jajajaj por favor shadow! te han pillado con las manos en la masa! XDD putuu sonic! y parecia tonto cuando lo compramos XDDD Shadooow! no te me enfades que salen arrugas! XD Esta noch frunjeee uuyy que si!
jajajaj por favor shadow! te han pillado con las manos en la masa! XDD putuu sonic! y parecia tonto
Wow.... Even if I get pissed every time Shadow denies what Sonic says and pretty much yells at him XD. I think when Sonic told him that he blushed and danced for him. The now blushing Ulitmate life form realizes that Sonic knows his stuff and tries to walk out on him lol XD. But couldn't. (which I wasn't expecting Sonic to lock the door on him. He must really be a horny hedgehog or something LOL XD.) and the last panel oooh yeah I know what's going to happen hehe >;D. Shadow you cannot and shall not deny your feelings anymore after this XD.
Wow.... Even if I get pissed every time Shadow denies what Sonic says and pretty much yells at him X