Another kindness from the brutal overlord. It is no wonder so many follow him. But I would like to know more about these breeding pen. Are the for increasing the number of slave/solders? I cannot imagen from his comments it is a reward for any one. Who goes in them? Do they ever come out? And if they come out, what condition are they in.
Another kindness from the brutal overlord. It is no wonder so many follow him. But I would like to
it's mainly for his benefit, as them being cared for means more manpower for him. Also, it takes time and effort to bury or burn the dead, not to mention the disease risk, so the less of them around the better x'3 well, keeping his soldiers and the merc units occupied and entertained mainly, but increasing the numbers of soldiers and slaves wouldn't hurt either! Fertile females, and attractive males unsuit for fighting for those who prefers those, are mainly the ones who go into the breeding pens for sex slavery, but they can also be used as punishments for certain individuals lmao. They usually don't get to leave unless they get sick/weak or loses their fertility, then they're put to other uses x3
it's mainly for his benefit, as them being cared for means more manpower for him. Also, it takes tim