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If Only They Knew.......
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Mini Wolf, Copyright: Genao Productions

Ok everyone. So time to move onto some more new drawings that I still haven't posted yet. And what's cool is that these drawings were actually made recently. About two weeks ago in total. At least they all got FINISHED two weeks ago lol.

So over the course of under a month or so, I drew a total of 8 drawings. I definitely hustled hard in February. 6 of them for FA and IB. And 2 of them for IB only. And I went through a ton of ideas of what I wanted to draw. But, I narrowed down my ideas and came up with the drawings I did draw lol. For now anyways.

So to start off, here's the first drawing out of the 6. So, I decided to give Mini Wolf one more moment of spotlight in regards of my potty pic series lol. So, this was an idea I've been ITCHING to try out. As you can clearly see, it's in a position/pose I've NEVER tried to draw before actually. But after this, I'm going to move onto other characters from other cartoons. And give Mini Wolf a break for now. But, more is absolutely planned in the future lol.

But anyways, basically I figured I had a PERFECT reference/pose of Mini Wolf. And I also figured I had a PERFECT background/toilet reference. All that was left to do was combined the references together and draw it out. So one night, I went ahead and gave it my best effort. And sketched it out to see how it would turn out.

And when I got done sketching it, I was absolutely amazed. I was actually successful in drawing this! And considering this was my FIRST ever time drawing a potty pic (or any drawing for that matter) in a pose/position like this. I'm still kinda surprised I was able to pull this off lol. It's not absolutely perfect. Especially considering that this was my first time attempting a "rear shot" pose like this. But I still think it came out great. And again, it's an amazing first attempt lol. Will I draw something like this again? Well for the right character and the right poses, yeah I'd try it again. No guarantees it'll work out though lol.

But anyways, let's go ahead and look at the finished result :3 For you viewing pleasure lol. So it looks like poor Wolfie gets spotted on the toilet again lol. But, where is Mini Wolf? Well, here's what I came up with. Last minute lmao.

So, Mini Wolf is on YET another little vacation. However this time, this is just a father & son trip. It's only Mini Wolf, and his dad this time. And Mini Wolf's mom, and his sister Lee-Lou were going to stay at home so Mini Wolf's mom could "hold the castle" while Mini Wolf and his dad were gone. So she could continue to pay the bills and such. And yes, they would travel by car again since they weren't going too far.

But originally, Mini Wolf wasn't supposed to go either. And he was supposed to stay at home. Basically, this wasn't a vacation for Mini Wolf's dad. He was going out of town for a business meeting, in regards of an upcoming construction project. And knowing his dad was going to be leaving home again, Mini Wolf didn't want to deal with his dad being absent again. And plus, he was also curious about what he could possibly learn while he was with his dad.

So Mini Wolf BEGGED to tag along with his dad this time. And it took some nudging. As at first his dad was not on board with the idea. For obvious reasons. A couple reasons being one, he wasn't going to be too far away from home. Maybe a few towns over. Though he would need a hotel, as the drive there and back was going to take a while. But it's not like he was traveling extremely far away or anything.

But also, he was only going to be gone for just 3 days MAXIMUM. Not like a week or anything. But since Mini Wolf wanted to go with him so badly, his dad discussed it with his wife (Mini Wolf's mom) about it. And decided ultimately to go ahead and let Mini Wolf tag along with him. Under the conditions that Mini Wolf would follow his dad's rules if he came with him.

And while some of the rules were "lame" in Mini Wolf's mind (and maybe could secretly find ways around them), he agreed he would follow his dad's rules. And so it was going to be a Father & Son trip. For just a couple of days. And Mini Wolf's mom could have (somewhat) a break from having to deal with two kids lol. Though, she would still have to deal with one.

And then, the time came to leave. And Mini Wolf and his dad headed out on a late morning. And got to their destination by late afternoon/early evening. And they got a room for a couple of days. And got settled in and such. And the business meeting would be in a couple of days. Hopefully with Mini Wolf tagging along, the business meeting will still go smoothly. And also, wouldn't it be nice if the business in question has an area for kids. As that would be perfect for Mini Wolf lol.

But the night they arrived into town, Mini Wolf's dad was going to have dinner at a local restaurant with some of his co-workers who were also in town for the meeting. And obviously, Mini Wolf would have to tag along with him lol. Which was fine, because Mini Wolf was hungry anyway lol. So they went, had dinner, everything went well and everyone had a good time for the most part. There MAY have been times where Mini Wolf got impatient (like any kid would), and would have to be reminded by his dad to be patient and wait. Minor stuff like that. But overall it was a good time.

However during the car ride back to the hotel, was when Mini Wolf felt the need to go use the bathroom. Who knows if that dinner he ate moved through him that quick. Or if since he had dinner, he had to get rid of what he had for lunch, who knows lol. But Mini Wolf had to go. But he figured since the hotel wasn't far from the restaurant, he'd stay quiet and hold it in. Though, the anticipation would definitely become greater the longer he had to wait lol.

But thankfully before Mini Wolf had to say anything, they made it back to their hotel room. And the moment Mini Wolf's dad removed his key-card and opened the door, Mini Wolf went bolting inside the room and into the bathroom. Which was an "interesting" setup to say the least lol. There was 3 separate rooms. The middle area having the sink, the room on the right having the toilet, and the room on the left having the shower. But there was one downside.......You see, this bathroom has NO doors. Some hotels can be like this. And I've actually witnessed this FIRST hand. As I once had a hotel like this once with a similar setup.

Why did Mini Wolf's dad get a room like this? Well again if you recall, Mini Wolf's dad was supposed to go on this trip alone. And this hotel room is a 1 bed room. And it was already booked in advance. And bringing Mini Wolf with him was a last minute decision. So Mini Wolf would also need to sleep either on a blow up mattress, or sleep in the same bed as his dad. Which who knows, maybe Mini Wolf wouldn't have minded it. But given how he can be, I presume he'd rather want his own space. So Mini Wolf's dad probably had to get a separate blow up mattress for Mini Wolf lol.

But anyways........While Mini Wolf entered inside the room, someone on the same floor called for Mini Wolf's dad's attention. Turns out, one of his dad's co-workers had a hotel room on the same floor as them. Which is always cool and interesting lol. And since Mini Wolf's dad saw him run into the room, he figured it was ok to have a have a quick conversation with his co-worker. But he didn't wanna take too long however, due to a certain reason.......So he was in kind of a hurry.

But while Mini Wolf's dad was quickly talking to his co-worker outside in the hallway, Mini Wolf went ahead and found the bathroom. But once he saw this bathroom had no doors, he was concerned at first and contemplated using this bathroom. As he wanted his privacy. But considering he had to go, he pretty much decided to take the risk and use the bathroom anyway. It was "bottoms up", literally in this case lol.

So Mini Wolf quickly went over to the toilet, opened the lid, pulled his pants down and jumped up onto the toilet and began taking his evening dump. And it was definitely NOT quiet, to say the least......Lol. But even if Mini Wolf's dad (or anyone else) heard it, they didn't pay any attention to it. Which would be apparent in a couple of minutes.

But Mini Wolf's dad was still chatting with his co-worker out in the hallway (while holding the door open with one hand lol). And again, was good in Mini Wolf's case. Being that he still had privacy for the time being. But Mini Wolf knew that this time, it was going to be a matter of time before he got caught. But he was hoping by the time his came in, he would be all done and back out of the bathroom.

So with that in mind, Mini Wolf tried to quickly get all of the remains out of his rear. So he could quickly wipe up and finish. He didn't care if it was loud coming out. The quicker he was done, the better lol. And loud, it certainly was. But thankfully he was able to get everything out of him within a minute or so. And he was all done, dump wise lol. All that was left to do was just wipe, and he was done.

But it turns out, time was already up. And Mini Wolf's dad was finishing up talking with his co-worker. Because it turns out.......That Mini Wolf's dad ALSO had to use the bathroom........Lmao. Like father, like son I guess. And this was a certain detail that Mini Wolf was unaware of. As he didn't know his dad had to go too. Funny how that works lmao.

So that's when Mini Wolf's dad walked in and closed their door. And Mini Wolf was still sitting on the toilet, not finished yet. He was finished taking his dump at least. But he still had to wipe his rear before he could get off the toilet. And he didn't know what to do. But because there was nothing Mini Wolf COULD really do, he just decided to keep his head turned away at first. As if to ignore his dad looking at him.

And Mini Wolf's dad then started heading to the bathroom himself, but also called for Mini Wolf. And when Mini Wolf heard his dad say "Wolfie?? Where'd you go??", he just stayed completely still. He didn't respond, or move a muscle. And that's when his dad found the bathroom, and there he saw his son already sitting on the toilet........Lmao.

And the second Mini Wolf's dad saw that, he gasped. As it did spook him at first, he absolutely didn't expect to see his son sitting on the toilet. Especially since that's where HE himself was heading lol. And then Mini Wolf then looked behind him and looked up. And there he saw his dad. And they both exchanged smiles in embarrassment to each other. As Mini Wolf's dad was embarrassed that we walked in on his son. But he couldn't help but smile, and even slightly laugh.  

I imagine because it's his dad, I can imagine their interactions being more of a "haha" moment. And not a fighting type of situation, if you get what I mean. I'm sure Mini Wolf's reaction would be different if it was his MOM that walked in on him lol.

But after seeing Mini Wolf smile in embarrassment to his dad (which is what you are currently seeing), Mini Wolf then said "Hi Daddy.....". And then Mini Wolf's dad asked him "How are you doing.....? Almost done......?". And Mini Wolf then replied "Yeah, I'm almost done daddy......" in a shy sounding voice. And then his dad said "Ok, good. Because daddy's gotta go too. So hurry up.", as he walked out of the bathroom to give his son his privacy back.

And with that, Mini Wolf figured it was the perfect time to go ahead and finish up. He was already done anyway. And now that he knows his dad needed to go too, he didn't want to keep him waiting. So Mini Wolf went ahead and started wiping. And while he was wiping up, he then started to think "Funny how daddy needs to go too. Weird timing!" as he finished wiping. And once he finished, Mini Wolf then hopped off the toilet and flushed. And when Mini Wolf started washing his hands, that's when his dad entered into the bathroom. As he was next lol.

And once Mini Wolf finished washing his hands, he then noticed his dad standing next to the toilet. And signaled Mini Wolf (nicely) to leave the room. Not that Mini Wolf wanted to be in the room to witness his dad taking a dump anyways.........Lol. So Mini Wolf quickly ran out of the bathroom, and into the next room where the beds were. And I'm going to leave out the rest.........For now. Maybe a fully story to come in the future lol.

But long story short, Mini Wolf gave his dad his privacy for the most part lol. But Mini Wolf eventually took it upon himself to give his dad the same courtesy, that he gave Mini Wolf when HE was on the toilet. So he might have popped in and out of the bathroom on his dad a couple of times. Because well, that's Mini Wolf in general first off. He loves to be mischievous and pull pranks and such.

But also, you can maybe say it's justified too. Plus since it's just the two of them, there's not much to be totally embarrassed about. And if you thought the noises Mini Wolf's rear made were bad and/or funny, I can ONLY imagine the noises his DAD'S butt made........I can totally imagine Mini Wolf totally cracking up hearing his dad using the toilet lmao. You also gotta think too, this probably wasn't the first time Mini Wolf saw or heard his dad on the toilet either. So moments like this are bound to happen when you have a child. Parents, beware lol.

Alright, that's enough for now. So, what do you all think? Again given this was my FIRST time ever drawing a "rear shot" type of position in a drawing, I think this turned out excellent! And I am definitely pleased with how it turned out. I honestly didn't think I'd be able to make this. But it was always on my mind to try and draw. So I tried it, and I couldn't be happier.

But anyways, I hope you all like it. And thanks for viewing. More to come soon!

male 1,163,756, wolf 189,259, canine 184,034, boy 78,051, smile 29,644, embarrassed 14,209, shy 14,116, poop 9,227, pooping 6,540, toilet 5,319, potty 2,238, hotel 1,444, break 876, dump 748, potty time 606, mini wolf 186, mini loup 184
Type: Sketch
Published: 2 years, 7 months ago
Rating: General

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2 years, 7 months ago
I like the look on his face when his dad walked in. It was priceless, I love this new rear design I think it's awesome. Keep doing what your doing and lots of love to you.
2 years, 7 months ago
Yeah definitely lol. Thank you I appreciate it
2 years, 7 months ago
Cute. I'll bet Mini Loup is thinking "I wonder if Daddy goes next, will he stink just like me or will he stink more than me"? :D
2 years, 7 months ago
Thank you man :3 And yeah right lmao
2 years, 7 months ago
Welcome man. ;) Now I can imagine Mini Wolf and his dad having little 'toot offs' now. :D
2 years, 7 months ago
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