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pentrep's Gallery (709)

A trip to the woods

Fun at the Faire
Keywords male 1198434, cub 278375, male/male 124908, boy 81120, shota 34366, teen 33886, red panda 14859, adventure 5840, friendship 5331, league of legends 3962, yordle 3704, challenge 1337, kennen 416, amumu 27, runeterra 16
A trip to the woods

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. Any resemblance to persons alive or dead is purely coincidental. They are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect. This work involves combat that features underaged characters You have been warned.

The week has ended and the constant battering of expectations is over. Students scurry from the halls to the open area of the entrance to the school. Leaves are scattered all around, fall colors adorn the various piles of foliage all over the ground. Some of the kids are brave enough to run through it, causing the smile piles to explode into a flurry of reds and yellows. Nearby adults watch somewhat warily, sure that something foul might occur if they aren't vigilant.

It was the middle of the week and the students still hung around the school to socialize with their friends. The yordles of the bandlewood had all gathered nearby, at least the ones who had kids. It was soon to be a field day, a day designed for the kids to be set out on some school-supported function. Some of the students were conversing about it while others were still head first, rushing through whatever piles of foliage they could find.

Hailun was casually laying against one of the many redwoods in the area. Its canopies of unfallen leaves still above keeping whatever light was still above from gazing upon him. It was a cool day, one with a light breeze that carried on in the area. Enough so much that it ruffled through the various yordles who frequented the area. The red panda was relaxing, mentally preparing himself for the task ahead of him.

Hailun's task was the same as every other kid in his age bracket, they were expected to brave the Bandlewood and bring back an artifact that showed the feat was done. Whatever the object was remained mysterious as that part of the challenge was framed to be cryptic as possible. The Red Panda was determined to go about it alone as he figured he wouldn't need help, even if every one of the other students had already picked a partner for the ordeal.

Hailun looked around, most of the yordles he had already gotten chummy with could all be seen just lazing about with one another. Amumu was the only one who was alone and the Red Panda decided to take it upon himself to suck up his pride and offer up a spot on his team for the lonely yordle. Hailun picked himself up and made his way over to the green yordle. Amumu didn't notice him immediately but soon realized his new friend was coming his way.

The Red Panda reached his friend and smiled toward him, giving him a slight nod as if the two had an innate understanding of each other. Amumu wasn't quite certain of this gesture and cocked his head slightly to the side.

"What's up? Do you have a partner for field day?" Hailun asked despite knowing the answer already.

Amumu shook his head and tilted it down as if ashamed.  "No…"

"That's alright. Neither do I. How about we team up then?" The Red Panda suggested with a smile.

The green yordle stood up from his slumped posture. "Sure."

"So what do you think it is we have to find anyways?" Hailun crossed his arms awaiting an answer.

Amumu hummed for a second as he thought. "I'm not sure. They said we'd know when we found it. Did you look at the clue you got?
Supposedly everyone got something different."

"Yeah, it was just an acorn with a rune inscribed on it." Hailun reached into his pocket and pulled out the small acorn to show it to the other boy.

The smaller boy imitated the motion and pulled out a similar object. "I have the same thing. Which rune does yours have?"

"The rune of Enlightenment. What about you?" The Red Panda spun the thing around and showed off the small inscription on the side of the acorn.

Amumu did the same thing but showed off something else. "I think this is the Rune of idols."

"So what do you think that means? Idols probably refer to a statue, but why would a state but hidden in the Bandlewood?" Hailun thought about it for a second and couldn't recall any statues from memory.

The smaller yordle hummed a moment while thinking. "There's the tribute to the forest spirit, but it's more an offering plate than a statue."

"We can start there. It's better than going in blind with no goal. Do you know where it is?"  Hailun extended his hand out to the other boy to gesture him to join together.

Amumu nodded. "Yeah, it's near the eternal spring that looks over the Brygid falls. It's a way in but we should be able to make it before nightfall if we set out now."

"Alright, let's head out then." The Red Panda waited for the other yordle to join him at his side.

The two friends made their way back through the schoolyard. Some of their classmates were still around but some of them had already left. Amumu and Hailun made their way towards the bandlewood. The entire area surrounding the school was dominated by trees. It was a naturalistic society, one dominated by the utmost respect for nature and the spirits who inhabited it. After all, Yordles were one of the few races of Runeterra that were attuned to the voices of the ever silent.

As they approached the dense foliage of the forest, they could lightly make out voices that were calling to them. The sounds were not entirely audible but it sounded like a voice singing from afar. The tune was enchanting and catchy and rung into their ears, the closer they got. It was something that Hailun had grown used to in Ionia but in the Bandlewood was like nothing he had heard before moving there.

Amumu and Hailun entered into the forest, where the sun was dotted out by the canopy of trees above. Only faint rays of illumination pinned through the thick leaves of the many branches overtop them. The green yordle took the lead since he was the one who knew where the falls were. The sheer amount of springs and rivers throughout the forest was overwhelming to visitors but to those who called the Bandlewood home, it was nothing that they weren't used to.

They continued under the canopy of trees into a darker area of the forest. The twisted ash and cedar trunks of the tree twisted back and forth. Fresh dew dropped from the leaves above and made the air smell of faint odors mixed between the smell of wild animals and the plants around them. Amumu continued to make his way through the fountain area of the forest. It was one of the few places where mortals had made their mark on the lush wilds of the Bandlewood.

As they walked through the area, they could hear the various sounds of animals who were making their native calls echo through the boroughs of the woods. The movement of bushes and the pitter-patter of paws all around the area could be heard as they walked to the fountain. Once it came into sight, the thing was unmistakable. Its marble demure was only made visible by the thin rays of light that happened upon it.

The statue on top of a saucer of water was that of the fae goddess who overlooked the Bandlewood. Few ever encountered the Verilune spirit that was said to represent her but her touch was made apparent by the lack of withered bark and leaves. Out of the mouth of the stone statue came a steady stream of water. Amumu and Hailun approached it, the unfettered echo of running water resounded through the forest.

Once they were within reach of it, the two of them encircled it. No one else seemed to be around so it was apparent that they were the only ones to come up with the strategy to start at the fountain. The stony eyes of the statue were unmoving and yet each time they moved from one side to the other, the fixtures on its face seemed to follow them. Amumu reached into the pool of water in front of him causing it to ripple and then fade as the water settled into a more still state.

The green yordle lifted his hand and allowed the water to drip from it. Each droplet of liquid caused a light disturbance in the small pool. Amumu looked into it and a silhouette of his reflection looked upon him. Upon the last droplet of water, it caused the surface to swirl into a spiral into a shadowy visage. The yordle wasn't quite sure what was going on right before his eyes but slowly it began to take a shape.

A visage formed before him, remaining obscure but taking a form familiar to one's face. The features of which could not be made out, remaining but a shadow with only a bright green scorned gaze veering from within. The lining of its mouth resembles a tremoring mouth. The longer Amumu stared into it, the more alluring it became. The green yordle fingered the small acorn in his palm, stroking it over with his finger.

Amumu felt an innate desire to bring the acorn to the small pool. Lifting his hand he brought the thing closer to where the small body of water was lying. As he did, the small rune on the core of the little nut began to shine and the light reflected into the water making it seem as if the façade had more outlines to it. The lines reconfigured and soon began to take shape as something new entirely.

The green yordle watched as the shape formed before his eyes, soon resembling yet another rune. Amumu could just barely make it out, it seemed to be the sign for the grand bandle wood. It was the most famous oak in the entire forest, the one from which it got its name. He looked back on Hailun who was still standing by idly waiting for whatever it was that his friend was so transfixed by.

"It seemed to hide another clue. This time of the old bandle tree. We can go there next. It isn't a far walk from here." Amumu grasped his acorn once again making the glowing in the water cease.

The red panda nodded and waited for the smaller boy to join him once again. The two resuming before long, treading into the leave trodden grounds of the forest. Hawks and Owls all around making various calls
 made other sounds less audible to hear. It seemed to place was lively today. Hailun wondered if they might encounter other kids but wasn't sure if every task was the same. He considered asking Amumu but wasn't sure the other boy knew.

Before long the two yordles reached the old bandlewood. Its thick core and twisted branches above made it easy to distinguish the ancient treant among the many other trees around. Bandle legends spoke of the tree as if it was able to speak and yet no yordle told such a tale. Still, every yordle, especially older ones, believed the old oak was the life of the forest and that everything could tie its existence to it.

Hailun and Amumu approached the bandle tree and looked up at it. The web of branches twisted every way and spread out even beyond where they could see. The wind wasn't strong enough this far into the forest and so the branches were completely still. Hailun looked around, expecting to see some form of an offering altar. Offerings were strewn across the floor at the foot of the tree, scattered around by some animals who had frequented the area.

Amumu looked over at his friend and pointed to the makeshift altar. He knew it was expected to pay homage to the tree and wasn't about to break this tradition. Both boys approached it slowly  As they did a nearby squirrel skittered overtop of them watching from one of the branches. Hailun looked up, hearing the noise, and noticed the small critter before turning his gaze downward.

They got within an arms distance of the offering site. Amumu took the lead since he'd done this once before. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small portion of food that he was saving for later. The green yordle bent over and placed the thing at the foot of the tree and motioned for his friend to do something similar. Hailun wasn't sure he had brought anything. Placing his hand into his right pocket proved nothing was inside.

He did the same with his left pocket, this time only finding the small acorn within. The red panda thought to himself for a moment, considering what he could give up as a gift to the great tree. Just then he felt a touch at his shoulder and turned left. Amumu held out another small token in his hand, but Hailun wasn't about to make him give something else up. He took the acorn out and placed it slowly on the risen soil in front of him.

The green yordle nodded and retracted his offering to the other boy, smiling at him. The two took a few steps back, simply basking in the grand sight of the bandle wood. Many considered it to be the largest tree in the forest but few had ever seen its peak since people were not allowed to climb it. Moments later and the scampering of small paws could be heard echoing through the open area around the large tree.

Hailun looked up and could see that the squirrel was on the move, skittering down the length of the trunk. The thing continued to move down the trunk, seeming interested in the acorn that the red panda had dropped below. The yordle wasn't about to snatch it back as he watched the rodent race down the length of the tree base. Within moments the small squirrel was at the base of the tree, continuing to scamper onto the grounded soil before it.

As it moved, its rear paws picked up some dirt and threw it behind it. Once it was close enough to the small morsel, it snatched it up in its mouth. The critter's tail flicked behind it as it looked over towards the yordles who towered over it. The thing remained in front of them for several moments, not seeming phased by either of their presence. The squirrel-stuffed the small acorn into its mouth, nibbling on it and working through its core in short order.

Before long the rodent finished off the meal, cleaning itself of whatever crumbs remained around the outline of its mouth. Once it was finished the critter scattered back towards the trunk of the tree. Both boys watched as it climbed it's way back towards the canopy above, soon vanishing into the thick branches and foliage of the leaves. After it disappeared, the two yordles returned their attention to the bottom of the tree.

It didn't take long for them to notice some strange markings left behind by the squirrel. The claw marks of the rodent that it left behind seemed to resemble yet another runic symbol to be found by the explorers. Hailun kneeled and looked at the obscured image. The dirt made it difficult to make out. The markings were barely visible and even close up it was troublesome to read.

The red panda got as close as he could to the dirt. The markings on the ground were jagged and rough, but a somewhat distinct shape could be made out.

"So is it another hint?" Amumu asked as he was certain that was the case.
Hailun hummed a second before answering. "It seems it is a fragment of the rune of the Pinnacle."

"So it's referring to the only Peak in the entirety of the forest? Let's get there without delay then." The green yordle offered his hand to the other boy and helped him up.

The two friends smiled at each other and then their focus back to the trail behind them. Neither of them had an acorn now, so that likely meant this would be the last stop, or so they hoped. They made their way out of the canopy where the bandle tree was housed.

Once they exited the area, there were visible signs of more light. Amumu knew that the Pinnacle of the forest sat just at the border of it. It was separated the forest from human lands and few were brave enough to traverse it. Still, most yordles knew of it as the boundary for which they were not meant to cross. Of course, the mothership and its scouts went beyond that realm but it was only the select individuals who knew of its challenges.

The two yordles made their way to the outer rim of the forest. Amumu listened to the sound of the Malorian river. It was the largest source of freshwater throughout the Bandlewood and fed right into the Grand Lake of Malor. Many of Bandle City relied on it for freshwater since it ran right through the village. Every resident of the place was taught how to find the place when they were lost. The trick was to use moss on the trees since moisture was a common reason for moss to grow.

Every so often Amumu stopped to look on either side of the occasional tree. There was more moss in this area of the forest than he anticipated. Still, he kept walking onward in hopes of hearing the stream. Eventually, he stopped looking at the moss since the results continued to be the same. Before long he overheard the sound of running water, glad that he had been walking in the right direction despite having no sense of it.

Hailun and Amumu started to trot more quickly. Both boys understood what the sound meant and both anticipated that their journey was to come to an end soon. They had lost sense of time since not much light filtered into the area and felt like they needed to rush as they had not seen any of the other teams around. They continued their route making a quick pace, threading through each of the trees so that they didn't run into them.

With every moment that passed, the sound of the running water became ever stronger. After a short journey, they arrived at the shore of the grand stream. Its surface was rippled by waves brought down upon by white river rapids that coursed through its body. The occasional salmon could be seen jumping over rocks with bears watching close by, trying to catch their silvery bodies that reflected whatever light seeped through down into the water.

Some light chatter echoed through the area. Looking downstream, they could see some of the other students had already gathered around. Gnar was with Kennen and some of the girls were busy flourishing through the shallow areas of the lake where the spring spilled into. Amumu looked over at Hailun who returned the gaze at him. It seemed that their adventure had led them to an area of rest.

The Red Panda and his friend joined by the lakeside watching for a few moments. Neither had brought their swimsuits but looking around it didn't seem like it mattered. Many of the kids were swimming in whatever pants they had brought. Just about everyone was shirtless, except for a few of the girls who didn't join in out of fear of embarrassment. Hailun shrugged at Amumu. The two yordles soon took off their shoes, socks, and shirts before rushing over to where everyone else was having fun.

Hailun rushed towards the waterfront and catapulted into the water. The rush of water erupted around him as he broke the surface. Some of the other nearby yordles shielded themselves from the waves of water that were crashing nearby. Amumu was a little more hesitant about doing the same but after a little goading from his friend, the green yordle was just as eager to join them.

Chatter was omnipresent all around them, some of the kids had settled down but were still socializing about whatever Amumu and Hailun emerged and started splashing each other. Some of the poorly aimed waves of water scattered around them, resulting in some minor complaints from those around them. Still, that did not stop them from having fun and after a few moments, they grew bored with it and became idle after being more than completely soaked.

One of the kids was yelling something about a race and the thought of competition made Hailun's ears perk up. The red panda looked over at his friend who seemed oblivious of whatever was going on.

"You want to go race with them?" The bigger yordle asked the smaller one.

Amumu shrugged but said nothing. It didn't matter much to him since he was often left out of what the other kids did for fun. Hailun was the only real friend he had ever made despite being at the school for his entire academic career.

The two boys began wading over to where the other kids were gathering. Hailun and Amumu continued to wait until they were shown
 where to wait. The crowd on the shores of the lake watched while the size of participation inside the water continued to balloon. The girl at the front of it all was a little overwhelmed by all the people who were joining up for the event. Still, she held her ground and began to guide people to different starting areas.

When everything was said and done the line of kids along the shore was almost as long as the side of the lake itself. The girl looked back to one of her friends who was standing on the soil overlooking the shore and nodded to her. The gesture indicated that she was the one who would signal the race to begin. A few moments later and the girl on dry land blew air through her fingers making a whistling sound. The kids all kicked off from the starting point, some of them swimming into each other since they were so packed together.

Hailun and Amumu were more fortunate since they were closer to the end of the long line. The red panda was a little quicker than his friend who wasn't exactly the avid swimmer. The bigger yordles strokes were more fluid and quick and he was able to bring himself in front of the pack around his immediate area. Looking around, he couldn't see much. The water was murky and the times he was able to surface for air were quick and he didn't have much of a chance to look around him.

The kids continued to swim the full length of the lake which wasn't the largest body of water. Some of them had to detour since the area where the river filtered into it created a rough patch of water that pushed them away. This little hazard was closer to where Hailun and Amumu were and this set them back a little bit, but once they cleared it they were able to make up some ground. Once they had passed that, they noticed that some of the other kids had already made a rebound and were heading back to the other side.

Hailun picked up the pace as much as he could muster. The turn back wasn't far from where he was and how quick he reached it gave him some hope of finishing near the front of the line. A few moments later and some of the kids began to finish the race. Hailun wasn't quite the first one to finish nor was he near the end of the line. Upon finishing he saw that Amumu was struggling and cheered him on. This show of support was all that the green yordle needed to pull through.

When everything was said and done and the final kids finished their laps, some of the more tired kids were helped out of the water. Just about everyone joined on the shore and Kennen was announced to be the winner. Hailun smiled at the other yordle, whom he didn't realize was this athletic. Looking at the boy's body, which was bare from the waist up he could make out very little definition to his body through his fur.

The crowd cheered at the announcement, some of the nearby boys patting Kennen on the back. Hailun looking over at Amumu noticed he was feeling down again, so he hung his arm around the back of his neck. Eventually, the crowd began to dissipate and some of them carried Kennen off to be further celebrated. The Red Panda and Green yordle were left mostly alone except for a few stragglers who remained behind because they had not participated in the event or did not care to follow up about it.

It wasn't long before some of the teachers and other staff members of the school showed up. A large line of them filed into the area and made their way over to where the students had gathered. Each of them had smiles on their faces, knowing full well that the students had accomplished the little challenge set before them. The students separated and the adults made their way to the center area.

The younger yordles were still dripping wet and a puddle of water had formed beneath their bodies. As the adults walked through it their tracks made slapping noises against the surface of the water. The kids watched them silently as only a few of them knew why they were there. The crowd continued to part until they reached the center where the victors of the recent water race were still at the precipice of attention.

The principal of the school emerged from the group of staff members. Her coworkers watched her elderly frame lurch forward as if they were worried that she might fall. Still, she managed to do so with a swag to her step as her confidence carried her person across the puddles of diffused pond water. She replaced the former student announcer, her frame taller than just about everyone except for her assistant who vastly outsized her.
She held up her hand and the entirety of the crowd grew silent. Everyone knew the woman for her fast, vigilant, and fair decisions.

"Students of the Bandle Academy, I welcome you to Malor Lake. I see that all of you have overcome the challenges set before you. Despite all of the odds, every one of you has joined us here to make your way to the lake. We as your teachers and staff of the school are very proud of you. To celebrate this moment, tonight there will be a feast at the grand hall in all of your honor. Please meet us there at sunrise. We hope to see you and your family. Dismissed."

The woman let her hand down and the chatter soon resumed thereafter. The staff returned to the school to make preparations for things. The students were much more rambunctious now, separating to and fro to make their way home. Every person knew their way home from the lake as there was a manmade path going from where they were back to the town.

The students started going back one by one. Little by little the crowd thinned out. Hailun and Amumu were some the last out of the forest and back into the open area beyond the Bandlewood. Neither of them said much as they had expended a lot of energy throughout the day, only sharing a conjecture of goodbye once they had reached the exit. Once Hailun had exited he made his way home and informed his parents of the feast to come.

Later that night, much of the village converged upon the school for the great feast. A large fire was set out behind the school among the open area so the surrounding brush did not catch ablaze. Both hog and pig were being open roasted the smell was of the scent of an open barbeque. The entirety of the village knew all too well what this meant for the school and everyone was invited.

Even the upper classes showed up to the event. The principal gave her annual toast and the mayor joined her in this tribute. Juices and Ciders alike were freely distributed among the crowd to all those who wished to partake upon them. The students were allowed to freely congregate or remain among their parents, however, they wished to socialize. Hailun made a point to stop by Amumu who seemed to be alone once again, except the boy did not seem to be upset.

When everyone was said and done, the students were left to clean things up. But as they were doing so a firework show was set before them. Blasts and Bams sounded across the horizon as lights and crackles fizzled in the sky. Their eyes turned to it, affixed to naught but the spectacle before them. Much laughter and smiles were shared between them as friends gathered together in one happy family. It had been a great day one which couldn't get much better.

Once everything was clean the kids were on their way homes, tired and no longer willing to partake in anything for their self-devotion had been spent. Hailun walking Amumu home and many of the others doing the same. The mayor looked upon the Principal looked upon the fields, glad that all had gone well and looking forward to more of the same to come.
by pentrep
New Adventures P2
Fun at the Faire
A continuation of the story of Hailun and his yordle pals

male 1,198,434, cub 278,375, male/male 124,908, boy 81,120, shota 34,366, teen 33,886, red panda 14,859, adventure 5,840, friendship 5,331, league of legends 3,962, yordle 3,704, challenge 1,337, kennen 416, amumu 27, runeterra 16
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 3 years ago
Rating: General

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3 years ago
I just finished to read this story!
Nice edited and well done with the details!
3 years ago
3 years ago
My pleasure!^^
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