This is a sequel to this: Brenda (Tays mom) found out about the boys mooning and decided to spank them both for it. Probably got permission from one of Tycloud's parents (likely his mom) to spank him. Both are 10 years old here. Tycloud belongs to
This pic has more then a few people to thank for its creation. I came up with the idea and asked Tycloud for permission to use his character and he said okay. I then shared my idea with
So thanks to these 4 people it exists. Tycloud for the permission Damntohell0 for commissioning it Thekzx for sketching it And Matathesis for lining and coloring it
Of course, with poor Tay being even more clueless till he finds out a racoon and a cat(I think you may be a cat, not sure) are the cause of such a thing!
Of course, with poor Tay being even more clueless till he finds out a racoon and a cat(I think you m