I never even gave that a thought, not conscious thought anyway. But it would make sense. If she did have a wand, it would be a device like her 'broom' that disperses or magnifies her power.
I never even gave that a thought, not conscious thought anyway. But it would make sense. If she did
Hmm, magnetic, or a static personality? I'm wondering because the wiggling she's doing kind of looks more like she's charging up with static electricity and then making the broom into an electromagnet to fly on :)
Hmm, magnetic, or a static personality? I'm wondering because the wiggling she's doing kind of looks
Yes. I wanted it to be a steel rod with copper windings, but that would be very heavy. Let's say it's made of strong wood with copper wound steel ends. Prickella provides the connection between the north and south poles if that makes sense.
Yes. I wanted it to be a steel rod with copper windings, but that would be very heavy. Let's say it'