While their trainer spends some time with her friends, Frexxy the Grovyle and Kaiklee the Hakomo-o spend the sunset walking down the pier, hand in hand. They've been sorta dating on and off for a while now, and while their first meeting was a little bit awkward, they grew to deeply care about one another, and even fall in love. Having their trainer, Alyna, keep them both in her team also helped strengthen their bond, training together during off time or sneaking out at night to dance under the soft moonlight.
Tonight was no different, and as they snuck out of the Trainer Hotel their trainer and her friends were staying at, the pair of Pokemon could hear music not too far away. It sounded like a restaurant not too far was still open, and the band was playing soft jazzy music that filled the air with sweet, romantic tunes. Frexxy, seeing his chance to do something special for his very special Poke-mate, would gently take her hand and guide her closer, catching the fighting-dragon type pokemon off a little bit.
Instead of tripping, however, Frexxy would pull her towards him, spinning her into an embrace. Ears perking, Kaiklee would blush a bit as their bodies pressed together, and as the band continued to play, Frexxy would lead his partner into a waltz. Kaiklee would blush a little bit, and giggle a little bit as their snouts touched.
The song continued the two Pokemon would share this moment, matching the tempo of the band with their steps. Kaiklee's scales would cling softly to the beat, complementing the music quite nicely, coming to a head when the song neared its creccendo. Frexxy would spin his girlfriend in a twirl, having her stop with her back to his chest. He'd wrap her arms around her and hold her close, nuzzling her gently on the snoot. Kaiklee would smile and hold his arms in hers, while subtly easing her tail between his legs, something that made Frexxy blush a bit.
The two would hold this pose as the song ended, Frexxy gently caressing Kaiklee's cheek as they would simply sway from side to side. Frexxy would lean in close and softly kiss his Poke-mate on the lips, to which Kaiklee, blushing even more now, would reciprocate.
"Happy Valentines Day, my dear," Kaiklee said softly as their lips parted, and as the Grovyle of her dreams smiled back to her, he'd kiss her again, his hand gently pressing on her cheek.
"Happy Valentines Day to you too, my pearl," Frexxy replied, his arm around her waist squeezing her closely, bringing the two Pokemon even closer than ever before.
Happy Valentine's Day y'all! Hope you guys are having a good one, and for all the singles out there (myself included lol), I wish you even more good tidings and well wishes.
As for the subject of my pic, let me introduce to you two of my Pokemon in a Pokemon DnD campaign my friends and I are in. Frexxy is my Grovyle who I started my journey with when he was still a Trecko (though at the time of writing he's evolved into a Sceptile) and Kaiklee the Hakamo-O (who also evolved into a Kammo-O, basically at the same time as Frexxy) who I saved from falling and befriended. These two are some of the Poke-pairings that have developed during the campaign, with Frexxy and Kaiklee being the strongest couple so far. They've also become my favorite couple too, which is why I drew em for this year's Valentine's. I'll no doubt be drawing them again in more situations, so do expect that in time.
Till then, have a wonderful Singles Awareness Day and Valentines Day, and I wish you all the best~ <3
valentine's day
3 years, 1 month ago
14 Feb 2022 04:12 CET
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