I wanted to practice more on dramatic lighting and background, So I cooked up this piece of art of Tod and Bri in love at Lake Rosemound where they sealed their relationship with one another. Also I wrote up a little story told by Bri the Raccoon about the legend of the lake and why he holds the lake close to his heart.
Legend of Lake Rosemound
Bri here:
This is a little story that my Grandpa told me when I was a kid. It's a story that I definitely won’t forget. It’s a legend about Lake Rosemound and why it’s my favorite place to camp at. If y’all want to know more about this special lake and why it's close to my heart, I’d be happy to tell y’all about it.
Deep in the lush forests, about a 2 hour drive from my home in the city of Baton Rouge and nestled in a gentle valley is the tranquil waters of Lake Rosemound. This irregularly shaped body of water extends its tendrils deep into the surrounding forest much like how the lake's legend of love extends deep into the minds and hearts of those who are fortunate enough to visit Rosemound's tepid waters glittering peacefully in the sunlight.
Raccoon legend says that it was here at Lake Rosemound that Procyon, the King of the Eastern Raccoon Nation and his beloved wife Lotor, the queen of the Raccoon Nation of the West professed their undying love for one another ending years of violent wars between two separate raccoon nations and leading to the birth of the United Raccoon Nation of Procyon Lotor, named after them. So strong was their love it provided the two the resolve to break their own fears of what their respective peoples, each side embroiled with hate for one another, would do to them. But their love served as the strength binding the Raccoon Nation together through the best of times and through the worst of hardships. Both led happy lives together and raised children who were just as kind and loving as their parents. They even regarded all raccoons, rich and poor, big and small, as their own children while caring for the nation as if it were their own home. The king and queen reigned over the nation, justly, wisely, and compassionately for 80 years before eternity finally called them home to the Ether.
On their final days, Procyon and Lotor requested their sons and daughters take them back to the lake. Their last words to one another was “We shall give back to these waters our love so that those who come to this lake may know that true strength is undying love.” With that, they held hands and drew their final breaths. From that point forth, it is said that the waters of Lake Rosemound became imbued with the immortal love of the Raccoon King and Queen, the founders of the Raccoon Nation. It was their love for one another despite each coming from former bitter enemy nations that taught us raccoons for generations to come that love, not power, against all odds, is the true path to a complete life.
It would be the love of the King and Queen, imbued in the waters of the lake, that would come to two individuals leading completely different lives and aid the both of them to find the courage in their hearts to discover themselves and come together as lifelong soul mates.
Y’all see, that lake holds a special place in my heart because those waters helped me and my little buddy Tod find each other and muster the courage to break the chains holding us back and profess our own undying love for one another. So Tod and I spend time at Lake Rosemound every year and we’re fixin’ to continue to do that for as long as we live. Maybe when our time comes to return home to the Ether, we can do exactly what Procyon and Lotor did by giving our love back to the lake so that it can help a future couple find the courage to fall in love as we did. Nobody…and I mean… nobody should ever have to live life without loving and being loved because love is the true strength needed to live happy lives no matter how good or bad times get.
If Y'all are in the area, please do give the lake a visit and spend some time there. You and your significant other will come out of the experience much happier and deeper in love than y’all can imagine. That’s God’s given truth because that's exactly what happened to me and my little buddy when we sealed our relationship at the lake. I love my little buddy with all my heart, he makes my life complete. And I’m so glad beyond words he feels likewise for me.
Y’all have a good day. You hear?
Bri, out.
2 years, 11 months ago
08 Apr 2022 07:28 CEST
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