Aaaand DONE, it was quite a commitment to get all four of them realized but I'm glad I saw it through to the end. And just in time for the release date trailer of Shredders Revenge, COWABUNGAAAAAA!!!!
actually mate if you dont mind me asking. whats the sword design based on? i mean besides the back its a straight katana or maybe a Odachi? depending on the length. the handle looks like it was based on a box cutter.
actually mate if you dont mind me asking. whats the sword design based on? i mean besides the back i
Right on the money, I just up scaled a box cutter and added two extra blade extensions. The middle and left most blade are attached to the right most blade on a fixed rotation hinge (the two small circles), allowing the extra blades to rotate 180 degrees so they can extend the total length or fold flush side by side for easy retraction into the grip. Probably wouldn't work in real life but the rule of cool demanded I try it out.
Right on the money, I just up scaled a box cutter and added two extra blade extensions. The middle a
it might be able work in real life, ill be honest i have been meaning to look into why they had straight katana to begin with. they must have had some advantages compared to regular katana where their curved blades made for faster slashes. if not you could add some guards to the handle and it would improve the weapons over all effectiveness.
it might be able work in real life, ill be honest i have been meaning to look into why they had stra
I only know a little but generally they where easier/cheaper to manufacture. Ninjas deployed them due to its disposable nature and you don't want to get caught wielding a sword whose manufacture could be identified. In terms of cutting properties it is my understanding that curved blades have a larger cutting surface (cleaves better) and can be drawn from the sheath faster than straight swords.
Originally I was going to add a hand guard of sorts but I ran out of time so I left it bare. Maybe consider it a testament to Leo's proficiency or as a statement of confidence in her skills.
I only know a little but generally they where easier/cheaper to manufacture. Ninjas deployed them du
Not specifically, I was referring to the Muzori style katana (straight blade but with a slightly curved grip). Is the Ninjato that short straight katana commonly associated with shinobi?
Not specifically, I was referring to the Muzori style katana (straight blade but with a slightly cur
yup. also not to be that guy but were currently up to 9 comments discussing this, we might want to continue this in dms. that's assuming you wish to continue?
yup. also not to be that guy but were currently up to 9 comments discussing this, we might want to c