Kangaroo World
By King Kangaroo
I’m going to explain to you about my kangaroo world. In my kangaroo world, kangaroos dominate the planet. There are some differences, however. The world formed the same way the human world formed. However, the continental drift is a tad bit strange.
Australia, for example, drifted south toward the South Pole before making a turn north for the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. It then began moving west to connect with North Carolina. It currently sits in that spot right now.
Europe detached from Russia and drifted south to connect with Southwest Africa.
The UK drifted southwest to connect with the northwest point of Australia.
The kangaroos in my world carry the exact same feelings and emotions and the exact same traits as humans. They surprisingly have more knowledge about the world than humans do. They live in every part of the earth. The countries have retained their human names, however, the states and cities carry Australian and Kangarooian names. Like for example, Washtington, DC would be called Le Capital Red. The European nations have as much technology as every other nation.
Life in the different nations varies depending on climate, terrain, and availability of resources. Life in the European nations is very well maintained. The roads there are a bit wider than those in the US, but, the cars there have more horsepower than those in the US, plus they’re a bit larger and longer too.
The daily lifestyle of the kangaroos depends on the area in which they live. The lifestyle of the kangaroos in the US is very rich in luxury. Some kangaroos have over $1,000,000,000.00 Quantas Roos. They spend their money on expensive things like their own private jet plane or Italian cars. For those living in the west and southwest of the US, the live off the hydropower form the Great Westerngrey Dam that sits on the border of Nevroo and Caliroo.
Their climate is usually hot and humid in summer and cool and moist in winter. The roos living in the northwest have a wetter climate in summer. When winter hits the region, temperatures can drop to below freezing. The result is huge snow drifts, sometimes towering 6ft high. Traffic is reduced down to 20JPH.
The same weather is also felt for Chicago Roo, New Roo City, Le Capital Red, Rooston, Philliroo, Trenroo, New Jerroosy, and Cleveroo. They all get mild summers and freezing cold temperatures.
All driving is done on the right-side of the road. Traffic signals are color-coded Yellow, Orange, and Blue. Yellow means stop, Orange means slow down, and Blue means go. Every nation has their own railroad service, however; they are built to travel on each other’s railroad trackage. The gauge for all nations is 4ft 8 inches. The fastest train is the Kangol Express from Rooter, Norway to Los Angelroo, Caliroo. It travels at a top speed of 200BPH. It stops along the route in Rooth, Australia for a 1 hour break. Some trains even travel underwater in tunnels. The shortest train is the Joey Service between Chicago Roo and Vacaroo.
Transportation is extremely vital to the kangaroo society. Some roads have no speed limit. They are placed between cities that are more than 3,000Bounds apart. The normal speed limit in cities is 35JPH. On the interstates and highways the speed limit is 80BPH. Small town speed limits are marked at 25JPH.
Every city has skyscrapers over 300Boomers high. In some cities, earthquakes threaten the citizens. When one does strike, they take cover in the building’s highest floors nearest the roof. Some quakes cause over 50Billion Quantas Roos in damage.
Auto sales are another major source of income. Auto prices range from $10,000 Quantas Roos to $1,000,000 Quantas Roos for cars, trucks, and SUVs. RV and Motor home prices range from $50,000 Quantas Roos to 1 Billion Quantas Roos. Motor cycle prices range from $1,000 Quantas Roos to $100,000 Quantas Roos.
Real Estate prices are extremely high priced from $200,000 Quantas Roos to $1,000,000,000 Quantas Roos. Two-story houses get the cheapest value on money. One-story houses get the more expensive end of the money market. All housing comes standard with a swimming pool and attic bedroom.
Students attend school every day from Monday through Friday, but they have homework assignments that keep them busy over the weekend. Sometimes even elementary school students have weekend homework depending upon teacher.
Entertainment is always a must for the kangaroo society. Joeys play video games and watch movies. Adults have fun by going to nightclubs and adult-only places. Teenagers love having fun hanging out around their friends, going shopping at the mall, chatting on the internet, and going other each other’s houses.
My kangaroo world has so many more differences to our world.