Three teenage delinquent pit bulls; Biff, his younger brother Richie, and their friend Gaston (known in school as "the pit bull bullies"); would have been proud of those two.
However, those three were no longer around by the end of the year 1960. One night, the three of them and their girlfriends; Sandra, Avia and Roxane had been drinking a 5th of Old Crow whiskey that they paid an adult to buy for them...Drinking age was 21 in New Mexico back then.D At a record and soda hop that night, Biff Pitbull, still drunk and smoking a cigarette, challenged Danny Otter in his 1958 Studebaker Goldenhawk to a 46 mile road race out on Highway 54 to Vaughn, New Mexico. Danny accepted the challenge with a $100 bet riding on it (like $1,000 is now days). During the race, Biff lost control of his and Richie's dad's 1959 Cadillac at 124 mph (back then a one year old car). That 5,000 pound Cadillac then flipped at still over 120 mph then struck a power line pole sideways, wrapping around pole, breaking the pole off into the northbound lane of Highway 54, and killing all three of them. The car was tore up so bad, you could barely tell it had been a 1959 Cadillac.
Three teenage delinquent pit bulls; Biff, his younger brother Richie, and their friend Gaston (known