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Buzzkill Beaver.
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Chucky's Gallery (566)

Elysia's reason.

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by Chucky
Buzzkill Beaver.
Other opinions.
Elysia already knows what it's like to live a very long time, but she has some pretty good reasons to stick around longer.

female 1,085,137, cat 213,994, chubby 44,570, squirrel 30,973, magic 25,342, rat 23,467, witch 6,864, beaver 4,136, porcupine 2,978, wizard 2,226, gwendolyn 182
Type: Comic
Published: 2 years, 11 months ago
Rating: General

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2 years, 11 months ago
magic is cool :3
2 years, 11 months ago
now THAT got their attention.

Now I wonder...

AC or DC ? ;)
2 years, 11 months ago
2 years, 11 months ago
Neat ;) I'd like to see that waveform plot, likely has a lot of spikes too ( those make for a nice crackling sound )
2 years, 11 months ago
Of course it has lots of spikes, it's being generated by a porcupine. XD
2 years, 11 months ago
*scnr* ;)
2 years, 11 months ago
It's bound to give a show that rocks...
2 years, 11 months ago
A group of bards should hire her for stage-effects, then go on tour :)

Or maybe even on stage. Can she sing?
2 years, 11 months ago
I heard she can give a spectacular rendition of ''Ride the lightning''...
2 years, 11 months ago
Yeah. I'm convinced the performance is outright "electrifying" ;P
2 years, 11 months ago
They say she bring the spark to the band...
9 months, 1 week ago
Prickarella's  favorite song is... **THUNDER STRUCK!** by AC/DC
9 months, 1 week ago
I approve of this idea!
2 years, 11 months ago
I never thought about it. Can or can't, get a few drinks in her and she'd try her hardest.
2 years, 11 months ago
Souds like a plan :-)

Tipsy witch who can cast lightning from her fingertips, what could possibly go wrong? ;)
2 years, 11 months ago
If she cares so much about mother nature, why is she a witch? Breaking mother nature's laws of physics.
2 years, 11 months ago
Most likely due to being born that way. If I recall, in this world magic is akin to a natural ability that some simply inherit. The reason why Chucky could never learn to be a wizard, he can only gain some very basic magical traits from spending intimate time with Gwendolyn.
2 years, 11 months ago
She was born that way. But she's always embraced a very G-rated Halloween version of witchcraft. The subject matter of the day is well outside of her comfort zone.
2 years, 11 months ago
Nice to finally see Prickella's power in action.
2 years, 11 months ago
Zapstraction XD
2 years, 11 months ago
thats one way to let off some pent up energy Prickella X3
2 years, 11 months ago
Oh, an electrokinetic? That's cool. Is her design influenced somewhat by the Paramount STH?

I mentioned her gripes on the last page, though I felt I needed to expand on that. Didn't want to ruin anything for anyone though.
I'm not really a fan of generalization. Especially nowadays where it's just too easy to throw a label on someone, and assume they must come with all stereotypes and stigmas of that label.
I'm not going to get into the whole sex with cubs debate.  Because it's more of a fight than a debate, and we'll be here for years. But not everyone is the same. Just because someone is into that kind of thing or has done that kind of thing does not mean they are immoral. Everything should be taken on a case by case basis, and in this case, we have seen the kind of interaction Gwen and Chucky have had. I wouldn't call that immoral, though I personally would have been a bit less forceful about it in the beginning.

The Mother Nature bit is a hit and miss with me as well. I understand it though, but if you're going to bring something like that up, you have to look at everything that may also be considered against nature. Medicine would probably be on the same vein as the age elixir, as it interferes with the natural life to extend it.

People are going to have their opinions about everything. That's fine. Though I don't think it should be harshly pushed into another's face, regardless of how righteous that opinion is believed to be.
2 years, 11 months ago
Sorry to butt in on the monologe, just wanted to leave my own 50 cents on the whole "Mother Nature won't approve" statement.
If Mother Nature was against such actions, people wouldn't start sexually blossoming around 11-12 (and sometimes even waaay younger), being able to reproduce way before their mental maturity.
As a matter of fact, people mature differently from one another.
Speaking from personal experience - people around me thought that I was quite mature, despite being 13 y/o, while everyone thought that my father was (and still is) a man-child.
And to top it all off - the "Moral Principles" are made by humans, and they change every decade, each nation has their own "Moral standarts", and what's wrong for one country, may be perfectly fine for another. Sometimes even one spot of the same country might have different moral compas than the neighboring ones.

And yes, it's a hot debate, wether it's "right or wrong", so I won't delve into it that far. x3
2 years, 11 months ago

Some of that were things I mentioned on the last page.
I've come to find that mental maturity is more of a social thing than a biological one.

Sure, a little kid is going to be just a kid. They are learning, they are just being themselves. Nothing wrong with that.
They shouldn't be forced or manipulated to do things they don't want or aren't personally ready to do.
But what deviates a mature person from an immature person? I think a lot of it has to do with the individual personality.
Though I've observed that people who are treated like, well, people, and given support early on tend to be much more mature.
I've also observed that people who are much more worldly and have many more experiences than others their age tend to be more mature as well.

Vanity, ignorance, intolerance, and hatred tend to come along with some of the worst personalities and people I've ever met.
2 years, 11 months ago
Comment, monologue was probably not best word to use. x3

And yeah, I agree with you fully.
Not only experience, but each person's... personality matters in how they'd treat said experience.
What I've noticed is, that nowadays most parents expect someone else to raise their hildren, be it school, internet or books/phones, then they make "surprised pickachu" face when their child grows arrogant and indifirent to them.
Some try to keep their kids "protected", not letting them get their own experiences, even if bad, which also works bad in personality development.
Human beings are quite complicated and its impossible to put solid labels on everyone, even if some people agree with each other on the surface, they're quite different deep within.
Kids as well, some mature faster than others regardless of how much they're taught, they're naturaly curious and behaved.
How to explain that phenomenon, I have no idea.
My mother taught me and my sister in similar fashion, yet we're absolute polar opposites.
2 years, 11 months ago
Some personality traits can play a big part in how some people turn out.
For instance, a person who's usually curious and harder working than most will mature a lot faster than someone who's lazy.
Someone who tries to be a problem solver will go further than someone who just walks away from them.

I've been dealing with a deep depression for the last several years, trying desperately to find a way to break free from it. So I've been looking up a lot of self-help videos, talks, audio books, etc. It's helped me learn a lot more about myself in the process.
And what I've learned is that one of the biggest personality influences you can do is simply to be honest. Honest with yourself and with the people around you. Also, adopting self-love will really go on to change your life for the better as well.

Something that also helped me a lot was simply interacting with people. These comments, a couple of debates elsewhere, finally speaking my mind on a few issues, etc. Somehow it kind of helped me break out of my shell I guess. Not totally, but definitely helped. It wasn't even something that I would have thought of either.

So as you say, even if people are subjected to the same experiences, education, etc., who they are on the inside can make or break their experiences as well. As cliche and obvious as it might be to some people, just being yourself is probably one of the best things you can be or teach a person to be.
2 years, 11 months ago
Again, wholeheartedly agree with you on all what you've said.

I've battled off depression myself, for a few years.
Not sure if I completely won, but I've beat my issues to the point that I can tell them to "shut up", when ever I feel like being paranoid, depressed or self-depreciating again.
My cure and a way out of depression, turned to be - porn.
Sharing good arts with people and "helping the horny in need", as silly as it might sound, it helps alot.
As well as a bit of "self-proframming".
Took alot of will power and self-debating to literally break my own mind and escape from the dark loop I've been sinking into.
Won't recommend anyone the experience...

And a 200% YES on being honest with yourself.
Don't have to be 100% honest with others, unless you trust them with your life, but with yourself, 200% is a must, no matter how ugly the truth is - embrace is, learn from it and shape your life accordingly.

That's also the reason why I quit interracting with most people on the net and irl.
Too many hypocrites, that lie to themselves and everyone around them, just to save the illusion of a good life they "have", and will drag everyone else to hell, if you even step on their "sacred ground".
Some will drag you to hell regardless tho, cuz they're bored.

Okay, I'll stop, cuz now I start to sounds depressing. XD
2 years, 11 months ago
I gotta agree with you on that sexually blossoming around 11-12 thing. I remember being in six grade and a girl in my class had nice big tits. Mother nature doesn't recognize nor care about our magic age of 18 where all of the sudden we become mature adults in a split second. I was kind of like you in the sense that I matured early in a lot of ways, and not so much in others.
2 years, 11 months ago
I was sexually interested from the age of 6, once I found father's porn tape. XD
Mother nature was kind enough to give me high libido and didn't care for my age being not "socially acceptable" for such interests.
And what do you know? I had plenty of girls around me, that had blossomed early and had sexual interests as well.
And some were quite agressive about it too!
So when people shake about "evil adults corrupting kids", I say - you know NOTHING about kids, especially modern ones, raised by internet.
They could corrupt YOU instead.
2 years, 11 months ago
Ha ha, that's hot. I wish I'd been interested when I was that young. I guess I kinda was, but my sexual interests were.....talking animal characters, surprise surprise. Even if I'd had the interests though, I was too shy to do anything about it.

I think a lot of people forget their childhood. Or they choose to forget it when they become parents and their 'innocent' little angel must be protected from the evils that corrupt. I feel like becoming a parent makes a lot of people crazy.
2 years, 11 months ago
Yeah, I've seen it far too many times, when the parents pressure their kids, literally demonising their kids for having... *LE GASP* sexual urges when their body changes!!!
Could you imagine someone going through biological changes in their life and being horny teen on main?!
Shame on these kids, how could they?!
Surely their parents NEVER been like that, they were total angels and pure souls through, and through, to be a perfect role model!
Well, what do you know? All the parents are hypocrites for the sake of having a leverage on their kids and people around them.

Sadly, everyone lies their way through life and build a self-image, based on lies, especially infront of their kids, they have to maintain, which goes to the point of not holding up to reality, with bulshit expectations most parents have for their kids.

A few of my friends were actually AFRAID of letting their parents know they were sexually active!
I've asked them - "So what? You're already 18+, why should you care if your parents know that you're horny or not?"
Well, these parents are so insecure about themselves, they had to literally ingrave in their kids' minds that "being horny = sin" to the point of being afraid of some "consequences", even after they turn "adults".

To summarise the little rant:
Most parents have to lie to themselves, cuz they had to lie to THEIR parents, to maintain certain public image, that they forget about their own teenage escapades, supressing "bad memories", then pressire their kids to do the same, working out their unrealistic fantasies and childhood insecurities through the new generation.

Whuch is extremely sad.
I'm happy that I only had ONE bad parent and my mother helped me develop into the man I am now, despite my father's efforts.
2 years, 11 months ago
No, I came up with her long before the STH movie came out. I honestly can't remember where I got the idea for her power. One of those things that just popped in my mind that fit the character.

I enjoyed reading the discussion between you and
. This arc to the story is sort of my way of exploring the subjects. Lynn obviously represents the self-righteous, my way is right, mother's view toward this stuff. Everyone else in the room disagrees with her, but even their views differ from each other's.
2 years, 11 months ago
Ho, boy, Prickella just got “angry Pikachu” up in this bastard...
2 years, 11 months ago
I must plug in and feel the charge!
2 years, 11 months ago
Disease, plagues, starvation, droughts, natural disasters are all "natural".  The things mankind has created to fight them are not.

2 years, 11 months ago
2 years, 11 months ago
In the epoch this is taking place, i would have figured people started getting married around 14-16 years old
2 years, 11 months ago
Yes, there are plenty of critters that get married young. But those are usually arranged and 'sanctioned' by their parents. It's like that view that a lot of parents seem to take that they 'own' their kids. My wife's parents were like that, and she was 20 when we got together! Her parents still viewed her as their 'child' to be coveted and protected.
2 years, 11 months ago
In the epoch this is taking place, i would have figured people started getting married around 14-16 years old
2 years, 11 months ago
I'm siding with the old squirrel gal. For obvious reasons. :-)
2 years, 11 months ago
Her nipples must hurt now considering that energy arc went right through them
2 years, 11 months ago
it's her ability. maybe she likes it?
2 years, 11 months ago
She definitely likes it.
2 years, 11 months ago
inB4 Prickly gal starts shouting:  "Power!..Un..limited...POWwww weR!!"
2 years, 11 months ago
I have a feeling these two have had more than one "discussion" about such things over the years.
And I won't even get NEAR what Lynn thinks of "The Count" and his Harem, especially if her sons know about what
their mother does and who she associates with! Hoo BOY!

REALLY getting into personalities now, LOVE IT! :D

Also I think Pricklla enjoyed that little demonstration a BIT too much. Good for her! :D
2 years, 11 months ago
Prickella gets a fair bit of 'enjoyment' out of her power. She feels that electrical tingle everywhere, including where it counts. Yes, Lynn and Elysia have had a few confrontations before, but this is a big one. Lynn pulling the 'Mother Card' only pissed off Elysia even more. Their views on motherhood are very different.
2 years, 11 months ago
And Prickella gets even more fantabulous.
2 years, 11 months ago
The conversation went into some dark territory there. The downside of immortality ( ב (oo) ב )  
2 years, 11 months ago
It's gonna get a little darker. But that's where Elysia felt she needed to shoot down Lynn's opinion of extending her life. Elysia is already 116. Without any magic, Mother Nature granted her an excessively long life. Long enough to experience the pain of immortality without even asking for it. So she figures, 'what the fuck, I'm already this old, I'll be the eternal grandmother and enjoy every minute of it'.
2 years, 11 months ago
2 years, 11 months ago
Shit, why would you make double comment when I was trying to edit, IB?!
2 years, 11 months ago
2 years, 11 months ago
Tried to edit my last reply, but IB made 2 copies of the same comment instead.
2 years, 9 months ago
Anyone ever told you how good you are at psycho faces?
2 years, 9 months ago
No, but thanks. Lot's of anime for inspiration.
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