That's it for Gwendolyn's meeting with her fellow witches. We'll catch up with some of them later on. I've been looking forward to getting back to drawing Chucky.
Love how the star wife needs a pillow for her broom! And How Yelis does his dance till dawn, a nice little bit of character moment. And Cute kitty butt again! Hmm, Gabby is passing by silverbrook, could she maybe be planning on paying Chucky a visit?
Love how the star wife needs a pillow for her broom! And How Yelis does his dance till dawn, a nice
To be honest, I hope to see Lynn again sometime. I can understand how her heart and mind must feel, learning about some things and some people that she thought she knew. Though those things don't necessarily make a person or those things any better or worse, for someone seeking the truth, I'm sure there's going to be a lot of internal turmoil before she can settle on what to believe.
To be honest, I hope to see Lynn again sometime. I can understand how her heart and mind must feel,
I don't know if I'll do more of Lynn. She isn't central to the story, but I thought having someone like her added a little depth. I didn't want all these witches to be stereotypical hedonists, even though most of them are. She reminds me of the more innocent members of the furry community, or any fandom for that matter. They enjoy the subject and some of the lifestyle, but their moral principles keep them from digging deeper. She's like a very 'moral' religious furry discovering all her favorite artists have Inkbunny accounts for their "other stuff."
I don't know if I'll do more of Lynn. She isn't central to the story, but I thought having someone l
I understand. I guess I just have a thing for not wanting anyone left behind or pushed away, or getting the wrong idea an staying with that idea forevermore. Either way, it was nice of you to include her. Here's hoping to a good life for her, and enjoyment in her future endeavors.
I understand. I guess I just have a thing for not wanting anyone left behind or pushed away, or gett
I hope you plan on going into some of the workings of the places they love in regards to there being witches and other paranormal beings in their world. Not wanting to get too political but that MUST have some "interesting" conflicts and such. Also this was such a neat page. Each one thinking about what happened the night before in their own way. Can't wait to see their next "meeting" at The Counts castle for his Birthday. ;D
I hope you plan on going into some of the workings of the places they love in regards to there being
I'd love to, but it would be beyond the scope of the comic for the most part. And on that subject of political conflict, Yelis is also the mayor of Crooked Bend, so he really has to wear multiple faces. But that's where a trickster such as him is an expert, right? Dr. Selkirk is an actual surgeon in their nation's capital. Gwendolyn is the only one who really lives as a hermit and interacts very little with normal society.
I'd love to, but it would be beyond the scope of the comic for the most part. And on that subject of
Understandable. You have a lot of world to look after. But there are a couple of questions that need answering. First how MUCH do the general population know / understand about their world (the witches / paranormals) and Second you mentioned the four stopping at an inn to get some rest before continuing. Does that mean there's an actual support system for them cause the idea of four beings just dropping out of the sky dressed as they are would draw not a little attention. Heck just showing up with out any transportation animals would arouse some suspicion.
Understandable. You have a lot of world to look after. But there are a couple of questions that need
The general population knows very few facts about the magicals. Compare it to our 18th century. Everyone knows there are magical creatures about, but fear and superstition dominate their beliefs. Even Chucky, in the first few pages of the comic, is scared to death of Gwendolyn. There is also a segment of the population that are intrigued, as Chucky is now, instead of fearful toward them. And there is a small segment of the population that know the facts and are even friends with various magical creatures. For instance, not all of Count Lucas's harem are magical creatures. In fact, most of them aren't but they found their way into the lifestyle. There are also those charlatans out there who pretend to be magicals to make a buck, especially in the fortune telling world.
The four staying at the inn would stash their brooms out in the woods and walk the short distance. One of them would go pay for a room with four beds, then the others would join. Usually a 'no questions asked' type place, and they've all been doing this long enough to know where the safe places are. Tabitha would probably be the one to reserve the room. She's young and hot, and she has a shorter, less witchy dress. Without her hat, she just looks like an eccentric cat girl in her late 20s.
The general population knows very few facts about the magicals. Compare it to our 18th century. Ever
And that brings me to Lynn. She of all the magicals seems to be having second thoughts about her part in the council. How DID she get involved and how serious IS she to her religion since it IS in a way a religion to them. She has children so she's probably had this conversation with herself before but I think THIS time with what happened to Chucky and Gwyn's potions she's GOT to be worried about her own family. Does her husband know or is he long gone. Do her CHILDREN know. SO many questions. Sorry. :D
(I THINK you might have mentioned her magic regarding her children a bit but if so I don't honestly remember. Also I could go back and check but I'm lazy. ;D )
And that brings me to Lynn. She of all the magicals seems to be having second thoughts about her par
Lynn joined the council because she wanted to connect with other witches. She wanted to learn more about her powers and expand on them. She received a warm welcome like everyone else and received basic mentoring from Gwendolyn and a few others. No one in her family knows that she's a real witch, just that she likes 'witch stuff'. Her sons think it's eccentric and her husband thinks it's cute. But they are all of same superstitions as much of the general population and would consider her a blasphemer if they knew she practiced actual witchcraft. Lynn feels much connection and loyalty to her family and her species, so she REALLY lives a double life.
She does not share in the hedonistic views taken by the other magicals, but she tolerates it. You'd never find her at one of Count Lucas's Sodom and Gomorrah style parties. And she certainly isn't okay with sex between an adult and a young teen like Chucky, much less the extent that Gwendolyn took it. When Lynn saw the detailed sketches and descriptions of how she extracted life's essence, it was a little much for her. Her youngest son is Chucky's age and she couldn't imagine him engaging in something so deeply sexual. Gwendolyn took offense because in her mind, Chucky is Chucky, Lynn's son is Lynn's son, they are two different creatures and Chucky's ability to handle sexual activity has no bearing on Lynn's son.
I hope this all makes sense.
Lynn joined the council because she wanted to connect with other witches. She wanted to learn more a
It does and gives me a lot more to think about, especially when you mentioned Lynn has a strong connection not only to her family but to her SPECIES which implies that the beavers have some different views about things than the rats or foxes might. We're really getting into some interesting stuff and I'm so glad you're sharing it with me and everyone else. :D
It does and gives me a lot more to think about, especially when you mentioned Lynn has a strong conn
The southern half of Cascadia is controlled by large faction of beavers. Their religion is called Evangelical Castorianism, which believes beavers are chosen by God as a supreme species. This has a centuries long history. Lynn herself doesn't believe in the chosen species part, but her drive to belong in the culture is deep in her heart.
The southern half of Cascadia is controlled by large faction of beavers. Their religion is called Ev