Art @ EpicTones
This drawing features Breezie in the Classic era. Her ears are covers by her hair, her earrings remain where they originally were, and her muzzle resembles Classic Sonic's.
In the "Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog" cartoon, Breezie is a hedgehog robot built by Dr. Robotnik. Her mission was to seduce and trap Sonic the Hedgehog.
If the robot hedgehog Breezie were introduced in the Classic era, she would be built by Dr. Eggman. However, her mission would remain the same. At least until she starts to develop feelings for the hedgehog she was meant to seduce.
There is no Robotnik Jr, but there is Eggette. And Breezie would occasionally team up with Metal Sonic.
2 years, 11 months ago
15 Feb 2022 00:18 CET
Initial: a8f3a7029834185218f90353b90d0798
Full Size: 9e25b714cd49d7727eda6c8417d1416a
Large: fed8d2759961f9cf89d33965194a7c11
Small: 388f91133b854735d951e25aac4f5238
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