Muito legal trabalhar meu amigo ... Shippo olhar realmente bonito na foto ... Hehe Eu gosto de personagens nebulosos ... não há realmente muito trabalho em que um amigo meu
Muito legal trabalhar meu amigo ... Shippo olhar realmente bonito na foto ... Hehe Eu gosto de perso
Thank you... No prob Launny... I've learn that the main language of Brazil was portuguese in my trips in South America... For my insects collection trips to be more precise
Thank you... No prob Launny... I've learn that the main language of Brazil was portuguese in my trip
I learned that the language of Brazil was Portuguese by reading novels from the Ender's Game series, and had the knowledge reinforced when Blizzard announced that World of Warcraft was being translated to Portuguese for release in Brazil. I pick up knowledge from all sorts of crazy places. XD
I learned that the language of Brazil was Portuguese by reading novels from the Ender's Game series,