ok i cant remember if i've asked this so if i have please let me know. that said. not sure how effective Donny's weapon is with a blow touch on it. i mean theres a chance it could explode if shes not careful.
ok i cant remember if i've asked this so if i have please let me know. that said. not sure how effec
She can toggle the torch on or off from a valve attached to the center staff, sadly not visible in the render. Its just a fun little gimmick that could add a flame ark to every swing if so inclined. Probably impractical and not very viable in real life but, again, rule of cool.
She can toggle the torch on or off from a valve attached to the center staff, sadly not visible in t
ah with ya. also i do want to add i like what you did with mikeys nun-chucks, ive heard people debate if nun-chuck are even effective as weapons but adding a taser should give the weapon some kick and improve its damage output. that being said how strong is the casing?
ah with ya. also i do want to add i like what you did with mikeys nun-chucks, ive heard people debat
I'm sure Donny reinforced it somehow, its also embedded into the wood a fair bit but who knows. I also put a pepper spray can in the other end for giggles, not sure how that works though.
I'm sure Donny reinforced it somehow, its also embedded into the wood a fair bit but who knows. I al
Maybe its too difficult to get the dosage right without it becoming lethal. Tricky to contain once detonated I'd imagine, could do as much harm to the one that deploys it (unless they wear a gas mask with proper filters). Flash bangs work well enough as is I guess.
Maybe its too difficult to get the dosage right without it becoming lethal. Tricky to contain once d