I got into a random creative mood, and conjured up these silly robots.
The short one on the left has a destructo ray gun mounted on top.
When moving, it steers very much the same way army tanks and bulldozers do.
The tallest one in the middle moves by means of a chain driven axle with artificial feet on it.
It steers by means of internal counter weights inside shifting around.
When this one is moving fast, the feet make a >slippity-slappity slippity-slappity< sound.
This one has also been programed to be somewhat of a smart alec.
The one on the right has a chain driven buzz saw blade in place of one of the mechanical hands.
This one moves by means of the single leg ram. It leans forward on it's springs near it's pod by means of internal counter weights to project itself forward, then leans back to land back down. It hops in the same way a kangaroo hops (The springs are the small bluish ones right at the pod. The big black object under the body is a dust diaphragm).
The counter weights also move to perform direction change for steering.
When this one goes fast, it makes a >thump thump thump thump thump< sound.
The smaller eyes out to the sides are for inferred night vision.
2 years, 9 months ago
15 Apr 2022 01:32 CEST
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