In Foxen, Mica never shows whether or not she has arms, and it is left a mystery for the entirety of the game. In order to pick up objects, she has multiple ways of getting them on top of her head.
From the ground: Soccer kick upward. From a low container: Kick container, object flies upward. From a high shelf or tall container: Smack face against, object flies upward.
Never underestimate Mica's ability to manipulate physics to achieve maximum sugar consumption.
["Foxen: A Tale of Socks" is a very pre-alpha game that Jay is currently working on after a very hefty muse of inspiration happened. Soon he will be posting a video explaining the premise of the game and looking for an indie dev team to make it a reality!]
[Also, for the sake of encouraging fan-art, I'll be tagging characters with #Foxen<Name>, so FoxenMica, FoxenQuartz, FoxenGypsum, FoxenDevilline, FoxenBundt, etc. :)]