Some D&D characters I helped make for my group's session this weekend. :3 A ferret that rides a train - so I made the ferret a train conductor with the classic hat, red hankerchief, some matching blue gloves, and used its long body to add some train parts on top of for decoration! The middle reptile is Rob, a thief! I originally drew his brother, but the main player is in the game so I edited this to look more like him. Just a green reptile of some sort, in brown boots and gloves, with a belt and accessoried, wearing a cool dark blue hood and cape while making the classic Sonic Adventure meme pose. And last I heard was a hamster racer! So I just made a cute round orange and vanillay hamster, with a flame scarf, cool helmet with dark glass over the from, lil hot red gloves, all while he speeds away!
Great work showin' your DnD pals too! You're great at depicting and creating characters so I'm sure you're great to have n the game! ^^ These all look really cool and unique. :)
Great work showin' your DnD pals too! You're great at depicting and creating characters so I'm sure