Many years ago my friend redbaron0 designed an Alicorn version of Figment. Since I was feeling in a My Little Pony mood tonight, I dug up the old picture and decided to update the design a bit to better match their lore and give Figment their own Pony name for in universe.
I give you, Princess Quantum.
While traveling in the FIM dimension of Equestria, Figment takes the form of an Alicorn Princess named Quantum. Had they known when they choose this form that only Princesses where Alicorns, they would have gone with something else, (anything else srsly) but what's done is done. Only Luna and Celestia know Quantum isn't from their dimension, and only Discord knows their true secret. Probably because he has a pesky little secret about his true identity as well....
2 years, 5 months ago
19 Sep 2022 00:56 CEST
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