It's been a while since I drew that potty loving Squirrel and since Lig hasn't seen many pics either of late I figured I'd do one with both of em. ^^
It was a bright warm summer day in Denshire Fall. One which saw ZeeZee spending the day over at Lig's. The two spent much of their time in the morning out back playing all sorts of games. It was fun except for the occasional stop as ZeeZee made a dash inside to use the potty. Drinking lots to keep cool meant a number of potty breaks. For Lig it meant a soggy diaper. ZeeZee even had an accident once. Try as he might Lig couldn't convince him that diapers were better. "It wasn't my fault! The Lava monsters were in the way!" Which got Lig giggling. Eventually the two decided to come back inside. Lig still teasing ZeeZee a bit about the accident. Mid word though Lig stopped squatting ever so slightly and gave a sigh as he filled the seat of his diaper. Watching this a smile drew across ZeeZee's face. He had an idea to prove what a Big boy he was.
"I know! I'm such a big clever squirrel I'll change you Lig! Cuz I don't wear diapers anymore I'm practically a big grown up so I can change diapees!" ZeeZee told Lig excitedly.
"Hehehe You think so? Alrighty but I dunno if you wanna." Lig told him.
"I'll change your stinky diaper and prove I'm a big squirrel!" ZeeZee said crossing his arms.
"What's that I hear? A big grown up squirrel wants to help change my baby bro's diaper?" Warren asked walking into the room.
"Yeah! Can I Warren? Cuz I'm a big Potty trained squirrel and I think I'm big enough to do it!" ZeeZee asked looking up at Warren.
"Well I suppose you could. I'll talk you through it and help if you need." Warren said ruffling ZeeZee's headfur.
"Yay!" ZeeZee exclaimed as Warren got out the changing supplies and Lig laid down on the floor with a squish. As ZeeZee got down grabbing a wipe to have at the Ready.
"Untape him first ZeeZee" Warren instructed him.
"Phew you're a stinkler Liger." ZeeZee said scruching his nose as the smell was a bit more potent now.
"Hehe. Yup I am. Just wait till ya open the diaper." Lig said with a grin at the look on ZeeZee's face.
"You need to learn to go in the potty instead of your pants" ZeeZee said as he reached for the tape.
"Not gonna happen. Now Change me." Lig said giggling as ZeeZee untaped the dirty diaper and the moment of truth was at hand.
"Ewww. You're really dirty!" ZeeZee said sticking his tongue out as the smell intensified a bit. Warren sprayed some air freshener to counteract it.
"Ok your doing good so far ZeeZee. Now it's easiest to use the front of the diaper that's just wet to wipe off most of that." Warren explained siting down on the floor next to him.
"Okay." ZeeZee nodded as Lig lifted his bottom up and ZeeZee did just that finding that in fact most of it did come off. "Wow I did it!"
"Yup that's most of the mess. Now just use a few wipes and clean the cub up." Warren said taking the dirty diaper and balling it up while ZeeZee very carefully wiped Lig up. "There now that he's all clean unfold the diaper and slide it under him. Make sure to get his tail through.
"Gotcha!" ZeeZee grinned at how good he was doing and did as instructed. Lig being kind just stuck his tail through the hole when it was close enough to make it easier on ZeeZee. "Now we use the baby powder right?"
"That's right ZeeZee." Warren said and handed it to him holding onto it as well to make sure Zeezee didn't use too much. "Ok now we can tape up the fresh diaper and we're done."
"There ya go lil Lig. All done!" ZeeZee said as he taped the diaper up with Warren just adjusting a little.
"Wow what a great helper ZeeZee. You sure are a big Squirrel changing diapers like that." Warren smiled patting ZeeZee on the back who positively beamed at the praise.
"I'm a super duper big boy that changes baby diapers!" ZeeZee cheered hopping up to his feet in triumph only to realize something. He should have gone potty before changing Lig as he felt his trainers become just a "little" wet and his stars start to fade.
Well hope you guys liked the pic and the lil story. Especially you ZeeZee. ^^
ZeeZee belongs to ZeeZee
pull ups
12 years, 6 months ago
26 Aug 2012 20:59 CEST
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