AHHH! So here we have a perfect example of why I finally am taking the time to meticulously organize all of my acquired artwork and upload it in gratitude -- and when I say "meticulously", I mean I wish there was something I could do about this Excel document being white when my computer is running dark mode. Having been staring at it for so long trying to organize and research where all of my art came from -- I am so tired!
Yes; I am absolutely terrible at keeping track of art I receive, and not just from gifts, such as this one, but in general, as you will see with this backlog of artwork I've never posted. Even this one shows Ulrich in his old outfit. I feel so back because I didn't even remember I received this one! I'm so sorry, @Big_Di_Wolfy !! That is why I have stayed up all night filling out an Excel document with the names and artists of artwork I have received and not posted to ensure I post each one with proper credits (because some files I had saved were, like, "IMG_XXX..." and I feel bad not knowing who the artist was after so long, so I researched all the missing artists and managed to get mostly all of them to artists (minus a group that I won't be posting because I can't find that art and they've changed their name multiple times)).
This piece, here, I feel even worse about forgetting because it is so rare that I receive gift art, and I only just now realized I had received this while looking through my notes for references to other artwork I've received! Thank you so much once again @Big_Di_Wolfy for this gorgeous piece and I sincerely hope you can forgive me! I am trying to get myself better organized so that this does not happen again!