What happened to the echidnas?
Dr. Finitevus sabotaged Albion’s defenses before leading an Eggman Empire invasion force right into the heart of the city. In a matter of hours, Dr. Eggman had leveled the city and began capturing citizens.
Gala-Na managed to delay her capture. Though, it was Dr. Finitevus who had apprehended her...
The Brotherhood of Guardians defended Hidden Palace Zone from a horde of Egg Pawns. After the battle, they, along with Moritori Rex, were later captured and studied by Dr. Finitevus. When the doctor finished collecting their bio-data, he banished them the Twilight Cage.
Upon waking up, Moritori Rex was confronted by the Guardians. However, their conflict was interrupted by a horde of Eggrobos.
The Guardians barely won the battle. However, Moritori Rex was killed.
After adjusting to their new lives in the Twilight Cage, the Guardians converted their brotherhood into the Knuckles Clan. They would soon be reunited with Locke, who is now a Hint Orb.
When Julie-Su and Saffron were guarding the Master Emerald, they were ambushed by Thrash the Tasmanian Devil.
After subduing the girls, Thrash supercharged his Warp Ring with the Master Emerald. With it, he banished Julie-Su to the Twilight Cage. However, he spared Saffron and warped her elsewhere...
Dimitri transferred his mind into the Metal Knuckles unit, who was previously in Lien-Da’s possession.
This new body was modified by Charles Hedgehog to not only resemble Dimitri but resemble Shard’s friendlier design. It is also equipped with a spade-shaped Power Gem.
After finding Dimitri’s original body, Thrash realizes that there are still echidnas on Mobius...
Dr. Finitevus was supposed to rendezvous with the Destructix. However, when the mercenaries failed to return from their job on Moebius, he decided to take matters into his own hands.
Using one of his Super Warp Rings, he explored alternate dimensions and universes for people who shared his ideals. Eventually, he teams up with Dr. Zackery and Imperator Ix...
Rob O’ the Hedge, along with his wife and son Mari-An and Jon, went into hiding. They were pursued by Mordred Hood’s forces. However, they eventually lost track of the king and his family at Never Lake…
Every echidna that Thrash banished to the Twilight Cage found their selves on Nocturne. The Echidna Security Team were defeated by the Nocturnus Clan. And the citizens of Albion were captured.
With Imperator Ix gone, the Dark Legion was converted into the Nocturnus Clan. And they are currently at war with the Knuckles Clan...