Boys Day Out by Pent Ghelsburg
Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. Any resemblance to persons alive or dead is purely coincidental. They are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect. This work involves underaged characters. You have been warned.
There is a time every year that many children look forward to. The time of year when green and red lights are draped over trees that stand at the center of their living room. The front room where it is situated smells of pine and the fresh scent of sap leaking from the trunk of the tree. Underneath some boxes, all of which are wrapped in various designs. Nothing is overly large as to give away what's inside.
A young dalmatian cub looks under the tree and wonders what might be in the many boxes. He knows that some of them aren't his but that doesn't stop him from being curious. At 10 years of age, Nelson was very much ready for the holiday. Yawning and stretching, he looked over at a calendar that had been affixed on the wall by his parents. He scratched the surface of it, making an X to indicate there was one less day before the holiday.
The cub padded over toward to window and looked outside. It was sheeted in a white, a fresh coating of snow had layered itself over the previous few inches of the stuff. His tail wagged at the prospect of going outside. Nelson imagined himself playing with his friends in the snow and couldn't help but smile. The boy bolted from the window, looking for his mother in hopes of asking her permission.
Nelson began running through the house at full speed, not worried about running into anything. Eventually, he knocked right into his father. The larger dalmatian's body did not flinch as the boy's body was sent back reeling.
"You should watch where you're going, bucko." The father leaned over to help pick him up.
The cub stood up with his father's help. "Sorry, dad but it's snowing! Can I go play in it?"
"I think it stopped but yeah that's fine. Just make sure you put on warm clothing. I don't want you getting sick like last time." The older dalmatian playfully poked his son on his nose.
Nelson nodded and chirped happily. "Okay!"
"And don't forget…" But before he could finish the boy had bolted out of the room.
The cub hadn't eaten yet and his stomach was rumbling. Yet Nelson showed no eagerness to eat. Instead, he quickly stripped off his pajamas to change into something suitable to wear outside. His parents had told him countless times in the past about the need for layers. The last time he didn't listen to them and he went inside only to not go out again. Today he was intent on staying outside as he wanted to see if he could find his friends since the weather had been too heavy to go outside the last few days.
Nelson began changing into his warmer clothes. Putting on the woolen long johns, one leg at a time. It was always a challenge for him as the garment was designed to be form-fitting and yet it was getting tight on him. Nelson had grown a bit since his parents had bought him the stuff and as such, some of it didn't fit as well as when they bought it. Still, he didn't care enough to let it bother him as it wasn't quite tight enough to cause him discomfort.
Once he changed into that, putting everything else on was easy. A simple grey long-sleeved t-shirt and a green parka overtop it. Sliding on some matching lined nylon pants. He looked at himself in the mirror. Nelson felt like a marshmallow but he figured it would be enough to keep him warm in the cold weather. He slid on some thick cotton socks and began to make his way back out into the hallway.
Making his way through it was slower than when he went about the house in pajamas. His movement was somewhat restricted by the thickness of the clothing. His father passed him by and tugged the boy's hood over his head, without saying a word. Nelson put on his snow boots before making his way outside. Stepping outside, some of the snow fell into the entryway of the house.
Nelson paid it no mind and pushed his way through the thick snow. Taking his first step into it, his feet and legs sunk into the somewhat deep white powder. The cub continued to push forward, finding it more difficult to move than he first imagined. Still, he persevered through the snow and made slow progress until he was around the tree at the center of his front yard. Standing under it, some white slush dropped on over his head.
Looking around he didn't see any other cubs around. The boy was hoping to find someone else outside. He began to think of what he could do instead. Bundling up a few bundles of snow before curling them over by where the tree was. Using the thing as a standing post, he began to erect it against it. Rolling up enough snow into a ball before pushing it right against the bottom of the tree.
Doing the same with the second ball, he hunched over to pick up the large ball but realized it was a bit heavy. Still, he managed to get it up to the second level of the snowman. It didn't take him as long to do the top of it, shaving some of the snow off of each piece as he looked at it admiring his work. Realizing that it didn't have a face. He wondered what he could use to finish it.
He bent over and began to look around in the area where he had dug up snow. There was still enough snow that he still couldn't the ground. As he was doing that he felt a thud against the back of his head. Nelson grunted as he rubbed his head and stood back up. Looking back behind him he saw a familiar sight, two of the neighbor's boys. Younger beagle boys who he had gotten to know quite well over the years.
"No fair…I wasn't ready." Nelson whined and gave a false frown.
The bigger beagle was wearing glasses fastened on by an elastic strap. "Psah. Always be ready for a snowball fight. Come on Remi."
The two beagles scurried to the side and his beside a huge mound of snow. Both of them were wearing matching sky-blue jackets. Neither of them had kept their hoods on, finding the headwear to be bothersome. Remi hushed his brother Sammy, both of which were certain that the dalmation boy had not seen them hide.
Yet, Nelson wasn't nearly distracted enough to not have noticed where they went. Already he was preparing his assault. Balling up another bundle of snow into his paw before lobbing it overhead right at where the two younger boys had gone to hide. The ball landed squarely on the smaller beagle's back. Sammy snickered as his brother was hit by the ball causing the snow to explode around them.
Remi shoved his shoulder into his brother's arm playfully. "Come on, help me."
Remi began collecting snow to launch his attack. Both brothers did the same thing until they emerged from their hiding spots to throw their balls at the same time. Nelson saw the assault as it was revealed to him. Trying to run away but one of the balls hit him square on his butt. The dalmation decides to be funny about it and wiggles his butt and tail at the other two boys.
Remi and Sammy stuck out their tongue at the other boy. Both of them balled up more snowballs before launching a second attack at him. This time both of them landed on him but Nelson wasn't too worried about it. While he was bending over, he had collected his snow. Not bothering to ball it up, instead just throwing it into the air. The wind carried it right back to him, ending up with him with a face full of the stuff.
Both of the twins burst out laughing at the other cub's failed act of revenge. Again they collected snow and returned with a volley of their own. Nelson shielded himself, deciding to take the top portion of the snowman before throwing it at them. The ball hit both of them since they were so close together. Both of them licked their lips as if to get the snow off their fur and bodies.
The little battle of snowballs continued much the same way until they grew tired of it. The twins revealed themselves soon after the ordeal was over. All three boy's jackets were completely wet with the snow that had crushed against their bodies. Nelson made his way over to them once he realized they had given up. Throwing one more snowball at them for good measure, just to get back for earlier.
"Aw…I wasn't ready." Sammy said cleaning the snow off his glasses.
Nelson smirked. "Now we're even for earlier."
The bigger beagle rolled his eyes. "You guys want to make snow puppies?"
"Heck yeah!" Nelson said as he hadn't made a snow puppy in ages.
Snow puppies were meant to be the furry version of snow angels. The three cubs plopped in the snow next to one another. Laying flat for a moment without moving.
"Everyone make space and we'll see who can make the best snow puppy." Nelson's father heard what they were planning earlier.
Nelson knew he had to win. He couldn't put up the best snow puppy, especially in front of his father. The three cubs spread out a bit more so that there was enough space between them. The older man waited patiently as the boys began to wave their arms and legs to make snow puppies. Each of them did it a few times until they stood up to show off what they had done.
The older dalmatian looked at each of them once they were done and smiled. Nelson's tail wagged behind him as he was certain he would win. The man walked to each of them and scratched his chin as he thought about it. He continued to hesitate as he looked at the two twins and back to his son. He ruffled his son's head fur as the cub gave him the best puppy eyes he could manage.
"Nelson wins." He simply couldn't choose the other two boy's snow puppies with his kid in the mix.
Nelson puffed out his chest proudly and gave his father a high four. "Heck yeah!"
"Aw…no fair. You chose him on purpose. " Remi sensed the bias behind the man's decision.
The man shrugged as he saw the twin's own father approach.
The beagle's voice was much deeper than the other man's."Perhaps you'd like another opinion?"
Remi and Sammy's father was much more burly than Nelson's. Standing next to Nelson's father, the beagle dwarfed him. He was an athletic man who prided himself on his figure. The dalmation man shook the other man's paw.
"Sure, go for it."
Nelson's father folded his arms as he expected him knew his old friend's answer.
The burly beagle cocked an eyebrow. "I dunno, my two son's snow puppy is superior to yours."
"Yeah, dad!" Both of the twins blurted out at the same time.
The dalmatian's father shrugged. "As I expected. Perhaps we should settle this another way?"
"How about a game of shoulder wars…I think my kids can figure out who plays since it wouldn't be fair to do both of them." The beagle looked at them expectantly.
Remi looked at Sammy who looked back at him. The two nodded before playing a few rounds of rock, paper, and scissors. Remi came out on top with a narrow victory over his brother.
"Looks like it's settled then. The first kid to fall off loses, yeah?" The dalmation man assumed the game worked the same way as it did in the water.
The burly beagle nodded. "You betcha."
Both of them mean knelt to allow their sons to climb. Sammy folded his arms but tried to not show disappointment. His father noticed and poked him in the belly. The other boy couldn't help but laugh.
"Next time, kiddo. I promise." He said patting the bigger beagle cub on the back.
Nelson and Remi climbed their father's back as the two of them settled onto their shoulders. Both of them slowly rose until they were standing upright again. The two walk up closer to each other.
"Alright, on three. One…two…three." The beagle's father announced aloud.
Nelson and Remi locked arms with each other. They had played the game enough in the pool that they knew how it worked. Their fathers below them tried to add extra pressure by pushing each other forward. The two of them shoved each other just as the boys above them were. Sammy cheered on from the ground but kept his distance as the two groups sparred with each other.
Remi's father lurched forward. His larger form pushed the other man back a bit. Nelson's father dug his shoes into the snow. The slush covered up his snow boots, offering very little traction. Little by little he was being pushed back. Remi and Nelson continued to tangle with one another as they pushed and pulled against each other. Nelson tried pulling down on the other boy but he remained on top of his father.
Sammy threw a snowball at Nelson to try to help his father and brother win the game. Nelson's father flinched a bit as his body began to waver. Before long the man's legs caved and they submitted to the ground below. The dalmation's father couldn't help but feel disappointed but had felt he would lose to the bigger man eventually. Nelson climbed up off his father's shoulder and tried helping him up.
"It's okay, dad. You tried." The dalmation cub didn't seem to care about losing and smiled warmly at his father.
The beagle eased himself down so that Remi could get off. The two share a high four to celebrate their victory. Sammy came over to join them in a hug.
"You guys want to come inside for some hot chocolate or something?" The Dalmatian's father suggested, trying to show that he was a good sport.
The other man nodded. "What do you say, kiddos?"
"Yes, please!" Both of the twins chirped off at the same time again.
Nelson and his father led back into their house. Shedding off some layers of clothing at the door before waiting for the other three to do the same.
"Alright, guys. I'll be back. You guys can hang in the living room while I make it." Nelson's father said in an attempt to be a good host.
The burly beagle corralled the cubs into the living room. He had been in the place enough to feel comfortable to make himself at home. Fitting all three of the boys on the couch before taking one of the adjoining sofas.
"You all did well today. Good work, cubbies." The man said giving them all a thumbs up.
The man wiped some sweat off his forehead. It wasn't long before the dalmatian's father soon returned. The older dalmatian had a small platter with some mugs on it. Each of the mugs was seething with heat. He handed it around to the three boys before giving one to his old friend. Sitting opposite of him and taking one himself. All of them began sipping before long.
"Next time, we'll win for sure eh Nelson?" The dalmation man said to his son.
The boy nodded happily but said nothing as he was enjoying his hot cocoa.
"Thanks for inviting us in." The burly beagle said as he tried to warm up.
The older dalmatian nodded. "Sure, all in good fun right?"
"Yeah, next time I'll let Sammy be my partner." The older beagle said as he eyed his other son.
"Ready for the holiday boys?" The dalmation's father asked.
Each of the smiled widely, seeming too content to answer. He couldn't help but chuckle a bit. Each of them sipped away until their drinks were all but empty. The burly beagle insists on helping to try and help out. Once they were done cleaning up everything the beagle goaded his twins to join him.
"We're going out caroling if you want to join us. That's why we're around this way in the first place." The older beagle said before guiding the two twins to the door.
Nelson's father looked at his son who shook his head. Neither was much for singing.
"We'll pass. Thanks. Have fun though and spread some holiday cheer for us." The dalmation and his son stood by the door to open it for them.
The three beagles redressed themselves in their coats. The man tipped his hat to his old friend before they were let out. Nelson and his father waved to the three, wishing them well. Closing the door behind them, the dalmation returned to his son. The two soon decided to dress down for the day as it was still rather cold out and they didn't plan on going out again. Nelson and his father had had enough of the cold weather for one day.
Later that same day, in the evening there was a knock at the door. His mother answered the door and soon summoned them as she knew they should share at the moment. When they arrived at the door they were greeted by the entirety of the beagle family, this time including the twin's mother. The beagles handed them off a small gift basket.
"Happy Holidays!" The four of them chanted at the same time.
All of them shared a hug and wished each other happy holidays before the beagles family went about their way sharing in holiday cheer. Upon hearing their singing the dalmatian family soon changed their mind about joining them, quickly redressing themselves. Surprised to see them again the twin's family was more than happy to have them join them. After all, there's nothing better in the season than spending time together with those that you care about.