Just like with nails... The head that sticks up, will be hammered down.
And on Wall Street today, Fennec Futures Imperium (FFI) stock prices blew up early this morning. Prices tumbled rapidly and have hit bottom. Investors are shell shocked at this unexpected beating. The CEO of FFI hasn't been available for comment, and it appears FFI is completely open to a hostile takeover.
Just like with nails... The head that sticks up, will be hammered down. And on Wall Street today, F
admittedly i had a moment of brain malfunction and read "nails" as in finger/toe nails. Which resulted in the next sentence making me cringe from the mental image lmao!
*finger guns* excellent one!
admittedly i had a moment of brain malfunction and read "nails" as in finger/toe nails. Which result
You've done a really great job with this story and I'm liking it quite a lot. There are two things that can catch my attention very easily when it comes to stories, comics, or TV Shows; Warfare and Furries. This comic having both of them, I've become quite interested very quickly.
I'm also a bit of a history nerd so seeing something set in the Medieval (sort of) period is also quite exciting.
However, there are a few things that I find myself needing to point out. I'm not going to lie, part of my motivation for this is because I really wanted the little fennecs to put a much tougher fight in this siege, and although I understand that maybe the intention is that they might be doomed no matter what, I just keep seeing the Shajarians stumble and fail on so many areas that it frustrates me a little. Call me a little biased, if you will.
First and foremost, I think it's worth pointing out just how poorly equipped and armored the Shajarians are. Most of them don't appear to be wielding any swords (or spears; spears are way more common than swords. They're also really good against cavalry. Those could be useful), or even any armor. I know that the Shajarian army was basically non-existent after so many years of peace, but I also see that there was a legitimate attempt at forming a militia force, what with the uniforms and all. However, with the kind of technological period we're dealing with, the cute uniforms are really lost in their purpose. The Shajarians should all, at the minimum, have a shield, a spear (or other polearm of choice), a helmet, and a combination of chest protection (usually a combination of chainmail, breastplate and/or gambeson). Helmets in particular are quite lacking on both sides. I know we all want to see all of our favorite characters nicely, but not wearing a helmet is kind of a death sentence in it of itself in these kinds of situations.
Next are the defenses and overall know-how of the Shajarians. The wall is pretty respectable, Consisting of three rings of walls, with the last ring protecting the castle/palace/citadel itself. A moat would've been a nice addition on the outermost wall, but It's not necessarily that outrageous. What seems to bother me though, is that the Shajarians, despite having a very Switzerland approach to their defensive mentality, in that they have no allies to speak of and mostly rely on their own strength and complete neutrality to defend their borders, also seem to have neglected that very thing that guarantees their sovereignty. Not only is their army underfunded and non-existent at the start of the story, but the Shajarians also seem to be decades if not centuries behind everybody else when it comes to siege warfare, when this really should be their expertise since their very survival as a civilization depends on their ability to predict and counter enemy siege tactics and engines - That they do not know even what a ballista is says quite a lot about the state of their defenses. It also struck me as rather odd that the General Fadhi, an experienced veteran, wouldn't think that the Shomari's army might be trying to hide an attempt at digging mines under the walls (I was researching to make sure I wasn't getting anything wrong and Wikipedia insists that digging tunnels to penetrate wall defensive is simply called 'mining' and 'Sapping' refers to a more modern tactic that involves digging trenches *above ground*. I know you called it sapping during the infiltration attempt, but I really didn't know this myself either.) Even with the infiltration having failed, all that digging eventually results in so much dirt being piled up that it's really impossible to hide, at which point Fadhi might've (according to what's usually done, anyway), ordered for the Shajarian army to mine its own tunnels to meet Shomari's forces underground. In tunnel warfare the Shajarians should have advantage since their own tunnels would be smaller and make combat difficult for the enemy.
(1/?) Jeez long
You've done a really great job with this story and I'm liking it quite a lot. There are two things t
The use by the Shajarians of pyrotechnics is quite good, although I would've rather preferred to see them use things like clay pots filled with the flammable substance thrown from the ballistas than them using fire arrows, since ballistas in the real world were quite versatile, accurate, and would've provided a better possible range than a regular old bow; it's also way easier to train soldiers on how to use a ballista than train them on how to use a bow and arrow. I don't really see much wrong with the maybe over-use of this material, specially since we don't how it's made, and it's perfectly possible that they might've kept these in safe storage to emergencies like these, although if that's the case I would go back to my first point and pull at my hair, screaming at everything that is holy and questioning why they didn't keep any armor or weapons in storage for militia use. Somebody get these fennecs a shield at the very least PLEASE AHH. One last note, for sieges, and for people who are way too close to the wall, the flammable tar stuff might be unnecessary. You'd be wasting precious flamey stuff on people who are so close to the wall that there are other, less expensive and easier to acquire things that you could throw at them. In the real world, during sieges, it was very common for the besieged army to simply throw stones (I don't think fennec-carriable stones might be as effective, but there you go) or probably everybody's favorite: Water.
I'm not kidding, just throw SCALDING HOT WATER at them. Water basically grows everywhere (maybe not in the desert but you get my point), and since the end goal of this water is to land and burn somebody's face off, it doesn't even have to be the nice clean spring water in the Shajarian caves. Just grab all the dirty, murky bath water everybody's been using to clean themselves, or clean wounds with, heat it up REAL GOOD, and yeet it over their heads. Because it's so hot, it might not cause any diseases since the heat would reasonably kill any bacteria, but hey, if they do get sick on top of third degree burns, that's just a bonus, right?
For if and when the fights eventually reaches the caves proper, I really hope the Shajarians start digging trenches that are somewhere around 2 meters (6-ish feet) deep every now and then along the cave passages. Mind you, these trenches aren't meant for the Shajarians to stay inside of. The purpose of these trenches, since we're talking medieval sword and shield warfare, is to put Shomari's horde at a height disadvantage. Not only this would mean great, awesome protection to the Shajarians against any cavalry trying to fight its way into the cave (trenches are bad for horses), but also it would give an opportunity for the otherwise tiny Shajarians to really meet their foes on a more 'face-to-face' level, and really give them a good way to poke the enemy in the eye with a pointy stick.
WOW I think that's all of it. That was a nice long ramble, and I really hope you don't mind. Ultimately, I wanted to make these comments because I've liked your story so much so far, and even if maybe things are a little too set in stone so far (I understand Chapter 3 has already been finished and Chapter 4 is well on its way in the drawing board), but I wanted to use my awesome nerd levels to give you the information that I know and give you every bit of insight that I can regarding how people in 'Ye Olde Days' beat each other to a pulp.
You guys are doing great and I hope you continue to get better. I swear one day I'll be looking back at the first pages of this comic just like how I look at the first pages of TwoKinds and just be stunned and the great journey that it will one day have been and the growth of the wonderful creators of this comic.
Best of luck to you! Also, so very sorry for the long posts ;w;
The use by the Shajarians of pyrotechnics is quite good, although I would've rather preferred to see
Ah sweet! There's that cvs receipt i was looking for, thanks pal~
Joke aside, I do thank you for your points and insight! (I actually love getting long rants from people, as that to me shows that people like the comic enough to care about it, and that's crazy exciting to me ;w; <3) The fennecs are definitely inept when push comes to shove (lol what is "worst case scenario?"). Most of which can be blamed on the insane hubris of their elites, and I want the records to show that I personally do not endorse their... unusual way of "warfare" lmao. Some of your points I was aware of, but there was a lot of them I didn't know/hadn't considered before so I really appreciate the input! Definitely adding some to the list of future events ^^
So while this arc is almost concluded (at least behind the scenes), there is a lot of story ahead which will be led by people who actually know what they're doing, so I'm hoping that they'll be able to make up for the fennecs' frustrating lack of military experience and efficiency ;3
Admittedly TwoKinds was a huge help to push me to finally get a comic going (because if Markimoo's brother is able to improve and create a from-amateur-to-masterpiece of a comic then maybe i wouldn't be too lost of a cause lol), so i'm hoping you're right on that front too! I'm always looking for ways to improve it, so feel free to bring any more input as you see it~ Again, thank you so very much! I really appreciate your comments, and it means so much to me that you have faith in this "little" project of mine ;w; <3
Ah sweet! There's that cvs receipt i was looking for, thanks pal~ Joke aside, I do thank you for yo
Ehhhh, depends. If he lives, it's certinaly going to hurt his pride...And there's always the chance that they'll Skin and Toture him afterwards if he hasn't bled out by then...so ya, Death would have been preferable XD .
Ehhhh, depends. If he lives, it's certinaly going to hurt his pride...And there's always the chance