Technically this is a finished sketch from Sketch-a-palooza 3, but I really ended up adding a lot to it. I added shading, a detailed background, and a fairly different alternate version since it's possibly one of the best anthro pictures I've done (in my opinion). Thank you to
I normally imagine the character, Vanilla (or Nilla for short), as being more of an in-home or school nurse who enjoys all aspects of diapers and training pants, from wearing them to changing others'. I guess for her anthro version she's working in more of a hospital or doctor's office, at least for the context of this pic, and decided to wear some extra thick "My Little Uni" training pants during her shift. At least they didn't leak by the end, but I doubt her scrubs are going to hide that padding-bulge very much anymore.
Thank you very much, I'm glad it came out well! I'm pretty proud of that stethoscope too, I thought it was a funny addition. Thanks again for funding it, and of course feel free to PM me if you want a commission.
Thank you very much, I'm glad it came out well! I'm pretty proud of that stethoscope too, I thought