Of the many perks of being an electric type, having near unlimited electricity is by far one of the most convenient. Even during blackouts, the ability to restart the power has come in handy on several occasions, and generally speaking saves a ton of money on electricity bills.
Plus, as is the case tonight with Jesse and Kyn, it makes for a really convenient way to watch trashy action movies during a power out while also a fun excuse to snuggle up together. Plus, with Kyn letting loose some excess charge she'd be "vulnerable and needs a big, strong, handsome man to hold her so she doesn't colapse due to energy loss. And yes Jesse, I do need to be in a bikini. Don't want my clothes to catch fire or something..." Or so she says. x3
Birthday gift for Jesse aka jkdogshusband on Twitter Just a simple, cute pic of the two of us chillin, as well as an excuse for me to draw Kyn using her powers again X3