Chapter IV
The Pain of War
(A Hour Later.)
Ignitus chuckled a little bit, “You know when you said you wanted to show me something love. I thought it might be fun or exciting, but instead here we are going for a walk together in the city.”
Cyril laughed to himself, “Sorry, baby. There isn’t much to do in the city right now. Due to the damage done to the city during the war with the Dark Master, everybody and everyone right now are more focused on getting the city repaired before winter hits the city. So things like festivals or parties are either postponed or cancelled until the city is somewhat repaired.”
The two dragons walked side by side with their blue and red tail’s coiled around each other as their large wings were folded neatly to their sides as they continued walking down the city street. They took it all in as both dragons looked around their surrounding and general area of the city. Some of the buildings were still standing proud and strong as if the war didn’t even touch them while the other old buildings weren’t so lucky though. The destroyed buildings laid in ruins and rubble as some moles and even dragons were digging out some of the rubble and pulling out some good remaining building materials like bricks, stone blocks, slabs, and other materials for rebuilding or repairing as they placed the good remaining materials to the side for pick up. Even the streets that the two dragons were walking on were also not so lucky too. The streets were filled with cracks, large holes, and even a few wide impact craters were spotted here and there as some the moles and Warfang’s new residents the Wolves were filling up and were fixing up the damage done to the city streets. Even the large old walls that surrounded the city suffered major damage as large cracks that started from the ground stretched all the way up to the wall outside balconies, there were even small to large circular craters among the walls, and there were even large sections of the city wall laying in ruins and rubble now leaving large and exposed openings of the old city wall. To the two elder dragons who continued on walking and looking through the city streets and surrounding area around them the city of Warfang suffered major and critical damage. It would take the city for some time or even years to the repair the damage that the Dark Master, Malefor and his dark armies inflicted upon the old Dragon city.
Ignitus sadly sighed to himself now, “The city really did suffer from Malefor’s attack, now that I’m looking at all the damage done to her and her people now.”
Cyril nodded sadly in return, “Yeah, she suffered a lot alright. The city may have suffered critical and major damage, but the causality report of the city was a lot lower than we expected it to be though.”
That got the red dragon’s attention right now as he looked at his mate walking right next to him.
“Oh, and what did the causality report say? Because… well… seeing how I wasn’t there that day to see or hear it for myself. Since I was… you know… dead and all.”
Cyril flashed his mate a small sad smile, but gave into his mate’s question as they both continued walking down the ruined and damaged city street, “Well, the causality report we original thought would be much higher according to Volteer’s math and statement. We all thought the causalities would be as high in the few thousands, but… well we were wrong though.”
Ignitus nodded, “But it wasn’t, wasn’t it love.”
Cyril shook his head this time, “No, it wasn’t. The causality report we got from the medical staff reported to us that the city lost about 500 to maybe 1000 lives when the city was attacked. Most of the causalities on the report were mostly that of moles, about 20 to 30 dragons, and lastly on the report were that of cheetahs and wolf causalities. This includes soldiers, medical staff, and city civilians as well.”
“500 to maybe 1000, I thought the causality report would be much higher than that though.” Ignitus questioned.
Cyril nodded, “We all thought so too. It’s rather strange that only 500 – 1000 were killed that day when the Dark Armies attacked, because after all Malefor did send out his entire army to attack and kill everyone within the city, but if I’m being honest and truthful with… myself.”
Ignitus looked at his mate walking right next to him and waited for him to finish answering his words carefully.
“I’m quite glad that the causality report wasn’t any higher or worse, because if it was the city would have been lost and destroyed and more people would have died that day. Does that make me sound selfish Ignitus? “Cyril said softly and asked the last part.
Ignitus turned his head forward and sighed quietly to himself as he thought about his mate’s answer. After thinking for a few moments he looked back to his mate and saw him starring at him with sadness in his blue eyes.
“No, I don’t think that sounds selfish love. I think anybody or anyone thinks the same way you do. Yes it’s sad and tragic that 500 to 1000 lives were lost in the city attack that day, but at least we, Spyro, and Cynder prevented and saved more lives from being lost though.”
Cyril nodded back, “I know and I keep telling myself that too, but … I… I just wish we could have done more though.”
“I know love, and I myself wish we could have done more too, but you and I have to remember to love that we are not gods we are just normal dragons at the end of the day.” Ignitus truthfully said.
Cyril countered back though, “Do you believe that though? Do you really believe that?”
Ignitus shrugged his shoulders this time, “To be honest, I don’t really know love. I’ve told myself this every time during every battle, fight, or war I’ve been involved in that there are rules about war. Rule number one is that, young people die and rule number two is that warriors like you and I can’t change rule number one.”
“Hmm, that just sounds so… so…” Cyril tried to say.
“Harsh, crazy, dreadful, or just plain evil.” Ignitus said plainly.
Cyril shook his head once more, “No, nothing like that at all. I was going to say… it sounded rather truthful and honest, but it also paints the picture though that life can be so blissful for one minute then the next it can be taken away and lost forever.”
Ignitus nodded rather sadly this time, “Yes what you said is true, love. Life can be so beautiful one moment then the next it can be taken away so easily.
“Indeed. There is one thing that I do believe though. It’s something that my pervious teacher and former Guardian of Ice said to me.” Cyril said rather seriously.
This got the red dragon curious now more than ever, “Oh, and what did he have to say?”
Cyril looked at back his mate for a few quick seconds before facing forward once more.
“He said and I quote, “The hardest battle is to keep living.” That’s what he told me before he died of sickness. It’s that quote of words that I do believe in.” Cyril said rather proudly.
Ignitus looked forward once more as he and the blue drake walking next to him continued on walking and talking.
“Hmm, I always wondered what he said to you when he was laying on his death bed that day.” Ignitus said wondering.
Cyril nodded, “He was very wise and noble my former master. Sure he was quiet and the most mature of the previous Guardians back then, but he lived and survived it all though. He taught me everything including the lessons about life and death, right or wrong, a truth and a lie, and light and dark.”
Ignitus chuckled this time, “Yeah, my master was kind of the same, but more straight to the point and always voicing his opinions out loud rather than keeping them to himself.”
Cyril chuckled a bit, “Ha ha, yeah that I do remember very clearly about him. He was always voicing his opinions and ideas out to the world much to the annoyance of the other former Guardians back then, but that was always his character though. Always loud and yelling at everybody that crossed his path or line.”
Ignitus laughed warmly, “Yeah, we certainly had some great Master’s back then.”
The blue ice dragon nodded, “We certainly did. You remember back then when you and I came out and told them of our relationship as life-mates?”
Ignitus looked toward his mate once more and grinned, “Yeah, I do love. My first thought was they were going to yell at us or worse kick our asses.”
Cyril chuckled some more, “I had the same thought too, but no they had different looks and words that day.”
Ignitus nodded, “Indeed. Their look and words were one of, “We already knew from the start, boys.” While you and I love had the words that said, “But, how did you two know.” It was really a big surprise for us two back then.”
Cyril nodded back in return, “The best part about it though. Was that they both supported our relationship as life-mates, including the Guardians of Wind and Water. That was the best.”
Ignitus looked forward once again as he and his mate continued on walking down the street together.
“Yeah, it sure was love. Although, the old and former Guardians of Lightning and Earth weren’t that supportive of our relationship and demanded to my Master that our relationship be terminated and removed, but Ancestors above though my Master came to our aid and said, “There are no rules or laws of Guardian candidates or trainees of being together either as lovers, life-mates, or simply sleeping together.” He pretty much stopped them then and there that day with his words of order. Yet here we are still together as life-mates.” Ignitus said plainly.
“Yeah, still together you and I are hot stuff.” Cyril replied back lovingly.
Both dragon’s suddenly stopped walking and looked to their left and spotted a restaurant that was half filled full of customers. Most of the customers were dragons of many different colours and elements siting and chatting together as mole servers served them their food and drinks. The smell of food reached the two dragons and it made their stomach growl out rather loudly. The two dragons looked at each other and smiled as the smell of food was really getting to them now.
Cyril nodded his head toward the restaurant’s way just now, “What to go in and eat some supper, baby?”
Ignitus chuckled and nodded, “Sure, let’s go in and eat love.”
With all and said done, the two dragons stopped looking at each other and started walking into the restaurant together as their tails which were still entwined with each other swayed side to side in a mixture of reds and blues. Once both dragons entered the restaurant and then waited for a mole to greet them and take them to a table for two.