Kanya is a rare form of species called Drakkonids. Rarely seen and even rarely heard about, they are the untold secrets of Taylor's world. Born from the magic of dragons, they claim ancestry from those ancient and majestic beasts who wielded the spirits in a way not seen since mythic times. Dragons were the arbiters of the world and helped the peoples within it to accomplish their ambitions. One of those ambitions was love.
Mammal, bird or reptile - it did not matter, love could cross all boundaries. Dragons helped assist in this miraculous endeavor of cross-breeding mated partners and producing viable offspring from what would originally be an impossibility. The newly sired creations would take the genetic traits of their two disparate parents. To many, it was a blessing to have this done. To others, it was an abomination.
However, magic is not a precise science. Sometimes there are mistakes. These end up being what are now known as Drakkonids. An asexual, genderless being that not only took the genetics of the parents that sired it, but also the dragon that helped assist in its creation. In this way, no two Drakkonids look alike and each one has a unique ability garnered from the dragon that helped bore it. Despite having no ability to reproduce or romantically be involved, they did get a boon of a long lifespan, not unlike that of a dragon. As long as magic existed, so would the Drakkonids.
Sadly, events leading up to and during the great Hordos War, both the dragons and their misbegotten Drakkonids were hunted down and slaughtered. Kanya was one of the few that survived their near extinction and hides herself away among people she can trust. Rarely showing herself, she keeps to the wilds and mountains, living off the land and enjoying the company of those who would accept her. She has a cheerful temperament regardless and despite lacking genitalia prefers to be considered a girl. Like other Drakkonids of her kind, she abhors clothing and only uses them if necessary as tools or as carrying containers. It is unclear what two species her parents were aside from her dragon donor and the magic power she wields is a mystery too, since she has had little need to use it thus far. When, where and how Taylor will come across Kanya remains to be seen...