“Resting, I know. I guess I was just getting a little lonely…”
“Well we can’t have that, Princess. I’ll do my best to keep you company.”
“Thanks Vee…”
A long silence followed as the Eevee racked his mind for anything to talk about. “Umm…” he finally said, “Sure is cold??”
The princess laughed, a light hearted meek little giggle. “I’ve seen colder. You know when I was better, I led an expedition into a Mystery Dungeon to learn about the cold.”
“Why did you have to go into a Mystery Dungeon for that?”
“Well Vee. Much like a lot of things I do, It had to do with history. There was a time before the humans brought writing to us, and the history of that time is largely gone for us in the civilized world. But in the tribes that live in the Mystery Dungeons, that history has been preserved orally. As stories passed down through the generations.”
“Wow, Princess. Seems exciting, did you end up learning anything?”
“Yeah. There was a time where mons outside of Mystery Dungeons lived a lot like the ones inside them. Without buildings inside dens and other natural shelters. It was one of the first humans that taught us how to live in homes.”
“Wow, humans sure are great!”
The Eevee frowned, the disappointment at his excitement was palpable even through the door.
The Princess continued “The thing is, there aren't any stories about the cold pre-dating this. It was only a thing we talked about after structures came into play.”
“Maybe they just didn’t know what really being warm was like. Now with homes they had something to compare it to?”
“Well it’s certainly possible. And it’s not like oral accounts are rock solid. It might even be that they spiked in popularity at the time, and stories from before existed, but died out over time. It is odd though, at my most fanciful I even wonder…” The Princess almost choked back her outlandish thought. But it began to dawn on her this was a safe place for it. Vee wasn’t a judgmental noble in the court, he wasn’t even an intellectual at all. If she had to best describe him, she guessed he would be… a friend.
“What if knowledge wasn’t the only thing humans brought from their world?”