Están todos los personajes de Little Tails aquí en esta bella obra de arte... Todos, excepto Abril... Abril no está en la fiesta, me preguntó por que no vino, si la invitación fue clara: "Estás invitad@ a la Posada Navideña (?".
Están todos los personajes de Little Tails aquí en esta bella obra de arte... Todos, excepto Abril..
"background was ai generated" add "ai generated" to the tags. inkbunny made the rules to tag ai assisted or ai generated arts so you need to do so. just cause your a popular artist doesnt mean your exempt from this rule.
"background was ai generated" add "ai generated" to the tags. inkbunny made the rules to tag ai ass
Well, the correct tag is "ai assisted", not "AI generated" The image was added before the rules was announced, but thanks for remind me. But what does my popularity have to do with it? Lol, relax a little.
Well, the correct tag is "ai assisted", not "AI generated" The image was added before the rules was