Man, so much has happened over the past couple of days. Only reason I'm still writing in this was cause it was one of the few things I have. Well, I guess I should put down what happened.
Friday-08/18/2045 – The day started out just like any other, we heard on the news that the fighting was getting worse. More people had died in the fighting then when the bombs went off. Granted as long as one person died due to fighting, that would have been more then the bombs. School went normally, and the birthday party I had after was awesome. I enjoyed it so much, got some cool things from friends. My parents called and told me where they had hid my present. They seemed to know exactly what to get me. It wasn't till that night that I got the real present though. Everyone had gone home and it was just Sabrina and I left in the house. She told me to wait on the couch and left the room. I watched TV for a little bit before the dimming of the lights caught my attention. Man, Sabrina looked so hot in what she had put on. I knew then that what she had planned was what I had been hoping for. About the time we started making out our attention was briefly pulled from each other by flashing red and blue lights. We tried to forget about it and return to what we were doing until we heard the voice coming from the cops loud speaker informing everyone to stay indoors. Curfew had been set into effect by anyone who isn't either a paramedic, firefighter, or peace officer. Again we shrugged it off and tried to go back to what we were doing. Not more then probably like two minutes we heard a wreck, this noise got our curiosity peaked. Looking out the window we saw a large military type vehicle that had plowed into the side of the cop car. The cop crawled out of the car and started to stand up, as soon as he had his gun pulled and pointed someone jumped out of the truck and shot him. This scared the shit out of both of us, especially when we started seeing more men get out of the trucks and start going from house to house. Some houses they pulled people out of, other houses we could hear gun fire and the men coming out with no one. My only thought was that if they saw Sabrina dressed the way she was they would rape her. From there everything happened quickly, I heard and saw the front door getting kicked in, Standing between Sabrina and the intruders I put my fists up ready to fight to protect her. I couldn't make out the figures to well in the dark, but the two that enter were huge. I had never seen anyone this large in my entire life. My coach was the biggest guy I knew, at six foot five and probably weighing like two fifty easy, he probably would of looked small compared to these two. The first one grabbed hold of me, my punches not phasing him a bit, the other guy tore down the curtains and wrapped them around Sabrina before dragging her out kicking and screaming. I don't remember much of that other then managing to get free and jumping onto the other guys back yelling at him to let her go, that is where I black out.
Saturday-08/19/2045 – I woke up with a headache in some room. I have no idea where I was or how I had gotten there. I heard Sabrina's voice as I started to move, she handed me a glass of water and some medicine. She told me that they were there to help, after grabbing us they had grabbed some of my things, few pieces of clothing and such and stuffed them in my backpack before taking it too. I'm kinda glad they missed this journal when they emptied my backpack, cause this is the only thing that was left in my backpack. I had none of my other school things. But anyways. She told me that they hadn't touched her, which made me relieved. Then she gave a kiss, I have had allot of kisses, but never one like this. I don't know what it was, but it was the best kiss I had ever had, and she thanked me for fighting for her. I don't know, I was only doing what I thought I should. She went on to say that this place was odd. It had humans and what others were referring to as Anthros. The fighting that has been going on wasn't because of a terrorist attack. And the bombs weren't so much as a bomb to harm people, but a chemical that was airborne and induced a change which turned people into Anthros. The fighting was to put down the anthros, people who still had their humanity was saying that these new creatures were no longer human. There for a threat to the human race and needed to be exterminated. I was also informed that soon after we barely got out of my neighborhood alive. Both of us had been put into the back of a military truck and had started to leave when other military personal had shown up and started shooting. Out of the six trucks in the convoy we had been in, only two managed to escape. The rest of the day was spent trying to figure out what all was going on, we were allowed to roam the compound, but not allowed to go outside.
Today – I woke up this morning with out Sabrina next to me, she had fallen asleep in my arms. I figured she had just gotten up to go get breakfast until I tried to leave my room, only to be pushed back in and told the doctor will be seeing me shortly. I didn't try to fight them, only asked where Sabrina was and they said she was in the next room with the doctor. So I just shut my door and waited patiently for the doctor to arrive. When he finally did my first questions was about if Sabrina was ok, which she was. The doctor was what seemed to be a ferret, little taller then me, a slender body with a long tail. Most of his body was covered with grayish brown fur. The doctor said that I was exposed the the chemical that had been released, and I would soon start going through changes. He said that it wouldn't be an easy change, and that it would hurt allot. I can already feel the changes starting, and man he wasn't lieing. My entire body is hurting so bad that I can barely move. Just writing this is a strain, but not overly so. As long as I don't move to much I'm fine. Tonight is going to be really hard, I can already hear Sabrina screaming in the next room from her changes. Not sure why she is changing before me, but I can only hope that she passes out before the real changes start to happen to me. Last thing I want is for her to hear my yells of pain. I guess I better end here, my body is starting to pulsate with pain. It should start soon.