbing. His father frowned at him.
“You are sorry!?,” He said,
“Is that what I heard you say to me, you are sorry?” His father said while deepening his frown.
“Go to your room! Your mom and I will be up there shortly to deal with you and this issue! Go to your room right now!!” His father said as OZ was walking and sobbing. OZ made it to his room and sat on his bed while maintaining his soft sobbing. Shortly afterward, his father and mother came up-stairs and into his room to confront him.
“OZ. Get up right now!! Get up!!” His mother said as she was holding the same black belt from earlier that morning. When he saw the belt, he realized what was going to happen to him. He stood up and stared at the belt which was swinging in his mother’s right paw just like it was when he first saw it in the morning.
“OZ, take off your hat and put that on the bed.” She said to him. He removed his red baseball cap and placed it on the bed behind him.
“OZ, take off your shirt and put that on the bed also.” She said to him. He hesitated for a few seconds. His mother took notice. She repeated herself again. This time OZ responded and laid his shirt on the bed behind him. He now stood in front of his parents with no shirt and no hat on at all, and the only thing censoring him was his fur.
“OZ, do you realize the financial burden you have just inflicted on us!!?” She asked him with a high tone of anger in her voice.
“No mom, I do not.” He said in a murmur while still sobbing. He sobbing slowly grew louder and more audible. His parents both frowned in extreme disappointment at him. They then noticed tears rolling down his face.
“Are you crying in front of us OZ?!!” His father asked with a dark expression on his face.
“Yes, Dad.” He said as his sobbing grew louder.
“Stand right where you are OZ and this doesn’t hurt me more than will hurt you.” He said as he readied the long slender black belt over his head. He looked over at his wife who gave him the thumbs down sign and a nod. He began beating OZ. OZ whined and cried and begged for his father to stop beating him with the belt. His father ignored his pleas and begging and continued the painful beating. Ten to fifteen minutes later, he threw the belt on OZ’s bed. OZ was still crying loudly and now he was rubbing his eyes with his right paw. His mother stood there and smiled satisfied that justice had been served.
His father stood in front of him and stared for what seemed to him like half an hour.
“Sit down OZ!!” He said to him as he shoved him backward on the bed behind him.
“Do you realize that now I am going to have to pay out of our insurance funds and out of our bank funds to fix the damage that you put on both of our cars?” He asked him with an unmoving tone in his voice.
OZ nodded his head yes. Even though he showed agreement by nodding, his father still slapped him hard and quick across his face and then demanded a verbal response.
“Yes Dad I do agree with you.”OZ said as he rubbed the spot where his father slapped him hard.
His father got up and walked over to his wife. He leaned to her and asked,
“So, what should we do with him?” She rubbed her chin for a few moments in deep thought about what do with him. She got an idea.
“I know what we should do with him,” She said with confidence.
“What ever the repair bill comes to, let us make him use 75% of his bank funds to pay the first part of the bill. That way, in part, he will know how expensive auto repair is.” Her husband nodded in deep agreement with her. His father pulled the key fob to his wife’s Bangor Toyo GXT SAV out of his left pants pocket.
“Come with me OZ, we are going to the repair shop to get an estimated price on the repair bill of our vehicles. You will not be driving at all. I will be doing all of the driving.” He said as OZ started to follow him. They soon reached the vehicle sitting the drive way. OZ got in on the right passenger side and his dad got in on the left driver side. He started up the vehicle and soon they were on their way to the auto repair shop. Through out the entire ride, OZ hung his head and ears low in disappointment and shame. He said nothing during the ride there. After about 20 minutes of driving, they pulled up to a large brick building that had vehicles lined up and waiting to be worked on. Some looked like they were involved in serious wrecks; others looked like they were involved in small-time collisions, and the rest just needed routine maintenance.
They walked into the main lobby and were greeted by a hive of activity. Furries of all kinds were all over the lobby engaging in different activities. Young furries were busy playing in a play area off to the far left near a huge TV screen which was showing automotive commercials while being watched by a group of older furries. Off to the far right, teen furries were listening to the latest music on their air phones while chatting about how their day had gone so far. One of them, a teen female red kangaroo who wore on a light blue T-Shirt that had a huge yellow smiley face in the middle of it and black jean shorts with chains hanging off the sides of it, she was on her black Pacer Laptop sharing her FurCon.com profile with the other teens around her. In the same corner where the baby furs were, elderly furries were talking about each others day. Some of them were reading the local newspapers.
OZ looked around at all the activities before him. He felt nervous about the estimate price and began to walk over to the magazine rack which was in the same corner as the teens. He pulled out an automotive magazine titled “Auto Bahn”. He started reading it when he felt something tugging on his right leg fur. He put the magazine down in his lap and looked down to see what was pulling on his leg. It was a small, brown, baby fur kangaroo wearing a blue and white striped T-Shirt and blue jean shorts. He was also wearing on a blue baseball cap turned backward. The joey was reaching up at OZ in the hopes that he would pick him up and hold him. OZ gave in to the joey’s cuteness and picked him up and held him on his lap. He then opened the magazine and began showing him all the pretty pictures of all the cars in it.
OZ was so deep into showing the joey the car photos that he failed to notice the joey’s mother standing beside him watching. She was wearing on a dark tan long sleeve shirt which had the words “HUG ME I DON’T KICK” in large black letters. She was carrying a medium sized brown purse which was made of shiny leather. She then started a conversation with OZ.
“So, what are you in for?” She asked while sitting down beside him.
“Vehicle damage repair estimate.” OZ answered back.
“I’m here to get my car’s oil changed and transmission fluid flushed and refilled.” She said.
“That sounds expensive.” OZ said as he was putting the magazine back on the rack.
“Yes it is very expensive indeed.” She said to him.
“What kind of vehicle do you drive?” OZ asked her hoping it would be something cool.
“I drive a Fire Engine Red 6-Speed manual 2008 Vortex Versitran sedan hatch.” She said.
“Is it paid off or are you still paying for it?” OZ asked her, hoping it was paid off.
“I’m paying about 800 Angkor a month.” She said with a sigh. As they were talking, OZ heard a familiar voice outside. A huge 100ft tall green kangaroo was outside eating a wide variety of donuts from the Round-About Donut store. OZ politely ended their conversation and went outside to greet the roo.
“Hello Duncan!!!” OZ shouted up as he tried to get his attention. Duncan put down the box of donuts on the shop’s roof and finished a glazed donut he was eating. He looked down and took notice of OZ’s presents.
“Hello there OZ!!” He said in a friendly tone of voice.
“What are you doing here?” OZ asked wondering what Duncan was doing at an auto repair shop.
“I was leaving the donut shop when I walked down the street and saw your mom’s car here. Is something wrong with it by any chance?” He curiously asked.
“No. Nothing is wrong with it per se the reason its here is because I’m getting a repair bill estimate for my father’s car and my car. I damaged both vehicles while backing out of the driveway and now I’m here to see how much it will cost to have the shop repair both vehicles.” He said with a bit of disappointment about him.
Duncan pulled out another donut. This one had glaze, a thick chocolate covering, and multi-colored and flavored sprinkles all over it. He started eating it when he and OZ felt the ground vibrate a little.
“Did you feel that Duncan?” OZ asked wondering where the vibration came from.
“Yes, I did feel that OZ. I don’t think that was an earthquake at all. That felt more like a stomp or landing from a hop.” He said.
The vibrations became more frequent. Soon, off in the distance to the south on the horizon, Duncan and OZ could see what was causing the vibrations. They saw King Kangaroo bouncing down the roadway just as happy as can be. He had just visited Macro Pizza pizza diner and was feeling stuffed after eating a giant meat lovers pizza. He saw them at the repair shop and decided to see what was going on.
“Hi OZ and Duncan.” He said waving his right paw in a friendly gesture.
“Hi King Kangaroo.” They both said in unison.
“Hello there to all of you.” He said looking down at OZ and Duncan.
They both wondered what he was doing here. He told them that he was out for a hop about the town when he saw them at the auto repair shop.
“So OZ why didn’t you go back inside and tell your mom and dad what happened?” He asked OZ.
“I was too busy and in a hurry to get the shopping part of my list done and over with.” He said. As we were talking, OZ’s father came out and pawed OZ the estimated price. It was estimated at 17,832 Angkor worth of damage to both vehicles. He sighed when he saw how much the estimate was. OZ’s father then spotted King Kangaroo and Duncan nearby.
“Hello Duncan and King Kangaroo!” He said. He then asked each of us about why we were there and we told hm. After we told him why we were there, he turned to OZ and told him to get in the passenger seat of the car and wait for him. During the drive home, OZ didn’t speak to his father at all, partly because his father was still angry at him for the car damage and the expensive estimated bill. They soon drove into the driveway and parked the car.
“OZ, I feel like I really should give you second, more painful spanking just for the estimated bill price, but I won’t.” His father said to him as they were walking through the front door and into the foyer. OZ’s mom was sitting in her pink and white poke dotted lounge chair while reading through the shopping section of the news paper. She looked up and noticed OZ and her husband standing in front of her. She put the paper down in the chair and got up. She soon noticed the white bill in OZ’s left paw.
“Give that here!” She said as she snatched the bill of his paw. She examined the bill closely looking at the list of charges and then at the main amount itself.
“17,832 Angkor! OZ how dare you put that much damage on two vehicles!” She yelled as she slammed the bill on his forehead.
“You wait right here! I’ll be right back! Honey, please leave the room.” She said as she was heading toward her room and her belt closet. OZ moaned and began sobbing softly as he heard the sound of leather belts being shuffled around in his mom’s room. He then heard one of them snap. His heart sank into his stomach. He finally saw her walking toward him, but this time she was holding a new belt. This one was brown and had black and white diamond patterns on it. It was also longer and thinner than the one used in the morning. He quickly began to fear for the pain he would be feeling very soon.
“Get over here right now!!” She shouted as he slowly walked to where she was standing. OZ was now standing in front of her with his ears laid back and tears raining from his eyes. She ripped his hat off his head and threw it across the room. It landed on a sliver coat hanger and hung there as if laid there gently. She then grabbed his green shirt and forcibly pulled it off him. OZ just stood there with a pathetic look on his face. His mother then quickly prepared the belt for the beating.
“Mom please, please don’t do this to me! I’m so sorry for what I did and I’m even sorrier for not telling you about it earlier in the morning. Please, please don’t do this to me mom, please, I really am sorry for what I did, I really am.” OZ said as he tried to halt the beating and change his mom’s mind. His mom just glared at him with narrowed angry eyes and a raised belt over head. She began beating him. OZ cried and begged for his mom to stop the beating and move toward a less harsh punishment. Instead, she continued the beating in direct defiance of OZ’s begging. Poor OZ was just crying, and crying, and crying his eyes out. Each painful blow was followed by a shower of tears. The total time of the beating was 10 minutes, but to OZ, it felt like 30 minutes. After the beating was over, OZ picked up his shirt from the couch and his hat from the coat hanger and went upstairs to his room and laid on his bed. After a few minutes of lying down, his mom came into the room. She pulled a white wooden chair next to the bed.
“Give me your driver’s license now. You won’t need that for the next two months.” She said as OZ gave her his license. She got up and left the room. OZ’s dad was busy watching a Tail Ball game on the TV in the den when his wife came in. She sat down beside him and made herself comfortable.
“I’ve revoked his driver’s license from him.” She told him. He just glanced at her and smiled. He then focused on the game in front of him. As they were watching the game, OZ’s mom suddenly thought of the list of chores that was on the table earlier in the morning. She quickly jumped up and dashed over to OZ’s room and woke him from his rest.
“Wake up from your rest. You still have to complete all the chores on the list that you didn’t get done yet.” She calmly reminded him. OZ jumped up and quickly searched for the list of chores from earlier in the morning. He found them and crossed out the ones that he already got done. Within several hours, he officially got everything on the list completed.
When the last chore was done and finished, the time read 12:77 ET. He got his dinner, shower, his night clothes on, then went straight to bed.
Qantas Autos
Kangaroo World
OZ Roo is endouring a busy morning when things suddenly turn very sour for him.

kangaroo 15,737, spanking 9,848, car 7,569, roo 3,168, parents 826, upset 672, male. 427, damaged 173, pay 87, oz 45, back. 3, belt. 2
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 12 years, 6 months ago
Rating: Mature

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12 years, 6 months ago
I feel bad for Oz...
12 years, 6 months ago
Yeah, I do too.
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