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Who will stop the cold wind of war?

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by krezz
I know what war is.
I know what mean to feel cold in your soul.
I know what mean to open the gates of Hell on Earth.
I know what mean to get your eyes ran out of tears.
I know how's the face of misery.
I just know...

snow 11,620, portrait 8,599, war 1,844, sadness 1,437
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 3 years ago
Rating: General

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3 years ago
3 years ago
If with a single hit of a bat I could beat those warmongers away, I would do so and post it on Tiktok.
3 years ago
Yes it's awful the war going on right now. one must hope for the best *hugs*
3 years ago
why humans have such urge to destroy the world?
why they keep forgetting it its not theirs.
3 years ago
I’d imagine that it had something to do with the fact that the vast majority of humans have little to no desire or ability to communicate with the other residents of the earth.
3 years ago
I will blame the person who invented the idea of the gods or god
and gave men the self proclaim right to feel entitled to be superior
to what ever other creature inhabits this rock in space with. even
ones of its own kind.
3 years ago
War is natural. All life has war in it. Peace is man-made.
3 years ago
Do not confuse conflict with War, war was never natural and it is man made,
there would not be a need to make peace if humanity had not made war to start with
and by such stupid reasons also, like the color of your skin what ever fake god
you worship or from what side of an imaginary line you where born in.
3 years ago
Do not try to make things falsely over complex. War is no different from a tree pushing other roots out of the way to a water source or two packs fighting over a kill. Those things have the same reasoning as war and they are natural. After all, war is nothing more than a conflict for a better tomorrow and the lifeform chose what that means.  At best you can say the scale of it

Pease is something man-made but not war.
3 years ago
Well no, what war is and has been the last 5000 years
its so far off what natural conflict is, that saying that war is natural
is overly simplifying it, I make it falsely complex? then you
just falsely overly simplify it! to "normalize" war, and that thousands
of people shooting and killing each other cause the other group
of people got an accent when they talk the same language
is some thing normal that just happens. right?

With that "rezoning" I guess then racism and and homophobia
is just natural to right? cause its natural to fear things that act
or look different than you right? I guess atomic bombs are natural too. :L
3 years ago
As I said before what a creature sees as a better tomorrow is different for each creature. There are some that think that tomorrow is better by removing "people got an accent when they talk."

You are being blinded by the scale of it to not see the source.
3 years ago
I guess you are right on one thing... History is written by the ones who won the war...
that does not make it correct or accurate moral, or even real. History can be rewritten.
3 years ago
Actually, just one madman want destroy the world, because of desire to absolute power.
3 years ago
it the code of The Sith, selfish and greedy

The Sith Code:
Peace is a lie there is only passion,
threw passion I gain strength,
threw strength I gain powe,
threw power I gain victory,
threw victory all my chains are broken
the Force will set me free.

but it will enslave the rest
3 years ago
A very powerful statement.
3 years ago
this drawing could not have been so touching

were it not for the contrast of gaiety and lust with which we have all come to know Edna.

I congratulate you on being one of the few furry artists who is talking about it, I think it is no longer possible to be biased
3 years ago
Oh... I did not expect this when you started drawing it. *hugs*
3 years ago
thank you krezz. thank you for remembering us all.never be indifferent, please. PLEASE.
war can come near you, above you, any time. don't let the war win.
thank you, sir.
3 years ago
No war please!.
3 years ago
Stay safe out there.
3 years ago
3 years ago
I would hug you, hold you, and protect you. I am a Guardian. I do not like seeing the innocent suffer
3 years ago

....strange game, the only winning move is not to play.
3 years ago
Could you make an edit with them holding a sunflower?
It's the national flower of Ukraine
3 years ago
Oh... interesting concept. Also, somebody told me that the rose being holding by the left hand is the symbol of the socialist parties, and of course I didn't know that. My intention was to express the esoteric symbolism of the heart, like a cup that receives the divine spirituality, symbol of resurrection, the pure essence of the Universe that can change and transform everything. That's what Edna is offering to the angry men: inner peace.
3 years ago
a symbolic picture is by nature ambiguous and can, and will, be read in many ways; i, for example, saw this in a more dramatic way. the rose is held by a character lying in the snow, with that shadow.. the rose has the same colour of blood and is the only thing alive here (how long?). maybe is simplistic, but i don't see much hope or peace here. sorry if this bother you. only my interpretation.
3 years ago
Don't worry, that's the nature of artwork.
3 years ago
Yeah, im afraid and scared like you krezz karavan. living in united stats georgia afraid of nuclear war, hell i had multiple panic attack.
3 years ago
es una gran verdad, la guerra no produce nada bueno solo perdida nada mas
sigan adelante ucrania defienda su pais y espero que el mundo abra los ojos y vea la maldad que se cierna sobre rusia bajo el mando de vladimir putin dispuesto a conquistarlo a toda costa
3 years ago
the Ukrainian government is terrorist The government is harassing the surrounding countries And that of the European Union supports terrorism
no one attacks a foreign country for no reason Think about it before you stand on the side of terrorists!
3 years ago
Well, I did this as an artistic expression, from a point of view of a common citizen who don't understand or don't care about the political movements, trying to survive.
3 years ago
My friend, you may have been listening to Sputnik or Russia Today a little too much.

There are, indeed, reasons for Russia to attack Ukraine. But they are not good ones, but self-serving; they amount to Russia wanting to recreate a buffer zone between it and the EU, held by a sympathetic government. Rather like Belarus is now.l, despite the wishes of its populace.

The issue is that this is not what the people of Ukraine want. For the most part, they want to move towards the life in the EU rather than the one in Russia. Perhaps at one time that would not have mattered much, but nowadays most countries consider it important, to some extent.

Ukraine's crime is not that it is run by terrorists. It is that it showed how it is possible to break free from Russia's orbit, even at the cost of losing some territory - and that it was starting to get sufficient strength to prevent any more from being taken. Which is one reason why this war is not over already, despite many tanks, ships and missiles.

In practice, Putin's actions have just caused what he feared to come to pass. By removing the most sympathetic and Russian segments, the rest of Ukraine is more pro-EU. In the end, it is also likely to mean more space guaranteed by NATO, not less
3 years ago
This is a very small part of the truth.
the Ukrainian government is terrorizing the surrounding countries with its terrorist military behavior.
Please pay attention after 2014 to what is happening
Ukraine has turned Dumbask into a bloody graveyard for no reason attacking foreigners
when I lived there I was beaten to death by the government of Ukraine
they showed no mercy to my wife, my children, or me
this lasted for several months
this happened because I married a Ukrainian woman
when I ran back to Bulgaria
I realized that I was not the only victim of this, it happened to thousands of people
I now understand that terrorists are arming the population to protect themselves
I understand that this is an unfortunate attempt by terrorists to find more terrorists among the population of Ukraine
and with their lies to make the civilian population attack Russia.
I see how the media manipulates and lies to people, I don't expect you to believe me
but I myself am a victim of this terrorist regime that has been there for many years
Unfortunately, these terrorists have become part of Ukraine's military infrastructure
I haven't had a TV in 16 years
and I get information from the Internet
I have 16 operations on my head and 7 on my body
and this is from the terrorist government of Ukraine
my wife died of a brain hemorrhage in the next interrogation room.
Think of the other victims of the terrorist government of Ukraine who were not as lucky as me.

3 years ago
Yes The devastation in Ukraine is sad to see I think there is more to the story. From my perspective Russia has been a friend of my home country India similar also to America however I have no confidence in western media especially since it is owned by China a adversary to both India and America.
3 years ago
The important thing is not to take anyone's side.
The important thing is to be neutral
Don't be a news zombie
Today I found out that in 63 cities the terrorist government does not allow people to evacuate.
Аnd their media is run by criminal lunatics.
and help terrorists detain civilians so they can use them as human shields.
This is crazy.
3 years ago
I am not taking sides I am only explaining my perspective from my background, However I have no love for the media especially when they have been exposed for falsehood
2 years, 10 months ago
Cool Story, Bro
3 years ago
"no one attacks a foreign country for no reason"

There are too many historical references that disprove that statement to even bother picking just one.

I won't say the Ukraine is completely faultless, it's not my area of expertise, but you've got a long, hard sell to think Russia is justified in it's actions.
3 years ago
this picture of me was taken in the hospital after the third day of my escape
from trying to forget what happened to me I deleted all the photos but this one remained
in this photo I haven't slept for three days
thanks to my neighbor's friends I was able to return to Bulgaria alive
I was put in a sack in a truck carrying plastic blanks so I could cross the border
when I returned to Bulgaria and I could not believe what was happening
thanks to these military actions of Russia, my children have been with me for two days
I'm sorry I can't write anymore just crying..,,...
3 years ago
I don't know what to say. I'm just deeply sorry reading your words. *hugs*
I know what you suffered, because I survived a civil war during 12 years ín my own country and several times the government Army tried to kill me, for them, being young meaned that I belonged to the guerrillas. Other folks wasn't as lucky as me.
3 years ago
It's more or less the same for me.
But you have endured this for 12 years.
I wanted to forget it
Almost every night I have nightmares that begin to fade with time
My nightmare how one of the soldiers came and told me in Russian that my wife was dead and that I was next.
most of you who read this do not really understand the true meaning of horror.
Thank you Krezz for understanding me.
I'm sorry I had to tell you this
Hugs for you too
no one wants a war.
I'm sorry to bother you with my personal problems,
3 years ago
just as you see this man, so was I.
This is exactly how my friends took me out of Ukraine and paid for my transport in this way
Apparently this is a practice there.
3 years ago
3 years ago
My friends told me that they no longer have access to Russian sites..
apparently in Europe the internet is run by other terrorists
3 years ago

dear NCDarkness
Do not allow the media to manipulate you
war is a bad thing don't stand on anyone's side
Ukraine has violated 16 points of the agreement with Russia
agreements have been violated for a long time and Ukrainians abuse them regularly
I do not justify the war, but the terrorists must be driven out of Ukraine
In my opinion, it is too late to negotiate with the Ukrainian authorities, as they themselves have become terrorists.

the media is manipulating people maliciously if Putin stops exporting oil and gas to Europe Europe will be in dire financial straits
Americans are pressuring Europe to side with terrorists And this is not a good solution for anyone
3 years ago
I will agree western media is corrupt especially media like ABC (Disney), CNN and Viacom CBS
2 years, 6 months ago
-Hugs tightly-

At least you're finally In a place free of war... 😭
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