Hello everyone! I would like to make a clarification from the post earlier this year about notifying potential participates, as it has come to my attention from a couple people asking if they should post on June 19th (Junteenth).
I had mentioned about planning on having your piece done by June 19th (Juneteenth). However, that is not the intended time to post your picture. The intended time to post your picture (or other creative work) is the week of the event -- July 3rd to July 9th.
My strategy about having your post ready by Juneteenth was akin to setting your watch forward 15 minutes, so that you are alwaysa 15 minutes early to appointments and things (because 11:00 on your watch is actually 10:45). If you have your picture or other work ready, that's great! You can breathe easy till July 3rd. If you're still working on it, there's still plenty of time (I hope) for you to breathe.
If you are commissioning, please help communicate this to your artist. You can do so by sending them this post.
I apologize for any confusion, and will try to make that clearer in the future. It's a tough balancing act to make this fun and easy for those that want to participate, and keeping any instructions clear and concise so people don't look at it and think "that's too much work and ruins the fun."
This is only the 2nd year of doing it, and the first "more official" year of doing it, so I appreciate your patience and understanding with these hitches. I also welcome any feedback on how I could ipmrove these instructions and communications to participates in the future. Please feel free to comment below or send a PM/DM if you have such feedback!
There will be one more post a little closer to the event with specific instructions for those that have something to post. Please keep your eyes out and until then enjoy your summer!