So, only doing this because it was given as an assignment by my English teacher. by the way, it's stupid that English is the only one of my classes that gets to have it's first letter capitalized. Anyways, so this is an assignment due at the end of the year. We got to keep track of every day and put something into this diary, or journal as it were. I don't really know what I'm suppose to write in this, I guess I can start with who I am. My name is Jason Micheal Longkaster, I'm 15 years old. 5 foot 2 inches tall, white, and weigh about 175. I play on the schools football team as a quarterback. I see myself as a normal student, get normal grades and all so I can keep playing football. I got a pretty cool girlfriend, her name is Sabrina. I would have to say she is one of the hottest girls in school, right behind Samantha Coleheart. Man what I wouldn't do to get a night alone with her. Hope my girlfriend doesn't read this. I was told to also put hobbies in here, well I guess my hobbies would have to be football, playing video games and hanging out with my friends. If you could call that last one a hobby. Man I can't wait till this week is over, I turn 16 Friday. Which means I'll finally be legal and my Sabrina and I can, well I guess I shouldn't mention it here seeing as I got to turn this in at the end of the year. Nothing thing that we were told to mention was what we thought about what has been happening in the news lately. Personally I don't really care to much, it's mostly just overseas politics that I don't care for. I mean, it isn't really going to effect me right? The domestic problems are seeming to hit the news allot more, well when they aren't talking about what celeb got a traffic ticket or jaywalked. It's stupid how much effort the press puts into knowing what famous people are doing, if it was up to me they would be left alone. World is full of allot more important things then which movie star is dating which. Well, I guess this is a good start for this journal, I'll end it here for tonight.
Man, today was insane. So I was sitting in my homeroom, just talking with Mat and Joey with the local news running behind me. Now normally I probably wouldn't even bother mentioning the morning news, but it wasn't the news that was weird. The TV changed to static catching everyones attention before some weird guy came on the TV starting out by saying greetings people of the world. It made me wonder if this guy had hacked into networks around the world, the idea made me more interested in what he had to say. He said something about how we only had our governments to blame for what was about to happen, that he had given them his demands and they told him no. His message was short and left allot of questions before it ended, the last thing he said leaving my friends and I kind of confused. “Enjoy your new lives” is what he said before the TV switched back to the news. Like 10 minutes later the TV was switched from local news to CNN. The words bombing catching everyones attention. The rest of the day went on with out any actual class, other then English where our teacher told us she better see todays events in our journals. Evidently several bombs went off in every major city in the world, how ever not many people died. I think last I heard was that the injured total was around five thousand worldwide as a result of the bombings, and the number was still growing slowly at the end of the school day. Sure couple of the bombs that went off were less then a hundred miles away, but I didn't really care. Some of the teachers were talking about how it was like 9/11 all over again, but from what I remember in history class, that event was much worse cause allot of people died. No one died in this, so how is it like that event? Well anyways, other then that nothing real special happened today. Football practice was canceled on account of the bombings, so we all got to go home early. All in all today was a pretty good day, got to chill and talk with friends all day, then got to go home early and enjoy some video games with friends. I guess I'll end this entry right here.
So the events from yesterday was still on the news, they did add in that allot of fighting has broken out and that the news crews weren't allowed to go near the action so they couldn't tell what the fighting was about. School had mostly returned to normal, roomers started going around by mid day on what the fighting was about. I didn't hear the roomer myself but my friend did say there was one going around supposedly. I didn't care to much for rumors, so I didn't try to find out what it was. Got to hang out with Sabrina today which is always nice. Evidently she is already making plans for my birthday. Man I can't wait, it's going to be so awesome. I'm sure that day is going to be a blast. Other then that, nothing really special happened today, so I don't really have much to put into this one. Guess I'll leave it here and go on to bed.
Found out what the fighting was about today. Evidently it is a large terrorist organization that staged simultaneous attacks all over the world. Kinda makes me worried that this might start world war three, and with the new weapons that have come out in the past thirty years. Heh, man I hope it doesn't come to that. But ya, everyone is told to refrain from going to major cities if they can help it. Which is fine with me, cause I have no reason to go anyways. Sadly though I didn't realize just how bad the fighting had gotten until I got home. My parents were sitting waiting for me. Turns out they are being reactivated and pulled back into active duty. All able bodied veterans and such are being pulled back into active duty. It sucks, but the upside to this is that I will get to live at home by myself, and Monday I get to go take a drivers test to get a temp drivers license. That way I can drive to the store and get groceries when I need them. I'm finally going to get to drive myself around. Man this week keeps getting better. First, I turn 16 tomorrow which will allow me to get a job, and do other things I probably again shouldn't say. Only down side is that my parents will be gone, and I have no idea for how long. I told Sabrina the news after and all she had to say was that it was perfect. She seemed pretty happy about hearing that my parents weren't going to be there tomorrow. Well anyways, I got to head to bed. I'll stop here for the night.