I had come across a bit of an issue. Marle was a unique character with a unique set of traits that put her in a spectrum that could be tricky to work with. Because of past trauma and how she copes with it now, I was put into a position to figure out how my group of protagonists would be able to reach out and connect with Marle so she would be able to help them and assist the plot. None of the current group were likely candidates except for Steven and Max. Of the two, Steven, owned by Berserker88, already put forth a request for another character to be his skunk's love interest. So, that just left Max. I pitched the idea to DrummerMax64, and do you know what he said? Do you even know?! "It's a tall order, but someone's gotta fill it!" The cheek!
Still, in the end, it ended up being the best and only choice. Because of their unique places on the spectrum and the experiences they've been through and how they relate to others, they ended up being the perfect combo. With both wearing their emotions on their sleeves and speaking bluntly about their thoughts, they bonded quickly and fast. What starts as a rushed, sexual tryst eventually becomes something far more adorable and honest. They don't have to worry about being brutally truthful with each other, because they know each other's feelings. They accept each other for who they are and it is beautiful. Besides, I got a feeling Max might be into tall females.