I had such a nice weekend with Gyro - I think for a first time, instead of just celebrating Valentine's Day today, we decided to spend the whole weekend together, as a little Valentine's Weekend. :3 (And gosh, I always feel bad posting about romantic holiday stuff since I know others might feel bad or more lonely, but I hope everyone does have an okay time today, and feels loved in whatever possible way!)
Hehe, that being said, it was fun spending the days playing games, watching stuff together, all until we were totally tuckered out and outta voice, haha. Even this picture with us, I doodled it before the weekend, but it's pretty much how we ended up! Just cuddled in together after a big fun day by our computers and things. :3 There are a lot of times even outside this weekend where we hang out til we snooze, or fall asleep in voice chats and stuff. So it's sorta neat this isn't just how we were this weekend, but all throughout the year, and even kinda the year before together!
Best wishes to everyone today. :3
Visual Description: Oxnard and Gyro snuggling together in pink bed sheets, surrounded by our laptops, headphones, microphones, Switch systems, cell phones (Gyro's with a lil pink bunny ear cover on it) and a yoshi pillow! Oxnard has on lil pink headphones, snuggling by Gyro's side, and Gyro's big purple penguin is lazin' around in his lil white briefs.