...is the best response I have gotten all my life. Thankfully one of the mods understood what happened behind the scenes.
In case people ask for context for what I meant by "behind the scenes..."
I once joined a Mega Man server, like, I think two days ago this week on Tuesday (the server's name will not be disclosed due to privacy reasons) and my name showed up on the "welcome" channel. One of the mods welcomed me in, but the other one... Well... They were not too happy with me being there.
A day later, I found out that I was banned without warning, much to my surprise. As I went to bed, one of the moderators sent me a friend request and, with curiosity, I accepted it to find out what's up. They told me that they were sorry that their partner banned me, but it was for a ridiculous reason: this gets followed when they asked me if I knew one of them, in which they said that the mod who banned me was the same one who went off on me regarding a story I wrote on AO3.
This led to some awkward explanations (which were just short answers), and the mod understood quite well about what happened behind the scenes, as in reading my mind as they said, "the owner and moderator has the inability to distinguish fiction from reality."
Thank god for them...
2 years, 4 months ago
01 Sep 2022 14:04 CEST
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